We supply Basmati Rice in various grades and quality direct from mill. We try to fulfill our buyer's requirement according to their demand. Our supply covers to all over Indian rice mill. Basmati Rice is a type of rice that usually has long grains. The word 'Basmati' means fragrance which makes the rice unique as compared to others varieties of rice. It is traditionally grown in the foothills of the Himalayas. Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana and Dilhi in India are among the states where it is cultivated. Indian Basmati Rice is considered of premium quality. It is usually long grain rice which is around 6.61 to 7.5 mm.in length. It is slightly yellow. It is produced in a traditional manner which is why it gives a pleasant fragrance. The aroma of basmati rice is very pleasant, it has a slightly nutty fragrance. Basmati rice is usually quality rice and is one of the premium rice available in India. Basmati rice will taste better if it is stored for a longer period. It goes with various Indian curries, combined with various Indian dishes and, is also used to make Biryani, Pulao, etc. Indian's love basmati rice and is used in most of their households. It is an important part of Indian cuisine. Both brown and white rice are kind of similar in their nutrients, but brown rice is much healthier as it high in calories, fiber, etc. Basmati is low in fat and gluten- free. It also has a low to medium glycolic index, which means that it does not lead to an increase in high blood sugar levels and helps to maintain the sugar level thus making it more suitable for diabetic patients. Varieties: Basmati Rice comes in different varieties like: (1) PUSA BASMATI 1121: This rice has a long, slender texture with a point. Biryani is a generally made using it. (2) BASMATI 386: Basmati 386 is one of the premium types of basmati rice. It doubles its length when it is cooked and it is easily available in the market. (3) BASMATI 217: This is the most recent basmati rice variety to hit the Indian market. The fragrance is intense, and the grains are lengthy. Other countries also produce Basmati Rice, but Indian Basmati Rice is considered of premium quality. Basmati Rice is also called as 'QUEEN OF PERFUMED RICE '.