We design & manufacture high-efficient hydraulic deep drawing press. It is designed to be rigid, space saving and productive. The machine has good hydraulics, control and electronic safety. It has been specially designed for consistent pressure and high power. With its proven technology, the press machine improves both quality and productivity. Hydraulic deep drawing press is used for the manufacturing of steel utensils, automobile components etc. There is high degree of finish, speed & precision. We deliver presses for varied deep drawing applications. Also, we meet your custom design requirements effectively.
Providing you the best range of hydraulic double action deep draw press, hydraulic deep draw press machine and double action hydraulic deep draw press with effective & timely delivery.
#Hydraulic Press #Deep Drawing Press #blank Holder #SHeet metal #kitchenn Sink #LPG cylinder Making #fire Extinguisher container making press metal Forming Press #Hydraulic Punching Press #Drawing Press
We design & manufacture high-efficient hydraulic deep drawing press. It is designed to be rigid, space saving and productive. The machine has good hydraulics, control and electronic safety. It has been specially designed for consistent pressure and high power. With its proven technology, the press machine improves both quality and productivity. Hydraulic deep drawing press is used for the manufacturing of steel utensils, automobile components etc. There is high degree of finish, speed & precision. We deliver presses for varied deep drawing applications. Also, we meet your custom design requirements effectively.
Brand Name : Taitian Model number : TT-SZ400T Product Type : Four Column Type Payment Terms : T/T,L/C Delivery Time : 90 working days Place of origin : China Model No : TT-SZ400T;TT-SZ50T Price Terms : FOB.CIF.CFR
Brand Name : Taitian Model number : TT-LM1000T/LS Product Type : H frame type Payment Terms : T/T;L/C Package : Bubble pack and wooden box Minimum Order : 1 set Delivery Time : 120 working days Place of origin : China Model No : TT-LM1000T/LS Price Terms : FOB;CIF;C&F
Brand Name : Taitian Model number : TT-C20T Product Type : C type Payment Terms : T/T,L/C Package : Bubble pack and wooden box Minimum Order : 1 set Delivery Time : 90 working days Place of origin : China Model No : TT-C20T Price Terms : FOB,C&F,CIF
Hydraulic Press, Hydraulic Bailing Press, Hydraulic Deep Drawing Press, Lpg Cylinder Plant, Circle Cutting Machine.
Hydraulic Deep Draw Press , Hydraulic Rubber Moulding Press , Hydraulic Forging Press, Hydraulic Scrap Bailing Press , Etc, .
This Frame Servo Guide Precision Hydraulic Molding Press Machine was mainly applies to stretch forming large products,such as automobile panels,interior parts,TV shell,computer case,kitchen stainless steel sink etc. Brand Name : GOODSJACK Model number : GSJ-DKLS Product Type : Servo Guide Stamping Press Payment Terms : T/T,L/C Package : Wrapping film and metal packing Minimum Order : 1 set Delivery Time : 45-70 working days Place of origin : China Price Terms : FOB, CIF
GSJ four column Single Cylinder Hydraulic Press Machine Advantage: 1. Faster approaching and returning speeds by inner cylinder allow very high production efficiency. 2. Very simple and convenient adjusting device makes ram or upper working table pressing at any position within its whole stroke and the length of approaching and pressing strokes can be verb easily adjusted. 3. Pressing capacity can adjusted according to applied pressing technology. GSJ four column Single Cylinder Hydraulic Press Machine Application: 1. Stamping , forming , shallow , drawing and pressing assembly etc. 2. Forming of spectacle parts , lock parts , metal hardware , pressing assembly of electronic connectors,electric components and rotor & stator of motor etc. GSJ four column Single Cylinder Hydraulic Press Machine Main specificationsUnitsSpecifications DSB-10DSB-20DSB-50DSB-100DSB-200DSB-300DSB-500DSB-800DSB-1000 Main cylinder capacityton1020501002003005008001000 System pressureMpa1313132025252525025 Main cylinder strokemm250300300200150150150160250 Open heightmm400450450450450450500700650 Height of fixed working tablemm820820820850850900100011001100 Sizes of main working table(L-R)mm400400450450500550700850950 (F-B)mm4004004504505006508009501050 Speeds of main cylinderFast forwardmm/s150130100100100135110110110 Workingmm/s30201515155432.5 Fast backwardmm/s150130100100100100100100100 Motor powerkw2.2345.55.57.51518.522 Weight(Approx)kg820980154026803760440072001350017500
We manufacture all types of Hydraulic Presses, Deep Drawing Press, Embossing Press, Extrusion Press, Power Press etc- Automatic, Manual and Semi Automatic
Hydraulic power press machine, hydraulic deep draw press machine, spinning machine, s.s submersible machine.
Hydraulic Deep Draw Press, Press Machine, Cutting Machine, Bending Machine, Welding Machine, Spinning Machine And Swaging Machine.
Hydraulic press, SMC/BMC/GMT/DMC/LFT/GRP/FRP press, hydraulic deep drawing press, hydraulic forging press, metal working / stamping press.
50 / 20 ton capacity c type deep drawing press Table dimensions ààààà.à 500 x 600 mm. Moving table dimensions à.... 480 x 600 mm. Strokeàààààààààààà..500 mm. (adjustable) Work capacity àààààà.à..600 mm. Main cylinder diameteràà....160 mm./ 250 bar Height of table from base .à950 mm. Advance speed ààààààà...150 mm/sec Pressing speed .ààààààà.32 mm/sec Return speed àààààààà.180 mm/sec Working pressure àà.ààà.250 bar (adjustable) Cushion capacityàààà..àà.20 ton (adjustable) Cushion cylinder diameterà.110 mm. Cushion stroke ààààààà.170 mm. (adjustable) Cushion dimensionsààà.àà390 x 460 mm. Motor powerààààààààà.11 kw 15 hp 1450 rpm/min. Pump ààààààààààà..àà.42 l/m. Hydraulic equipment àààààaron Electricity equipment à.àààsiemens Delivery period:stock Price :12.000 euro
Hydraulic press, hydraulic press machine, servo hydraulic press machine, frame hydraulic press machine, deep drawing press, cold forging press.
We are supplier and exporter of Hydraulic Oil. Our product is a high quality product made from imported oils and additives of best quality. It has a very good life and will give the best performance under the most critical conditions. It is available in 210 ltrs. Hdpe drum/ 26 ltrs. And 50 ltrs. Multi-brand Hydraulic Oils ISO VG 15, 32, 46, 68 and 100. Available in Drums, pails, IBCc, Bulk.