Fisher W is the extension of Fisher, made special for large sized object like people, car etc., which need less accuracy than efficiency, with 50*40cm ROV and 30FPS speed, it could scan people within 2 mins in 0.1mm accuracy, if you require more details, switch to 24*18cm ROV in our software, then Fisher W could export 0.04mm accuracy watertight 3D data in stl. Photogrammetry entrance, input your frame file and carry on filling the details and undone parts for 100-500 cm sized objects. Both 48cm and 24cm ROV, scan people, car and large sized object easily and fluently. Surface structured light, capturing 1 million points and 3-4 images every second, no need to fill in the corners and edges up and down. Frames are automatically aligned in real time, single frame accuracy is 0.04-0.1mm. Free and friendly software, with 3 working mode (48cm/24cm/Frame), and align, register, edit, mesh, export function.