Solvent dyes for Inks for rotogravure and rubber stereo printing; for coating copying paper and typewriter ribbons; for ball point pens, and in printing inks as shading and brightening agents and for double tone effects. 2.Solvent dyes for Petrol & Fuel Oils 3.Solvent dyes for Wax & Candles 4.Solvent dyes for Cosmetics 5.Solvent dyes for Wood Stain, Spirit & Varnishes. 6.Solvent dyes for Coloration of molding powders, construction material of cellulose acetate, celluloid, polystyrene, polymethacrylates, PVC, P/F, U/F. 7.Solvent dyes for Leather- spray finishing of dyed & undyed leather. 8.Solvent dyes for Aluminum foil printing, transparent lacquers, nitrocellulose, cellulose acetate, vinyl, alkyd, other synthetic resins or shellac. Yellow 2RLSYellow 62 Yellow RYellow 82 Yellow GLYellow 90 Brown 2RLBrown 43 Orange GOrange 56 Orange RLOrange 58 Fire Red GLSRed 89 Fire Red GRed 119 Pink 5BLGRed 127 Red 2BLRed 132 Blue 2GLNBlue 48 Blue FLEBlue 70 Black REBlack 27 Black RLBlack 29