The Semi-Automatic Air Jet Vacuum Cleaning Machine consists of main structure, Ionizer, Air Nozzle, and Vacuum Suction Blower. SALIENT FEATURES: The machine is manufactured or developed accordance with GMP standards. The structure is made of SS 304. Rigid vibration free construction for trouble free performance. Contact parts are made of SS 316. Two nos. of nozzle for cleaning of bottles. Bottles loaded manually on the bottle holder. Pressure regulator with pressure switch optionally provided. Adjustable height of the cleaning unit based on the height of the bottles/containers. User friendly and very less maintenance required. Machine is given with very high velocity of air, effective cleaning of containers. Machine with foot operated switch. Machine is given with inbuilt vacuum blower to suck loosened particles from inner surface of the container. Most reliable and proven components such as Festo/SMC/Janatics make pneumatic and electrical/electronic such as Bonfiglioli/Motovario/Rotomotive make AC motor, MCB & relay CE make