Pistachio are rich in taste and having great source of thiamine, Vitamin A, Calcium, Iran, Zinc and copper when compared to potato and milk. They have more dietary fibre than spinach. Pistachios can also lower the blood cholesterol since they are rich in phytosterols and also have the potentiality to prevent cancer. They can be classified as salted, unsalted, shelled and unshelled. The most common producing countries of pistachio are Islamic Rep of Iran, United States of America, Turkey, Syrian Arab Republic, and China. Uses: >Regulating healthy heart >Weight management >Reduces hypertension >Helps in digestion SPECIFICATION Calories 596 kcal / 2.493 kj Carbohydrates 20 g Protein content 14 g Fibre 10 g Fat content 46 g Saturated 7 g Mono unsaturated 34 g Poly unsaturated 5 g Sodium 10 mg Calcium 130 mg Potassium 970 mg