PVC SANDWICH WALL PANEL board with high impact strength and moisture and fire resistant properties Krs PVC SANDWICH WALL PANEL is the perfect choice for building board applications such as wall cladding, wall partitioning and decorative walling. The types of buildings that are suitable for krs board applications are residential, commercial and industrial buildings as well as schools and hospitals; especially where speedy construction, cleanliness and hygiene is of high importance. Benefits of krsPVC SANDWICH WALL PANEL: weather resistant immune to water damage fire resistant provides sound insulation shatter resistant low shrinkage flexible high degree of workability termite resistant Matching the demands of modern applications PVC SANDWICH WALL PANEL is a non-asbestos fibre-cement product composed of portland cement, cellulose fibre and refined sand. Using a special manufacturing process called autoclave, fiber cement board acquires the strength, durability of cement and easy workability of wood as well as dimensional stability. A non-combustible multi-purpose application fibre-cement flat board, fiber cement board comes with various thicknesses which are suitable for various applications; ceiling, wall, and floor. It can be used for both exterior and interior applications. Krs boards can perfectly be calibrated and then laminated or coated with other materials, such as eg. Wood veneer.