Kelulut Trigona Stingless Bee Honey was harvested from the stingless Trigona Thoracica and Trigona Itama species of bees. The stingless nature and relatively smaller sizes of these species make them pretty easier to handle than their sting Apis Dorsata counterpart. But that's not all there is to these species. Their many health benefits, nutrient-rich constituent, and extremely high antibacterial resistance are other characteristics that distinguish these species from the others. Trigona bees are able to take up flower nectar from the deepest parts of the blossom which also has richer concentrations of the plant's nutrients. As a result, their product, the sweet-sour, fruity-scented Kelulut honey, contains a lot more vitamins, minerals, and medicinal properties than the Apis species. An example is the high propolis content of Kelulut that contributes to the smooth running of the human body's repair systems. It may also interest you that most Kelulut species naturally make their nests in hollow tree stumps or tree branches. And the high propolis content honey that they produce is a mixture of their saliva and the food several substances they have ingested; such as flowers, pollens, bark, and tree shoots. The propolis also serves as the germicidal agent that helps to keep the young bees, cocoons, and nests sterile, and free from any possible disease infestation. The Propolis, by extension, therefore has many health benefits that are beneficial to man. It contains 16 Amino Acids, Glucose, Vitamins A, B, C, D and E, Bioflavonoids and Minerals, Kelulut Trigona Stingless Bee Honey will serve a wide spectrum of health benefits to anyone who takes it including the strengthening and nourishment of the immune system. Hence making it a must-have in every home .