Roasted Guar Korma has been developed as a product free of antinutritive factors with balanced Amino Acid Profile. Suitable for Poultry, Swine, Ruminant and Aquaculture. Processed with heat and steam, inactivates harmful trypsin inhibitor which indirectly enhances protein and Amino acids digestibility in the product resulting in increased productivity of livestock and poultry. This process also reduces gummy substance by hydrolysing glactomannan and heat breaks cell walls resulting in higher digestibility of Guar Korma. The anti-nutritive trypsin inhibitor is present in both Soybean and Guar seed, but gets inactive when processed into Soybean meal and Guar meal respectively. We have two qualities of Roasted Guar Korma namely ULTRA and PREMIUM In Roasted Guar Korma ULTRA, the minimum protein content is 48 % and in Roasted Guar Korma PREMIUM, the minimum protein content is 55 %. The other nutritional and Amino Acid values of ULTRA and PREMIUM Roasted Guar Korma are listed below:- • Higher percentage of Crude Protein (CP) • Free From Aflatoxins • Higher Digestibility Index, due to the removal of anti-nutritive factors • More desirable and balanced Amino acid Profile • Higher Energy content and fat percentage • Lower percentage of less digestible Fibre • Higher Palatability, complete elimination of characteristic bean odour and taste. • Low content of Total Volatile Nitrogen (TVN) • Free flowing, uniform fine particle size with good fat and water binding ability NUTRITIONAL VALUES ULTRA PREMIUM Protein 48% – 50% 55% – 60% Metabolize Energy 2550 KCal/Kg 2700 KCal/Kg Moisture Less Than 8% Less Than 6% Fiber 6% – 8% 4% – 5% Fat 5.00% 5.00% Ash/ Sand Silica Less Than 2% Less Than 1% Calcium 0.55% 0.55% Phosphorus 0.68% 0.68% Available Phosphorus 0.19% 0.19% Urease Activity Less Than 1% Less Than 1% Pepsin Digestibility 85.00% 85.00% Trypsin Inhibitor Less Than 1 Less Than 1 Aflatoxins NIL NIL Salmonella NIL NIL E.Coli NIL NIL