The aqueous solution of hydrogen fluoride gas is a clear, colorless, fuming corrosive liquid with a strong pungent odor, easily soluble in water and ethanol, and slightly soluble in ether. Hydrofluoric acid is a weak acid with strong corrosiveness, which can strongly corrode metal, glass and silicon-containing objects. It is generally produced in laboratories with fluorite (mainly composed of calcium fluoride) and concentrated sulfuric acid. It needs sealed in a plastic bottle. The chemical industry is used to produce organic and inorganic fluorides (such as potassium fluoride, magnesium fluoride, uranium hexafluoride, calcium fluoride helium, fluororesin, fluoroplastic, fluororubber), dye synthesis, organic synthesis catalyst, and flame-retardant agent etc. In glass processing and production, it is used for frosted bulbs and general bulb treatment, glassware polishing, glass instrument scales, glassware and mirror engraving and lettering. As a cleaning agent for pickling of metal surfaces such as stainless steel. Used in the atomic energy industry, for the production of elemental fluorine and fluorides, and also as catalysts and fluorinating agents.