Sweet soy sauce / sweet soybean ketchup. Is food preparation, in form of liquid as a result of fermentation or chemical process from soybean mixed with other stuff such as coconut sugar, salt, spices and with other foodstuff.. Brewed according to the traditional and natural method, which gives a rich soy flavor and tropical taste. It can use in various for cooking and make food more delicious. The taste is sweet and delicious (tropical taste) We produce by ourselves and our product - no preservatives added - no colouring matter - no emulsion artificial - no sweetener artificial - no msg Exp period : 1 year Product capacity : 1000 liters/ day - 140 ml/plastic bottle, 144 btl / carton - 275 ml/plst bottle, 84 btl / carton - 500 ml/ plst bottle, 40 btl / carton - 1000 ml/plst bottle, 20 btl / carton - 5000 ml/ jar, 5 jar / carton