Application While primarily designed for Ammonia, this Ammonia Refrigeration controls are also suitable for R-22 and other non-corrosive liquids that have a specific gravity of 0.5 or more. The controller is ideal for the control of the operating level of liquid in liquid refrigerant accumulators and separators. Although this is normally done with a solenoid valve, the controller canactivatean alarm or a pump or similar device. Construction Mechanical Float: Mechanical Float: Lightdeepdrawn body, drawn inone piece. Ball &Stem are made from SS. This device consists of one float chamber with a magnetic operated switch in the top housing. The float chamber consists of a housing, float ball and magnet. The float ball is located inside the housing and moves an attached magnetic stem up or down in an enclosing tube from thetopand is protected by the enclosure. Gravity equalisation of the liquid level lin the float chamber is a function of the liquid. For fluids having a high viscosity the response time will beslower. The level controller should not be used on water applications. Safe Working Pressure: 300 psi.