MDSTSI has access to most physical traded energy commodity from its HQ in United States of America, Brazil and others. The objective going forward is certainly to have a presents in all major operating hubs internationally. Most importantly, as a physical trader of energy commodities we support our clients by helping them meet their demands and needs. Crude oil is one of the most essential natural raw material available and while is a depleting resource, it is used as a source to create wide range of industrial products. At MDS Trade Solutions Inc., the physical trading of Crude Oil is one of the mainstay of the company's products offering. As a physical trader, we will source crude oil from a variety of counterparties and supply partners, such as National oil Companies (NOC). We will work with our supply partners to develop and structure tailored shipment solutions, and if possible specialized finance solutions. The company's continues to work on expanding its distribution footprint in such geographical regions as Africa, China, India and North America.