CONTENT : Detective is a advanced new generation eco friendly & residue free product. Which is prepared from naturally occurred plant metabolite. It is result oriented product useful for organic farming & Pest Management. Useful in all crops. MODE OF ACTION : After the application of unique formulation of this product, reacts with the body wall of the insects and dissolve the protective wax layer, which help to minimize of insects attack. It also effects on the metamorphosis of insect after exposing to spray fluid. It prevents normal functioning of insect body. The fatty acids derived from natural oils are act as repellent for feeding, egg laying & habitat selection by polyphagous pest. BENEFITS : Detective has strong control over Mealy bug and other soft bodied insects. Due to its pure and natural properties it is safe to crops and humans with no residue felt over. It makes plant healthier & protect them from every adverse condition or heavy insect attack. It improves plant resistance to sustain in any biotic and abiotic stress. DOSE : 2 - 3 ml per Liter of water