Deyang Dongfang Yoyik is a trade production company with many international brands. Our source is authentic, product is quality guaranteed, price is reasonable, welcomed by our new and old customers. We also sell all kinds of processing parts, non-standard parts for power plant dedicated. Accident Oil Pool Sewage Pit Drainage Pump 40KBWL15-15 HR anti-corona varnish1244 F-class room temperature dried mannual grease gunKH32 end cap Hydrogen sealing SealantT2075 Generator carbon brush holder2DQ324 room temp curing coating adhesiveHEC-56102 Semiconductor dipping adhesive898 epoxy glass fiber board3240 fiberglass strip Recessive Vulcanized Nitrile rubber padTN9001 epoxy air-dry insulating varnish1504 coated Glass fabricDECJ0703H-class Red Porcelain Paint for Class F Generator2407 steam turbine generator SealantT2575 electrical insulating board1*900*1300 sealant15002752 epoxy semi-conductive glass fiber plate9332 0.25*23.2*870 hydrogen cooler sealing rubber pad room temp curing coating adhesiveHDJ-138 2:1 fiberglass tape2450 H-class 0.15*25 Accident Oil Pool Sewage Pit Drainage Pump 40KBWL15-15 Dacron glass fiber stripÏ?8 sealing strip adhesiveY137 epoxy adhesive841 (A+B) cylinder sealing greaseDFSS-1 F-grade insulating glass fiber plate1Q4377-11 1.5*39.4*671 gasket Copaltite sealant5OZ insulating washer4Q6675 rotor slot wedge3Q6198 Accident Oil Pool Sewage Pit Drainage Pump 40KBWL15-15 ã??2019-11-27-DFJerryã??