ECO CLEAN 50 PLUS is Neem Based Organic Concentrated Disinfection Solution which is used for cleaning Surfaces,Furniture,Doors,Knobs,Toilets,Sewages and Misting/Spraying on Humans,Clothes etc. This is clinically tested and one of the most effective disinfectants which neutralizes the virus/bacteria within 30 seconds.Its environment friendly and absilutelysafe for humans as its purely Organic and doesnt effect Human Skin.Its cerified by CE,Known Scientists of the world and clinically tested in NABL Accredited Labs. It has a high Dilution Ratio as for cleaning purposes 1 Litre is mixed with 2500 Litres of water and for Misting it is mixed with 4000 Litres of water which makes this as one of the most economical disinfectant acrossd the globe. The cost of misting after dilution is only USD .033 cents/Litre.