1. Varied battery management styles 2. 24 hours automatically monitoring 3. Wi-fi and hotspot connect method 4. High extensibility of hardware allows user to manage big amount of battery 5. B-TEK special forecast scatter chart 6. E-mail alarm notification 7. Monitoring item includes battery volt., temperature, DCR, micro-discharging volt. and EMF 8. B-TEK unique AI forecast function 9. Support Modbus TCP/IP, RTU and LAN method UPS system as the important equipment to the stable power supply needs a great amount of battery as a back-up power source. Due to the enormous amount of the batteries, it makes it hard to carry out the manual maintenance. To maintain the discharge ability during the outage, regularly manual detection is needed. However traditional battery discharge test needs battery offline. It's time-consuming and increasing the cost. BMS system can improve the risk of manual measurement, battery deterioration, and power failure, changing battery according to the actual condition of batteries. Besides, the automatic battery equalization function can extend battery life. Not only can it raise the reliability, lower the cost of battery failure, decreasing manual labor also increasing the stuff safety by avoiding direct contact with the electric device. BMU is installed to the individual battery, collecting the data and send it to the UMW to analyze. BMU is powered by the detected battery, therefore the extra power is not needed, This unit applies to a lead-acid battery, nickel-cadmium battery, lithium battery. BMU analyzes 5 parameters: terminal voltage, temperature, dc resistance, micro-discharging voltage, and electromotive force. Bu analysis, the system finds the deteriorated reasons for the battery and do the predictive maintenance. The groove on the back of BMU allows it to attach on the mounting rail. Dimension is 75*57*31mm. Reverse connection protection function will keep the internal circuit of BMU intact from a reverse connection. CMU connects to the charger and UMW. The main purpose is to monitor the current of the charger and the total voltage of the battery bank. The groove on the back of the CMU allows it to attach on the mounting rail. Dimension is 75*57*31mm.UMW provides the website browsing function, the user can access the real-time data, historical data, forecast scatter chart, line or curve graph through it. We can utilize a computer, mobile phone or tablet to remotely access the system through ethernet and hotspot function. Besides that, we can also use the FTP and VNC software to remotely access the data or control the system. When the system detects the abnormal parameter, it will automatically send the email notification and inform the users. Another AI function can provide a maximum of three years predicted data of the battery by analyzing the historical data. Efficiently manage the energy system Website: http://www.b-tek.com.tw/en/web/