Price - Rs 110/ Kilogram Product Specification Minimum Order Quantity : 1 Kilogram Product Description Botanical name: Sphaeranthus Indicus (Ayurvedic Plant) English name : east indian globe this tle Indian name : gorakmundi, mahamundi, mundi, hapus, kottak aranthai, mirangani, ghundi, khamadrus part used : fruit,root, bark, leaves, flowers, and seeds Family: asteraceae Discription:an aromatic herb, with purple flower heads. Flowers are credited with alterative, depurative, and tonic properties. the flowers contain albumins, a semi-drying fatty oil, reducing sugars, tannins, mineral matter, a volatile oil, and a glucoside. A spreading aromatic herb with spreading glandular hairy stem and branches with purple or pink flowers. Flowers are credited with alterative, depurative, and tonic properties. The flowers contain albumins, a semi-drying fatty oil, reducing sugars, tannins, mineral matter, a volatile oil, and a glucoside Uses: Useful in fever, diabetes, urinary ailments and dermatoses. It is a blood purifier and stimulant to the heart, hence used in cardiac debility, associated with edema. The plant is used both, internally as well as externally. The application of the paste of its whole plant externally is beneficial in conditions associated with edema and pain, like arthritis, filariasis, gout and cervical adenopathy. internally mundi is useful in vast range of diseases. The leaves juice mixed with black pepper powder, is an effective remedy for migraine. It relieves the blocked phlegm in bronchial asthma, cough and eases the problem. It is a drug of choice for vata diseases. Mundi is extremely useful in epilepsy, mental debility and as a nervine tonic. The medicated oil of its roots is salutary as an . The fresh juice of roots is given along with equal amount of buttermilk in treating tumours. Keyword :Diabetes Ayurvedic Treatment,Ayurvedic Plant Additional Information Delivery Time : 3-5 days Port Of Dispatch : jhansi