CEYLON COFFEE GRADES; 01. Arabica coffee (Coffea Arabica) 02. Robusta coffee (Coffea canephora) Coffee beans are the seeds of the coffee fruit, often known as the coffee cherry. These bean-like seeds are usually dried, roasted, and brewed to make coffee. Because drinking coffee has been linked to numerous health benefits such as a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes and liver disease | you may wonder if eating coffee beans has the same effect. Munching on coffee beans, Especially those covered in chocolate is an increasingly popular way to get a caffeine fix. Health Benefits from Coffee; 1. Coffee boosts your physical performance. 2. Coffee may help you lose weight. 3. Coffee helps you burn fat. 4. Coffee helps you focus and stay alert. 5. Coffee lowers risk of death. 6. Coffee reduces risk of cancers. 7. Coffee reduces risk of stroke. 8. Coffee reduces risk of Parkinson's disease. 9. Coffee protects your body. 10. Coffee may lower risk of Type II diabetes. 11. Coffee protects your brain. 12. Coffee brightens your mood, helps fight depression and lowers risk of suicide.