(Fine product) Final product drying machine is the machine where the moisture of the bulgur where it transferred from the mill or polishing machine is reduced to the desired value. It is manufactured in different designs and dimensions according to the architectural and capacity of the plant. Fine product drying tower works with the logic of absorbing the evaporated water from inside of the product while it is moving from up to bottom via the hot air which its route was also adjusted as gradual from up to bottom as the forced line. The product which will be adjusted to desired moisture content is proportionally poured into the lower bunker with the help of the variator. It uses steam or thermo-block which is a hot air generator as the heat source. The fine product drying tower which was produced by TOPRAKÃ??ILAR has a tubular system which is designed to keep the product moisture at the same rate for each grain and it has also semi-dissembled design. In this way, the dead spots in the post drying are minimized and mold and fungus growing are prevented. For more