Green Orga turmeric possess high amount of curcumin content , aroma and taste due to the care taken during the process of the turmeric. The turmeric rhizome is well washed to make it soil and dirt free. It is then sun dried to make it loose the moisture content. And finally well dried turmeric fingers and bulbs are being marketed. The turmeric fingers are completely free from infestation, insect damage, Mould rancidity and objectionable extraneous matter. Turmeric powder is obtained from dry Turmeric Rhizomes. These Turmeric rhizomes are first washed thoroughly to remove any impurities. After washing, the Turmeric Rhizomes are pulped. Pulping of Turmeric Rhizomes is followed by sun drying to reduce its moisture content. The product obtained is then grinded and seived. After this, the dry Turmeric powder obtained is packed up for storage and transportation.