CAS No.: 303-98-0 MF: C59H90O4 EINECS No.: 206-147-9 Origin: China Type: Antioxidant; Nutrition Enhancers Appearance: Yellow-orange crystalline powder Application: 1. Coenzyme Q10 is mainly used for improving adult periodontitis not only as a sole treatment but also in combination with traditional nonsurgical periodontal therapy. 2. Coenzyme Q10 is applied in cosmetics to slow the aging process. 3. Coenzyme Q10 is used in nutrition supplement, healthy foods and beverage. Coenzyme Q10 is a kind of ubiquinone, appears as odorless, orange-yellow crystals or powders. It is an essential to human life. It plays a role in the electron transport chain, one of the body's energy-producing cycles that converts food into energy. Research indicates that supplementation with this nutrient may support normal heart function and provide antioxidant protection. 1. Anti-Aging As a strong antioxidant Q10 protects cells from chemicals and other harmful factors. 2. Antioxidant Q10 naturally prevents our body and cells from free radical's damage and works as a shield against harmful effects. 3. Muscles are also in need of this enzyme, due to its energy boosting quality. Experiments proved that people who had a balanced Q10 level were more energetic and vigorous.