(N+1)x1 Multimode Pump and Signal Combiners can be used for high power fiber lasers and fiber amplifiers. These devices can be used to combine several pump lasers and couple that power with a seed signal. Manufactured using our proprietary methods, the product series includes (6+1)x1, (18+1)x1, (36+1)x1 and other reasonable configurations are available. (6+1)x1 Pump & Signal Combiner (PM or Non-PM) Features Applications High Transfer Efficiency High Power Fiber Laser Air-Clad Technology for Robust Power Delivery Fiber Amplifier Stable and Reliable Custom Configurations Available Specifications Parameters Value Port Configuration (6+1)x1 Pump Wavelength 800~1000nm Signal Wavelength 1030~1080nm or 1450~1600nm Signal Input Fiber X/125 X/125 or X/250 or 20/400 Pump Fiber 105/125 0.22NA 105/125 0.22NA or 200/220 0.22NA Signal Output Fiber Y/125 Y/250 Y/250 20/400 Pump Efficiency >90% >93% >95% Signal Insertion Loss 45dB Package Dimension D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7 Operating Temperature -5~+70 Storage Temperature -40~+85 Ordering Information MPC-111-222-3-444-55-6-7-888-999 111 - Port Configuration: 061=(6+1)X1 222 -Fiber Type for Input: SSS=Specified 3 -Fiber Type for Pump: 1=MM-S105/125-22A, 2=MM-S200/220-22A, S=Specified 444 - Fiber Type for Output: SSS=Specified 55 - Package Dimension: D1,D2,D3,D4,D5,D6,D7, S= Specified 6 -Pigtail Type: 0=250um bare fiber, 1=900um loose tube 7 -Fiber Length: 0=0.8m, 1=1.0m 888 -Handling Power/Signal 005=5W, 010=10W, 100=100W, 200=200W 999 -Handling Power/Per Pump: 005=5W, 010=10W, 100=100W, 200=200W Notes: 1.Package dimensions: D1:Ï?4.0x60mm, D2:5x5x5mm, D3:70x12x8mm, D4:75x12x8mm, D5=80x14x10mm, D6=100x15x8mm, D7=100x28x12.6mm-HP; 2.Pleased to contact us if you need more fiber selections; Company introduction: High power Optical Fiber Components: -Optical Fiber Isolator, up to 100W; -Free Space Isolator, up to 100W; -Optical Circulator, up to 30W; -Pump Laser Protector; -Band Pass Filter; -Nx1 Pump Combiner; -Cladding Power Stripper; -Mode Field Adapter; -(N+1)x1 Pump & Signal Combiner, 200W/port; Polarization Maintaining Fiber Components: -In-Line Polarizer/Depolarizer; -In-Line Faraday Isolator; -Optical Circulator; -Fused WDM / Coupler; -Filter WDM / Coupler; -Fiber DWDM -Fiber Mirror; -Faraday Rotator; -Fiber Patchcord / Jumper; -PLC Splitter Module; -Tap / WDM / Isolator Hybrid; Manual Variable Optical Attenuator; -1x2 Polarization Beam Splitter / Combiner (PBS/C) -1x2 Isolator & Polarization Beam Splitter / Combiner (IPBS/C)