With induction, a specially designed coil is inserted into the bolt. Rapid, precisely controlled and localized heat is then induced directly in the bolt. The heat expands the bolt by an exact, pre-decided length, making it easy to remove the nut. In the bolt expansion process, focus on safety is vital for a consistent result and for avoiding damage to either personnel or the expansion bolt itself. It is very safe and easy method. Compact induction: You can move it around a workshop or factory floor. Flexible: It can be fitted with various coils for various bolt dimensions. Induction coils can be changed in seconds. Simple to operate. Reduced costs: Faster heat delivery, reduce the heating expenses compared to flame based high cost heating methods. Improved quality: Precise repeatability of heating cycles is assured. The same amount of energy is applied to each bolt. A constant energy level and heating time is guaranteed. Eco-friendly: No flames, no gas and virtually no radiant heat means a more comfortable, more productive working environment. Save energy -save environment. Product Details: Usage/Application :Heaters Heater Material :MS/Iron Nut Bolt Voltage :230v AC Automation Grade :Semi-Automatic Frequency :High Brand :Fostar ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- induction heat machine , induction heat tool, induction heat transfer , induction heat treating equipment, induction heat treatment, induction heat treatment machine, induction heat treatment process, induction heater circuit , induction heater coil design, induction heater cost, induction heater design , induction heater frequency, induction heater furnace, induction heater industrial, induction heater manufacturers , induction heater parts, induction heater power consumption, induction heater power supply , induction heater temperature control, induction heater water , induction heater working, induction heaters for sale, induction heating aluminium, induction heating aluminum frequency , induction heating application, induction heating brass , induction heating calculation, induction heating coil for sale, induction heating coil manufacturers, induction heating coil price, induction heating control, induction heating copper, induction heating device, induction heating element, induction heating equipment, induction heating equipment for sale , induction heating equipment manufacturers,