Gallium is a rare blue-white trivalent metal element that is soft and hard and brittle at low temperatures. Usually obtained as a by-product from the extraction of aluminum from bauxite or the extraction of zinc from zinc ore - the element symbol Ga. Can be alloyed. It is used to manufacture semiconductor GaAs, GaAs, ytterbium semiconductor doping elements; pure gallium and low-melting alloys can be used as heat exchange medium for nuclear reaction; thermometer filling material; and catalyst for diesterification in organic reaction. The special resin for gallium extraction provided by Suzhou Bojie Resin Technology Co., Ltd. can effectively extract gallium, has strong selectivity, has superior physical and chemical stability, good resistance to mechanical and osmotic shock, long service life and wear resistance. , acid and alkali resistant, simple equipment, easy to operate, suitable for industrial large-scale production.