Yoyik is specialized in manufacturing and providing components for turbines, coal-fired generators, and hydro units, as well as for electrical equipments, machinery parts, hydraulic machinery and parts. Our company is seated in the famous industrial city - deyang with advanced technology, complete facilities and scientific management. Productions are in strict accordance with national standards. Cremer liquidometer probecel-3581a/gf Thermal expansion sensortd-2 0-35mm Thermal expansion sensortd-2 0-50mm Thermal expansion sensortd-2 0-25mm Thermal expansion sensortd-2 0-80mm Precision transient tachometerdf9011 Cremer liquidometer probecel-3581a/gf Speed sensordf6101-005-065-01-03-00-00 Speed sensordf6202-005-050-04-00-01-000 Overspeed protection carddfcs001 Overspeed protection carddmopc001 Speed sensorw.10.A.0141 Cremer liquidometer probecel-3581a/gf Sensorw.10.A.0111 Sensorw.10.A.0043 Sensorw.10.A.0042 Sensorw.10.A.0016 Signal transducer df-ktvi-1 0204 Speed sensorcs-2 Speed sensorcs-3 Speed sensorcs-3f Cremer liquidometer probecel-3581a/gf Speed sensorw.10.A.0003 Speed sensorw.10.A.0140 Braun cardd521.02 Braun cardw.39.Z.00182 Braun cardd421.51u1 Braun cardd421.51u2 Cremer liquidometer probecel-3581a/gf Dfcl-2017-8-2-a
OEM hydraulic fluid level gauge CEL-3581A/GF for Thermal power material a trade production company with many international brands. Our source is authentic, product is quality guaranteed, price is reasonable, welcomed by our new and old customers. We also sell all kinds of processing parts, non-standard parts for power plant dedicated. can offer many spare parts for power plants as below: DF-hydraulic fluid level gauge CEL-3581A/GF-DF lvdt displacement sensor inductive sensor ZD-7000TDA steam turbine bolt heater ZJ-21-3(R) rpm sensor CS_1 D-088-02-01 LVDT Measurement LVDT-700-6 sensor lvdt DET800A lvdt displacement sensor B151.36.09.04-014 lvdt displacement transducer TDZ-1G-05 temperature gauge sensor WZPK2-639 NPT1/2 tempereture switch E55A-E22BC thermocouple protection tube TE-210 sensor rpm CS-1-G-150-05-01 lvdt transducer ZDET500B Shaft Rotation Speed Sensors CS-01-D-065-05-01 shaft rotation sensor CS-3-M16-L190 speed sensor cost NE3971-31-90-08-02-00 steam turbine bolt heater ZJ-22-(T) linear variable displacement transducer TDZ-1D-04 LVDT Displacement Transducer Sensors TD-1-300 lvdt transducer displacement TDZ-1B-03 thermocouple k type TE-107 Surface Thermocouple WRK2-001 lvdt sensor 8000TD-15-01 full form of lvdt industrial displacement sensor 191.36.09(1).09 LVDT Displacement Transducer Sensors ZD-1000TDB lvdt probe 4000TDGN thermocouple pt100 WRK2-001 LVDT Displacement Sensors 20000TD lvdt 20mm sensor LVDT-600-6 output shaft speed sensor SZCB-01 rpm gauge D421.51U15VA speed sensor cost SZCB-01-A2-B1-C3 displacement sensor 700TD rtd thermocouple TE-211 lvdt sensor B151.36.09.04-002 Transmitter TM301-A00-B00-C00-D00-E00-F00-G00 hydraulic fluid level gauge CEL-3581A/GF lvdt sensor LVDT-350-6 wzp pt100 WZPM2-12-050-G1/2-S Tacho RPM sensor CS-01-D-065-05-01 WSS THERMOMETER WSS-481 8 thermocouple wzpk 230 pt100 TE-110 displacement transducer TDZ-1G-03 speed sensor cost 143.35.191 rpm meter gauge WZ-1D-A lvdt transducer LVDT-800-3 steam turbine bolt heater ZJ-22-10 Magnetic Speed Sensors E6B2-CWZ6C Platinum RTD Sensor WZPM-201Y dual sensor rtd WZPK-646 DFYL-MY-2023-5-26
IPP power plant Speed card DMOPC003 YOYIK is a professional sales, research and development, production in one of the manufacturing and processing companies. The company was established in 2004, YOYIK is a professional sales, research and development, production in one of the manufacturing and processing companies. After many years of hard work, now and hundreds of domestic and foreign power plants, steam plant suppliers to establish a good relationship of cooperation in the industry also received a lot of praise. I Acting Acting Actors can provide proof of origin and customs declaration list, sincerely welcome you to inquire. YOYIK provides multiple types of spare parts and equipments for power plant : #DF-Speed card DMOPC003-DF Rotation Speed Probe ZS-03 L=65 CREMER Level Meter Probe CEL-3581F/G TSI Preamplifier CON021/916-120 Rotation Speed Monitor W.11.B.0004 Sensor DET-400B Excitation Regulator IO Card ISO-P32C32 Rotation Speed Probe ZS-03 L=65 CARD MODULE MODUL POWER 2SA5031-5EE13-4BA4-Z Sensor D-080-02-01 Current Probe TM0110-A01-B10-C08-D10 Pressure Switch RC861CZ090HYR Current/Voltage Converter LJB1 5A/10V 0.5 Power DYB B-TD00101B REGULATOR AIR PRESSURE PROTECTIVE SHELTER AW40-06G Pressure Switch RC771BZ090H Speed Sensor DF6101-005-065-02-03-00-00 LVDT Position Sensor DET300A LVDT Position Sensor TDZ-1E-32 0-100 Rotation Speed Gauge SQSD-3B Oil Tank Level Meter CEL-3581A/GF CREMER steam turbine bolt heater ZJ-22-40 card 3L4498 Rectifier Cabinet I/O Output Module ADAM-4068 Servo Card DMSVC005 Compression Term Assembly FBMSVH A2 Card K82000005 TSI Preamplifier CON041/916-160 Pressure Switch RC861CZ084ZYM LVDT displacement sensor HTD-100-3 Capacitor CBB81-4000v-0.5uF Speed card DMOPC003 LVDT Position Sensor W.10.A.0204 Steam Turbine Bolt Electric Heater ZJ-20-12 Probe WZK.W.10.A75754 Motor management relay WDZ-5232 Differential pressure transmitter 3051DP2A62A1BM5B4HR5 Pressure Switch RC860MZ090Z Flat Key SR-102V LVDT Position Sensor TDZ-1-13 Position Sensor TD-1-100S Optical Insolation panel (OP) B-TD00107A �¦25mm Current Sensor HTW-05-50/HTW-14-50 High Resistance Probe CS-1(G-100-02-01) Speed Sensor TM0793V-M Rotation Speed Probe ZS-02 L=100 Axial Position Protecting Unit DM-12 Rotating speed probe YD62-A02-B89mm-C01 Current/Voltage Converter LJB1 2000A/10V 0.5 Power Transformer DFFG-10KVA LVDT Position Sensor C9231124 LVDT Position Sensor TDZ-1-45 LVDT Position Sensor HTD-50-6 Gap Transmitter GJCF-15 Displacement transmitter HTD-1 Displacement Transducer HTD-150-3 RTD temperature probe WZPK2-336 Thermal Expansion Monitor DF9032 Position Probe CWY-DO-810803-00-05-10-02 Thermal Expansion Sensor TD2-0-50 TRANSFORMER ZDG-0.5 Sacrificial anode flange SR-107V Speed card DMOPC003 DFYL-2020-4-20-DFMY
Transmitter 2051CD2A02A1AS5E1M5Q4 Is a major production of Dongfang Yoyik. Dongfang Yoyik is a force is a professional research and development, sale, production plant power plant chemical plant spare parts manufacturing and processing company through our years of efforts, YOYIK brand has achieved a high honor in the industry, Also received the full recognition of the mall, our factory sensors are widely used in steel mills, ships, cement and other work. Professional production, petrochemical, power plant power station, yoyik sale of high quality original sensor, filter, filter filter material, ceramic liner, filter, filter. Yoyik can offer many spare parts for power plants as below: #DF-Transmitter 2051CD2A02A1AS5E1M5Q4-DF Electric actuator module assembly 2SA77HN-D1BM-HY-MN tachometer magnetic sensor 70085-1010-214 Turbine protection module TPS02 LVDT transmitter XCBSQ-04/400-02-22 Thermal expansion sensor TD-2-A2 variable reluctance pickup G-065-05-01 LED Light XML-T6 LVDT valve GV TD-1-50 Locator V18345-1010121001 Probe 21000-17-10-00-040-04-02 types of proximity TM0181-A40-B00 oil tank level monitor 704-511A-140/7MA-A110-130 Heat Exapansion Transmitter TD-2 0-50mm Bolt electric heating rod ZJ-21-2(R) desiccant respirator 3KG Eddy Current Sensor PR6422/105-121 lvit sensor DET35A LOAD CELL XK3102-S Steam turbine bolt electric heating rod B0334A LVDT of CV B151. Analog Output Module HAO805 vibration pickup sensor CS-01-D-065-05-01 Signal transmitter CZTD-3A-250T Pressure Switch MPS-6A LIMIT SWITCH C62ED types of pressure sensors BPSN4KB25XFSH2 Power Contactor CZO-100/10 LVDT spring bracket TH-85-M6-M8 Electric grease dispenser TLGB20 SPEED PICKUP,SENSOR,MAGNETIC T03S level gauge in tank CEL-3581A/GF CREMER HIGH-FREQ MODULES PL-M10 LVDT actuator travel sensor 10000TDGN Eddy Current Sensor PR6422/001-011 4 20ma linear position sensor DET250A water level gauge board DYW-250 Transmitter 2051CD2A02A1AS5E1M5Q4 ZYR-DFYL-2025-1-21
Current/Voltage Converter LJB1 5A/10V 0.5 Selection of advanced technology, absolutely first-class service quality, YOYIK over the years to the same faith. The main technical backbone are retired senior engineer, senior mechanic. Many of them have participated in the planning, production and installation of power stations such as Gezhouba, Ertan and Three Gorges, and provided high-quality equipment selection, construction planning, installation and dispensing of hundreds of hydropower stations and overhaul of thermal power plants. , After-sales service and other train services. #DF-Current/Voltage Converter LJB1 5A/10V 0.5-DF Pressure Switch 107AL-N12-P1-F1A Eddy Current Sensor PR6424/119-140 LVDT Sensor 2000TDGN-15-02 Diaphragm type differential pressure switch 431137-SLM562 0.02-0.21Mpa mechanical water level gauge CEL-3581A/GF Eddy Current Sensor PR6422/001-131 industrial pressure switches 397276-SA1Z03 Eddy Current Sensor PR6422/100-020 LVDT Sensor HDC485-350-10 Mass Flow Controller D07-11C Differential Pressure Switch 2 RC0766CZ097H LVDT Sensor 7000TDGN-25-01 RTD Size probe length 10cm, probe diameter 6mm, thread 1/2 ", wire length 10m high temperature lvdt TDZ-1E-03 Speed digital display instrument MCS-II-3 Reversal speed sensor CS-3-m16x1-60 LVDT Sensor 7000TDGN-25-01 Eddy Current Sensor PR6424/001-141 Bolt electric heating rod ZJ-20-500 Transformer cooling fan GFD590/150-1260SF Eddy Current Sensor PR6422/103-101 BENTLY Cable 330730-040-01-00 TRAVLE SENSOR DET-20A Sensor Turbine TM0782A-M Ammonia level gauge CEL-3581A/GF CF Card 512MB LVDT Sensor ZD-4000TDB EDDY CURRENT SENSOR AND PROXIMITOR PR6423/01R-010-CN021NC9200-000 low cost pressure transmitter G46-10-02 Speed Sensor DF6101-005-065-01-05-00-00 Sensor Shear Pin X-F25-L105 inductive linear sensor TDZ-1-12 hall sensor linear position FRD.WJA2.608H Hydrogen Leak Probe NA-1000D sensor pr9268/303-000 Differential pressure switch 368506-W004B4 Current/Voltage Converter LJB1 5A/10V 0.5 ZYR-DFYL-2025-2-5
bolts heater 1.2311(4)27.5X800 Deyang Dongfang Yoyik is a strong manufacture and trade company. We have a wide range of mechanical parts and components generator parts, electrical and electronic products processing, hydraulic machinery and components, hydroelectric generating units, coal-fired generating units, especially professional accessories for generator units. The goods are absolutely authentic, rest assured. #DF- bolts heater 1.2311(4)-�?27.5X800-DF Cable TM302-A00-B00-C00-D00-E00-F00-G01 DEH speed sensor PR6426/010-040 Fuse RT 18-32 [1A,2A,6A,10A] Power Source for Hot Spot HSDS-20/D lvdt encoder B151. Card for controller A-A/D U11 coil tachometer WZ-1D PARKER LUCIFER 322H35 Sensor DF311180-90-07-00 8mm Current Probe CWY-DO-812510 Eddy Current Sensor PR6422/001-131 All metal wind direction sensor EM9120M Electromagnetic brake SDZ1-04 Transmitter 3051GP3A2B21AM5E5HR5 Eddy Current Sensor PR6422/003-141 LVDT Sensor CZTD-3A-150T sensor TQ402 Electrode 2401B Multifunctional electric instrument PD194AE-254G Bolt electric heating rod ZJ-16.5-1(B)R Stainless steel oil flow indicator YZQ-25I Sensor DF310880-50-07-02 Rectifier Bridge Control Panel (CCP) AF D242 A Potential Transformer JDZX9-10 precision level gauge CEL-3581A/GF pressure transmitter price 3051CD4A22A1AM5B4DF linear position sensor types TDZ-1E-01 high temperature differential pressure transducer RC861CZ090HYR110AC speed meter DF9011-B Xenon flashtube Equivalent XT30 8901309000 Frequency transducer WBF154S01 Eddy Current Sensor PR6422/103-040 Pressure Switch B-4-24-B-IP65-06-JL-NH Axial Displacement Sensor WT0112-A90-B00-C01 Eddy Current Sensor PR6422/100-030 LVDT Sensor Z96200WN bolts heater 1.2311(4)-�?27.5X800 ZYR-DFYL-2025-2-11
Deyang Dongfang Yoyik is a professional company dedicated to the production, development, sale of power plant spare parts and accessories. Our company has strict requirements to ensure all our products meet the needs of customers. Through more than 20 years of efforts, the majority of customers have been fully recognized. Look forward to your emails and inquiries. Your satisfaction is our greatest comfort. Turbine Rotation Speed Monitor HZQS-02A steam turbine bolt heater ZJ-20-T10A Pressure gauge HM100-250-R-M20Ã?1.5-BF GES6620 A51 Excitation Module 3L8041-2V.1 Servo Card Rack DF-ZXB2 Sensor TD-2 Limit switch 0508.1169T0201 Probe CWY-DO-812504 LVDT TDZ-1-200-10-01-01 steam turbine bolt heater ZJ-22-54 Signal Acquisition module GES3000 3L4645 rtd pt 100 3 wire duplex PT100 BFP Oil Tank Level Meter CEL-3581A/GF steam turbine bolt heater ZJ-22-3(R) BOLT HEATER ZJ-17-T3 Turbine Rotation Speed Monitor HZQS-02A Bolt Heater RJ-14.5-400 Pressure Transmitter 3051GP1A2B21BB4M5HR5 Pressure Switch RC778NZ084H FOXBORO Card FBM241C BENTLY Cable 330104-00-01-01-02-00 Overspeed Protection Card DMOPC001 LVDT Position Sensor TDZ-1B-03 steam turbine bolt heater ZJ-17-T7 heat expansion sensor TD-2 Limit Switch ZS-06 Bolt Heater RJ-20-660 Capacitance Level Meter 705-510A-110/7MR-A110-136 Thermometer M705-014000A No.17 LVDT Position Sensor 5000TDGN Pressure Switch RC771BZ090Z LVDT Position Sensor ZDET600B Turbine Rotation Speed Monitor HZQS-02A
l gauge sensor CEL-3581A/GF uses new materials for the traditional valve to add a new impetus. The use of such materials greatly reduces the production costs, without the purchase of high-value metal, no special equipment and professional production. Also it can have longer life and simpler repair, has more advantage than traditional pump material. The application of new pump material greatly reduced the cost of the pump material and maintenance costs. provides multiple types of spare parts and equipments for power plant : #DF-Level gauge sensor CEL-3581A/GF-DF sealing ring HB4-56J8-109 Digitalni LED Indikator 20-380VAC, 100A, ?uteGasket HZB253-640-03-01 Mechanical tripping device Globe valve J61Y/DN50/PN4.0 reciprocating piston pump A10VSO18DRG/31R-PPA12N00 thermocouple wzpk 230 pt100 TC03A2-KY-2B/S13 fuel pump SDH150-125-400A thermocouple wire type k TE-213 electric vacuum pump P-1609-1 M6 thread TE-303 vacuum pump ac P-1751 thermowell stainless WREK2-191 hydraulic oil pump electric 40AY35X11 Sheathed thermocouple TE-205 hydraulic screw pump AC electric motor centrifugal water pump DFB100-80-250 chemical centrifugal pump SLQ-63 thermocouple range WRN-330 thermowell stainless TC03A2-KY-2B/SPG vacuum pump P-2037 vacuum pump 30-SPEN grease lubrication pump 125LY-23-5 thermocouple wzpk 230 pt100 WREK2-334 5mm thermowell flange WRNK-321 Status display board SDP-3AGFILTER, ELEMENT, LIQUID OIL; RETURN FILTER, FOR EHC HP8314L39-40MB Packing for globe valve B05-5076Z-06TS thermocouple digital TE-404 thermocouple protection tube WRNKD2-04A-II electric centrifugal pump head CZ80-250A hydraulic vane pump F3-SDV20-1P11P1A oil transfer gear pump NSNH280-26 Platinum Wire WRNKB-446S/TG oil vacuum pump P-540 Level gauge sensor CEL-3581A/GF roots vacuum pump 30-SPEN LVDT HTD-200-3 UNS Board UNS0017a-P,V1Mechanical seal HPT300-340-6S Thermocouple Control WRNK2-430NM/DN50 Pt100 type temperature sensor WZP2-230water pump YCZ50-25 LEVEL GAUGE UT-81 pump vacuum HSNH800-46NZ electric oil pump 80SDZL-26 TC Sensor TC03A2-KY-2B/S17 Indicator light XB4BVM5 DEH solenoid valve SA02-124515 220VDC 31W centrifugal water pump KSB65-250 hydraulic pump piston A10VSO100DR/32R-VPB12N00 sealing ring HB4-56J8-172 TC Sensor WRN2-239 0-600â?? hydraulic screw pump ACG070-K7NVBP Pressure Differential Transmitter 3051CD3A22A1AB4M5D4HR5 thermocouple k type WRN-332NM Platinum-Iridium Wire WRKT2-11 rotary vane pump F3-SDV20-1P11P-1A LVDT 0-250MM TSI HL-6-250-15 k type thermocouple WRNK2-331T Electromagnetic brake SDZ1-200Thermocouple Type-K TE-404 electric motor centrifugal water pump 65-250A Level gauge sensor CEL-3581A/GF DFYL-2022-3-30-ZYR
Thermocouple TC03A2-KY-2B/S4 The company has a large flow, high discharge pressure, good performance, high efficiency, long life, high reliability, special for the technical valve products. Our company's main products: hydraulic machinery and components, hydroelectric generating units; coal-fired generating units; generating units; electrical and electronic products processing; mechanical parts processing. Mainly engaged in the power industry host (steam turbine, water machine, boiler, turbine) accessories, spare parts, spare parts, auxiliary equipment and environmental protection equipment. #DF-Thermocouple TC03A2-KY-2B/S4-DF HRC Fuse Link for VCF breaker IEC 60282-1, 80 A water tank level gauge CEL-3581A/GF Bi-Metalic Thermometer of Turbine Bearings WTYYP2-1021 Switch WL2000-L300 Eddy Current Sensor PR6422/105-010 Speed probe G-075-02-01 Module ADAM-4017 resistive linear position sensor 191.36.09(1).03 (�±50.8mm) opening meter LM-11E LVDT transmitter XCBSQ-01/800-01-00 Pressure Switch 1246214-HK2027 conveyor motor 170TYD-S20L Eddy Current Sensor PR6424/100-101 LVDT transmitter XCBSQ-04/300-01-11 speed sensor CS-1D-065-05-01 LVDT transmitter XCBSQ-02/150-01-02 Ultrasonic liquid level transmitter FMU40-ANB2A4 GDI Rectifier Bridge Gate Drive Card UNS0881 Delay intermediate relay ROB-13/110VDC SENSOR MAGNETIC SENSOR SPEED CS-1, L=100mm IP Site Connect XiR8668Ex Digital microscope Eakins 37MP Full HD Double Coil Reverse Forward Solid State Relay GJH40-W-3P-SC REPLAY MY4N 24VDC + DYF14A thermocouple sheath TC03A2-KY-2B/S5 SWITCH VACCUM PS531SPP10/BB32N3 Transformer power WBV334aS1 CO2 Pressure reducer with electric heater YQT-341 Armored Double Channel Pt-100 WZPK2-336S fan SJ1725HA2 LVDT Sensor K151.36.06.007 Sensor; TILT SWITCH MFFP-15A AEVC-12DC Air Trap for Compressor KS41H-16C Oil level gauge KCY-15/16-900/3/10 LVDT 5-7398-8033-00 SENSOR LVDT FOR IV (intercept valve) ZDET500B Thermocouple TC03A2-KY-2B/S4 ZYR-DFYL-2025-2-21
Speed sensor SDR-32 Is a major production of Dongfang Yoyik. Dongfang Yoyik is a force is a professional research and development, sale, production plant power plant chemical plant spare parts manufacturing and processing company through our years of efforts, YOYIK brand has achieved a high honor in the industry, Also received the full recognition of the mall, our factory sensors are widely used in steel mills, ships, cement and other work. Professional production, petrochemical, power plant power station, yoyik sale of high quality original sensor, filter, filter filter material, ceramic liner, filter, filter. #DF-Speed sensor SDR-32-DF LVDT of MSV 4000TD Eddy Current Sensor PR6424/011-111 LVDT Sensor FRD.WJA2-301H Anode assembly (barrel) EPBS-G-II-150-TG/XN POWER SUPPLY JD194-BS5U CONVERTER GD2131007 different types of displacement transducers TDZ-1E-11 Speed sensor SYSE08-01-060-03-01-01-02 1S001 5482 SOCKET SENSOR SPEED TURBINE X12K4P mag pickup sensor MP-988 LVDT transmitter XCBSQ-02/350-02-02 RTD WZPK-24 LVDT sensor HTD-500-3 high pressure transducer BH-043004-043 Eddy Current Sensor PR6424/101-030 Bearing Vibration module 8000B/012 Sealing gasket 16.7/537/537/ 67FM411.04-7-6 PRESSURE SENSOR R412010767 Bolt electric heating rod ZJ-19.5-1250 LVDT 4000TD-30-01 Electric heater JHG03S2-380V6KW Digital temperature and humidity controller WSK-Z Armoured Thermocouple WRNK2-291 SPEED SENSOR FOR TURBINE SZMB-9 Rotation Speed Probe CS-3-M16-L100 external liquid level sensor CEL-3581A/GF electronic module 71107553 key phase sensor DF6202-005-050-100-00-01-000 Absolute displacement electronic ruler KLC-100+KM420 tachometer sensor working principle ZS-03 magnetic pick up sensor NE6103-050-150-03-09-01-00 LVDT FOR HP Governing Valves DET-35A RTD WZPK2-238 Sensor ZS-04 L=65 Eddy Current Sensor PR6422/003-010 BENTLY Cable 330705-02-18-10-02-00 Speed sensor SDR-32 ZYR-DFYL-2025-2-21
Eddy current signal converter CON021 for power generation is a hi-tech company specializing in the production, development and sale of spare parts for power plant. The company in heavy-duty base . The company's product type has sealant, insulating material, filter, power plant, pump, valve, sensor processing parts, bearing and other goods, mainly used in chemical industry, power plant, steel and other areas. can offer many spare parts for power plants as below: #DF-Eddy current signal converter CON021-DF M6 thread TE-112 lvdt sensor 500TD thermocoupl 1000 TE-203 displacement inductive sensor ZDET200B cable pt100 WZPM2-08-78-M18-S lvdt linear position sensor HTD-150-6 k type thermocouple WRNK2-291 5 lvdt-sensor TD-1-0150-10-01-01 4mm rtd pt100 WZPK2-380B 8 dc speed control sensor SZCB-01-00-060-00-05 lvdt displacement sensor 5000TD displacement sensor ZDET-150B Pressure/Temperature Controller 703590/281-8800-833000-23-00/214 lvdt-sensor B151.36.09.04-013 inductive displacement sensor 1000TDZ-A lvdt full form TD-1-150-10-01-01 lvdt transducer B151.36.09.04-009 lvdt sensor B151.36.09.04-006 Eddy current signal converter CON021 LVDT Position Sensors TDZ-1E-21 displacement sensor DET200A type k thermocouple WRNK2-294 lvdt 20mm sensor HL-3-350-15 full form of lvdt 3000TDG lvdt working principle A157.33.01.31 Non-Contact Linear Displacement sensor LVDT-150-6 displacement sensor thermometer gauge WSS-461 0~500 high temperature thermocouple WRNK2-221 pt100 rtd probe thermowell WRNK2-191M LVDT Displacement Sensors TDZ-1-04 lvdt 20mm sensor RTD Temperature Sensor Element WZPK2336 speed sensor symptoms ZS-04 G-075-03-01 LVDT Displacement Sensors 3000TD sensor rpm CS-1-D-120-05-00 wzp pt100 WZPK-237S displacement inductive sensor B151.36.09G24 Magnetic Proximity Sensors CS-3-M10-L120 Limit Switch D4A-4501N 3 Wire RTD Sensor WZPK2-330 sensor de lvdt TD-1G-300-10-01-01 thermocouple k-type TE-104 sensor speed G-065-05-01 thermocouple sensor TE-106 sensor CEL-3581A/GF lvdt transducer TDZ-1-35 heating tube element GYQ speed sensor cost 143.35.191 linear displacement sensor 7000TDGN thermocouple wzpk 230 pt100 WRNK2-191M Magnetic Speed Sensors CS-1 L=75 lvdt 0-300 5000TD-3 inductive displacement sensor B143.35.07 Platinum Wire WRN2-630 LX1=225 76 Eddy current signal converter CON021 DFYL-2023-5-5-ZYR
Turbine generator partspower transmitter HAA-D1 Dongfang Yoyik Engineering Co., Ltd is located in Deyang, Sichuan, provides different kinds of industrial products and brands. Our company is specialized in researching and developing hear-resisting and wear-resisting materials. As a pump and valve manufacturer ourselves, we also offer other brands both domestic and from abroad. YOYIK provides multiple types of spare parts and equipments for power plant : #DF-power transmitter HAA-D1-DF Gapmeasupe Probe GJCT-15-E VALVE COVER D600B-265500A001 RTV epoxy adhesive 793 Rubber gasket 4Q5440 Level measuring transmitter CEL-3581A/GF HR anti-corona varnish 1244 F-class room temperature dried steam turbine LP cylinder sealing grease insulating dowel taper pin 4B2337 insulating hose (1/4) 2Q4513 sealant T2075 rotor slot wedge 3Q6195 insulating box 3F14206.2 Limit switch box AM014A0-2H PET fiberglass tape 0.1*25 1Q3301-33 generator end cap sealing grease T2575 TiteSealHydrogen sealing Sealant WH53351JG slot wedge with hole 4Q9844 F-grade modified epoxy glass fiber FJ6189 PRESSURE SWITCH TBN JACKING OI BPSN4KB25XFSP19 Filter SGF-H110*10FC fiberglass strip �?8 Sealant gun 04C0529 PET fiberglass tape 0.1*25 1Q3301-33 brush holder Q5C112.567.01MS oil sealing & oil baffle cover glass cloth tube 3640 air-dry clear insulating varnish H31-2 TITESEAL T20-66 Cylinder sealing grease DFSS-2 2.5KG SOCKET 1158M231-2 Dacron glass fiber strip �?5 THERMOMETER WTYY-1021 SENSOR LVDT FOR BFPT GOVERNOR 3000TD power transmitter HAA-D1 grease gun 5D463.338 T15 PET fiberglass strip �?5 mannual grease gun KH32 epoxy glass fiber board 3240 High temperature nut with groove GH4 D600B-261000A001 RTV adhesive 793A epoxy adhesive 6110 insulating water pipe assembly 1Q1632 TiteSealend cap Hydrogen sealing Sealant T20-75 H-grade varnished glass cloth tape 2450 0.15*25 insulating sleeve 4Q12825 O-RING Part: 709 epoxy ester air-dry red insulating varnish 9130 Servo valve MOOG 761K4112 insulating strip epoxy phenolic glass cloth tube 3640 �?17*�?21*31 TiteSeal steam turbine generator Sealant WH53351JG Neoprene rubber sealing gasket High temperature stud D600B-271000A020 RTV potting adhesive DECJ0704 RTV epoxy adhesive DECJ0792 Epoxy dipping adhesive 792 EMERGENCY OIL PUMP (EOP) 125LY-32-1 fiberglass strip �?8 TERTIARY OIL PUMP (TOP) 125LY-36-1 Gapmeasure Transmitter GJCF-15 resin 473ml slot Sealant HDJ892 Sealant T25-66 RTV HR anti-corona varnish DECJ0701 power transmitter HAA-D1 DFYL-2020-7-8-MY
Speed probe XS12J3Y Sold by YOYIK. Deyang YOYIK is a professional production, development, sale of power plant dedicated spare parts and accessories processing company. Through more than 21 years of efforts, the majority of customers have been fully recognized. Limited space, and look forward to your calls for consultation, we will sincerely for your service, your satisfaction is our greatest comfort! #DF-Speed probe XS12J3Y-DF Eddy Current Sensor PR6422/002-040 Eddy Current Sensor PR6426/000-010 magnetostrictive linear position sensor C9231116 Differential pressure transmitter CS-II Current Transformer 110kV (131 132) LJB1 dc pressure switch Z1201420 Power supply module DF0232A-220/20F sensor NBB8-18GM50-E2-V1 Eddy Current Sensor PR6424/119-131 speed sensor 70085-1010-17520 Intermediate relay UEG/A-2DPDT/220VDC sensor CON011/916-200 active wheel speed sensor CS-3-M16-L100 Eddy Current Sensor PR6423/004-001 Sensor DF312580-90-10-00 dual thermocouple type k WRNK2-291 prox sensor CWY-DO-815005 oil pressure solenoid 54NN-K118-M4-B1A Pull cord sensor XD-TA-E Rotation Speed Probe ZS-01 L=90 Infrared array probe HSDS-30/T Sensor DF311180-50-08-02 Alarm detector SC-22PT 22 kHz COIL, ELECTRICAL EM40-K-001 boiler water level sensor CEL-3581F/G CREMER RTD WZP2-235 Oil temperature sensor YT315D Inverter AAD03020DKT01 Sucking mouth SR-104V water level monitor UHZ-618C17 DEH Rotation Speed Probe SZCB-01-B01 Bolt electric heating rod ZJ-16-2R speed sensor CS-1H-D-065-02-00 Hydrogen Leak Monitor NA1000MR magnetic pickup coil CS-01 LVDT Sensor HL-3-10-150 Speed probe XS12J3Y ZYR-DFYL-2025-2-6
Power Plant supplies Sensor 2000TD Dongfang Yoyik Engineering Co., Ltd is a manufacturer and trader of industrial products. We mainly offer spare parts of turbines and generators. Kinds of pumps for EH system, valves, filters and filter elements, and other industrial tools and replacements. Our products and service are quality guaranteed. YOYIK provides multiple types of spare parts and equipments for power plant : Oil Tank Level Secondary Gauge CEL-3581F/G CREMER LVDT Position Sensor TD-1-50 Pressure Switch PS531SPP10/BB32N3/S3M Pressure Switch RC0410CH090H Thermocouple WREK2-294 REGULATOR AIR PRESSUREP ROTECTIVE SHELTER AW30-2G Shaft Vibration Probe TM0180-A07-B00-C04-D50 Gap Transmitter GJCF-15 Sensor DET-250B Probe CWY-DO-815008 De-excitation Switch Opening Coil HSBA331433R0001 Probe CWY-DO-812509 LVDT HL-6-250-15 Position control switch AK-XC107\250VAC 5A Pressure Switch RC861CZ084ZSSYM Low Resistance Probe CS-1(D-100-05-01) Pressure Switch HERIION 4â?¦40Mpa Shaft Vibration Probe CWY-DO-20T08-M10*1-B-00-05-50K Sensor 4Q15244 Braun Card D42151U1 Intelligent speed monitor WZ-3C-A Limit Switch D4A-4510N steam turbine bolt heater ZJ-22-7 Power Transformer DFFG-10KVA Thermalcouple WRNK2-291, Φ5, L=10000 K High Resistance Probe CS-1(G-100-02-01) Signal Converter GJCF-6A Pressure Switch WK09961 LVDT Position Sensor ZDET150B LVDT Displacement Sensor DET150A DET150A Sensor 2000TD Probe CWY-DO-815005 LVDT Position Sensor TDZ-1-03 Hydrogen Flow Meter TMF-TA2-A1B0-330 Rotation Speed Probe ZS-01 L=90 Pressure Switch ST307-V2-55-B Probe CWY-DO-811402 Pressure Switch HERION 5-25MPa LVDT Position Sensor TDZ-1E-25 LVDT Sensor 6000TD ASHCROFT Temperature Switch RANGE:65-125, SERAIL NO.D8004256, CAT No.LTDN4GG10A7030 Frequency Measurement Module DF-4K8772 Cable for probe CWY 5M Rotation Speed Sensor ZS-03 Power for sensor GJCD-15 Sensor measures position of gap insert APH GJCT-15-E Wheel Blade Opening Control LYK-11-1013 STICK BOLT HEATER ZJ-20-8B LVDT Displacement Sensor DET100A TEMPERATURE ELEMENT WRKK2-221 LVDT Position Sensor ZDET700B LVDT Sensor RANGE:±50.8mm Probe 330103-00-05-02-00 TSI Double Relative Expansion Monitor DF2022 Servo Card DMSVC005 LVDT Position Sensor HTD-100-3 LVDT Position Sensor TDZ-1E-021 0-175 Air Preheater Heat Accumulator 26YR12-4-0 LVDT Position Sensor TDZ-1E-01 Camera IST-M938SRZ 900TVL steam turbine bolt heater ZJ-19.5-380 Sensor 2000TD [2020-3-4-DFMY]
pH Probe for HK-2301 Model: 2401-BNC-1K-0.9m YOYIK is a hi-tech company specializing in the production, development and sale of spare parts for power plant. The company is located in China's heavy-duty base in Sichuan Deyang. The company's product type has sealant, insulating material, filter, power plant, pump, valve, sensor processing parts, bearing and other goods, mainly used in chemical industry, power plant, steel and other areas. #DF-pH Probe for HK-2301 Model: 2401-BNC-1K-0.9m-DF Differential Pressure Switch 849331-SGLGY7\1.4~12MPa Magnetic Pickup Speed Rotation Measurement Sensor Monitor DF9032 speed meter DF9011-B Eddy Current Sensor PR6422/000-021 SENSOR POSITION LVDT 5000TD Vibration speed sensor ZS-06 Temperature inspection instrument XMDA-16 0-201â?? 4-20MA speed sensor CS-1H-D-060-05-01 Eddy current sensor 330103-00-18-05-02-05 high temperature lvdt 3000TD-10-01-01 Serial interface 6ES7241-1AH32-0XB0 RTD (PT-100) 3 WIRE WZP-231B High energy igniter TYPHQ-20J speed sensor HZSP-475-50-10-HL Vibration sensor VS-069 Vibration sensor 330103-00-08-10-02-00 LVDT sensor 2000TD-15-01-01 Eddy Current Sensor PR6424/001-010 Transducer DBS/Q-231 OIL LEVEL INDICATOR YZF2-250TH LVDT sensor TDZ-FRD-301 SHAFT VIBRATION PROBE TM0393-A17-B00 0-100um Dissolved oxygen electrode OXY500 Frequency Inverter, 55 kW ACS800-01-0060-3+P901+D150+N652+L50 thermal circuit heat transfer WZPM2-001 Vibration Sensor PR9268/203-000 SOLENOID ELECTRICAL COIL SA02-124515 rpm pickup CS-1 G-100-03-01 boiler water level sensor CEL-3581F/G CREMER LVDT vavle IV TDZ-1-200 sight glass level transmitter FMU230E-AA32 Voltage meter SF96 C2, 0-500V best tachometer WZ-1D Anti rotation switch RM-10/220VAC Travel switch 3SE5162-0CA00 Extension cable DF310030-40-00-02-00 pH Probe for HK-2301 Model: 2401-BNC-1K-0.9m ZYR-DFYL-2025-2-12
Bellows valves WJ15F-16P Main: hydraulic machinery and components, hydroelectric generating units; coal-fired generating units; generating units; electrical and electronic products processing; mechanical parts processing. Mainly engaged in the power industry host (steam turbine, water machine, boiler, turbine) accessories, spare parts, spare parts, auxiliary equipment and environmental protection equipment. Deyang YOYIK supply power plant, steel accessories are as follows: #DF-Bellows valves WJ15F-16P-DF Transmitter 2051CD2A02A1AS5E1M5Q4 CPU Card PCA-6003V WEIGHING SENSOR GD2151107 speed sensor CS-1H-G-100-05-02 INTELLIGENT TACHOMETER HY-01 linear travel sensor TD-1100S 0-100mm Pin proximity switch XS8-C40FP260 CONTACTOR LG SMC180P STOCK CIRCUIT BOARD VAO20100, VO78801.B01,5Z16E4 Module ID Fan PSM 692U inductive linear sensor 2000TD 0-100 MM Presure Sensor RC861CZ091ZYM DETECTOR LEAK KQL1500 Sensor DF310880-50-05-01 Speed sensor CS-1G-D-085-03-00 CIOæ?¿ PC-D235 SENSOR, DIFFERENTIAL EXPANTION, PROBE PR6426/010-040+CON 021/916-160 3300xl prefix 330780-51-00 Bolt electric heating rod ZJ-16.5-7(R) Magnetoelectric Speed Sensor Passive CS-1 G-100-05-01 absolute expansion sensor TD-2Y-25 LVDT UKTD1-A01-B060-C01-D10-E01-F01 best proximity sensor TM0181-A45-B01 BENTLY Preamplifier 330180-90-00 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER JDZX-20 Temperature and humidity controller THS-Y/OLED pressure switch BH-003025-003 LVDT Sensor 3000TDGN-25-01 level gauge with switch CREMER CEL-3581F/G Speed monitoring display device NE9011 Vibration Monitoring & Protection Combined Device HY-6KVE7 speed sensor UKCSG-01-075-05-01-03-01 transmitter 1066-P-HT-60 Armored double K-grading thermocouple WRNK2-231-R1/4 speed sensor CS-1-D-120-05-00 Probe 330103-00-05-02-00 Bellows valves WJ15F-16P ZYR-DFYL-2025-1-8
Rotation Speed Sensor CS-1 D-065-05-01 is an exclusive product for power units offered by Yoyik. Dongfang Yoyik Engineering Co., Ltd mainly provides hydraulic components, spare parts of power units, mechanical parts processing and so on. We have spare parts, components, replacements for generators, boiler, turbines and hydroturbines. Rotation Speed Sensor CS-1 D-065-05-01 TAP POSITION INDICATOR ET-SZ5A LVDT Position Sensor HL-3-200-15 Bolt Electric Heater ZJ-20-36A steam turbine bolt heater ZJ-20-38A Probe CWY-DO-815002 Eccentric Monitor MMS6220 LVDT Position Sensor TD-1 0-1000 card 3L4498 Sensor DET-300A Probe CWY-DO-810802 Current Sensor Limit Switch KD10-1Z Current Transducer FPAX-A2-F1-P2-O30-5A steam turbine bolt heater ZJ-20-R3 FJK valve position feedback G6Z2110N LVDT Sensor B151. Thermometer M700-328000A No.13 SENSOR/ PROXIMITY TRANSDUCER PR6424/010-140 Pressure Switch RC861CZ094YMD82 Intelligent temperature and humidity controller YB-ZWS-42/2 Bearing Forward Temperature Thermal Resistance D1000A-798910B015 Differential pressure transmitter 3051DP3A62A1BM5B4HR5 Communication measuring board 3BHE02291R0101 Camera IST-M938SRZ 900TV Sensor CS-1 G-100-02-01 DETECTOR LEAK KQL1500 PARKER LUCIFER 322H35 Excitation Display Screen GES6000 CREMER Level Meter Probe CEL-3581F/G DEH servo card TDMSC10 Power Source for Hot Spot HSDS-20/D Pressure switch 584985-N8B268 Position Probe CWY-DO-810803-00-05-10-02 CPU module GES3000 PCA6743 Turbine Rotation Speed Impactor Monitor HZQW-03E Screen controller UPHW-1-90T 230V/0Hz Sensor DET-400A LVDT Position Sensor C9231015 Transmitter TR4101-A02-E00-G00-S00 LVDT Position Sensor TDZ-1G-01 Pressure Switch 107AL-N40-P1-F1A-TT SENSOR, LVDT FOR GV HL-6-150-15 Pressure Switch 4BA-KB4-N4-B1A Differential pressure transducer DE1399YYB90ED0513 Sensor DET800B Turbin Expansion Sensor TD-2-25 BALLUF BTL032K BTL5-E10-M0300-P-S32 steam turbine bolt heater ZJ-22-34 REMORT THERMOMETER WTYY-1021 LVDT Sensor LVDT TDZ-1-H 0-250 Pressure switch 414849-SA1YH9 12~100PSI Speed sensor Airpax70085-1010-214 DEH CONTROL CARD DMSVC005 Transformer 2*12V 1.67A 9V 1.1AEI22X40-120404 INPUT: 240V 50HZ Pressure Switch TP33B-30 Rotation Speed Probe ZS-02 L=90 Pressure Switch RC860MH090HYA Limit Switch 83990129/SP3969-10 TRANSMITTER H2 ANALYZER S-H2 Rotation Speed Sensor CS-1 D-065-05-01
SPEED SENSOR D110 05 01 Is YOYIK for the use of turbine units of the power plant supporting professional models of products. YOYIK main generator accessories, generator sets of accessories. For decades, the company relies on advanced technology, technology, materials and scientific management to improve the stability and reliability of the pump, for hundreds of thermal power plants, hydropower stations, cement plants, coal gangue power plants, metallurgical companies, steel and other overhaul , Technical transformation to provide a reasonable and excellent equipment selection, construction planning, installation commissioning, after-sales service, such as perfect complete service, won the power industry industry wide acclaim. #DF-SPEED SENSOR D110 05 01-DF LVDT transmitter XCBSQ-02/200-01-22 Electric heating rod ZJ-20-T1 Speed sensor CS-1G-G-060-02-01 Axial Displacement Sensor WT0112-A50-B00-C01 Axial displacement eddy current sensor WTO110-A00-B00-C05-D50 Temperature and humidity controller TH-D/OLED LVDT Sensor B151.36.09G36 Side Current Transformer LAJ1-10Q Eddy current sensor 8 mm 310880-50-03-01 level gauge with switch CREMER CEL-3581F/G valve control panel JL111:(008) transmitter LH1500-E Bellows GJCT-15-E CARD MKVIE CONTROLLER MODULE IS220UCSAH1A speed pickup CS-1 G-065-03-01-K LVDT Sensor TD-1 200S Vibration Gauge 330104-00-06-10-01-00 Pressure controller EZS-IR Sensor Position LVDT HP bypass C9231118 Secondary electronic module 3KXP065007U0100 Relay PCL-735 Sensor DF310580-50-01-00 Sliding switch PCB board DH-SA Speed sensor CS-1G-D-060-03-00 rtd services WZPM-201 PT100 industrial displacement sensor DET200A Relay MM2XP SENSOR, DIFFERENTIAL EXPANTION, PROBE PR6426/010-040+CON 021/916-160 Heat Exapansion Sensor TD-2 Photo Sensor QRA2 TRAVLE SENSOR Rexroth Holder VT3002-2X/32D proximity sensor tachometer TM0180-A07-B00-C13-D10 FAN, SUB OM-94028 Positioner YT3300RDN5201S Pressure Switch BH-038074-038 SPEED SENSOR D110 05 01 ZYR-DFYL-2025-2-6
SPEED PICKUP SENSOR MAGNETIC T03S YOYIK is a large number of steam turbine / boiler / motor and other spare parts, spare parts, parts, accessories, all kinds of imported or domestic pneumatic components and Hydraulic components, YOYIK brand in the industry has made a high honor in the power, metallurgy, mining, chemicals, building materials, steel and other fields with an absolutely good reputation. Is the industry quality assurance model. #DF-SPEED PICKUP SENSOR MAGNETIC T03S-DF Eddy Current Sensor PR6423/004-111 DC splitter FL-II Eddy Current Sensor PR6422/002-120 speed sensor CS-1H-D-060-02-01 inductive linear sensor 7000TD 0-350MM SENSOR CS-3F-M16-L300 mahindra bolero pickup sensor ZS-01 magnetic speed pickup D-080-02-01 Three phase dry type transformer SG-100VA PROXIMITY SENSOR G-090-02-01 HP DIFFERENTIAL EXPANSION WT0181-A40-B01 types of electrodes DJY2212-115 sensor 4000TDG-15-01-01 Conductivity Meter Gauge 2401B-0.01 K=0.01 Bolt electric heating rod ZJ-20-T3 Cooling control device HD217-2F-29 LVDT van �?iá»?u chá»?nh LP BFPT (3) Bolt electric heating rod ZJ-20-16A Speed sensor DF6101-005-100-01-03-00-00 prox sensor CWY-D0-20T08-M10*1-C-00-03-50K For XE-100 Light DN-1000A Optical fiber Low Resistance Probe QBJ-CS-2-2 water tank float gauge CEL-3581F/G CREMER Speed Sensor CS-3-M16-L240 speed sensor SFS-2 Limit Switch WLGCA2 HEAVY DUTY NEMA LIMIT SWITCH 9007C Turbine Thrust bearing brass temperature sensor WZP2-014S Eddy Current Sensor PR6422/105-040 Eddy Current Sensor PR6424/012-000 Hydrogen leakage detection sensor NA-1000 D-FH 220v proximity sensor TM0180-A08-B00-C05-D10-E00 thermocouple WRKK-221 Oil water separator OHM-UB A3 Card K82000006 Solenoid Valve &Coil 0200D SPEED PICKUP SENSOR MAGNETIC T03S ZYR-DFYL-2025-2-6
THERMAL RESISTANCE SENSOR WZPM2-08-107.5-M18-S YOYIK is a research and development, production, sales, import agents in one of the manufacturing and processing enterprises. Our company was established in 2004. For more than 20 years, our company's products are widely used in electric power, petroleum, chemical, environmental protection, refractory materials, metallurgy, fire fighting equipment, natural gas, electronics, nuclear industry and other fields. Our company is willing to work with colleagues from all walks of life at home and abroad wholeheartedly cooperation to create a better future! Deyang YOYIK power plant, steel spare parts are as follows: Yoyik can offer many spare parts for power plants as below: #DF-THERMAL RESISTANCE SENSOR WZPM2-08-107.5-M18-S-DF Encoder RAS58-0010-BE-4K10-B eddy sensor CWY-DO-813601 GES6000 excitation system supporting display screen GES6000 Control board HQ5.530.005 Air Preheater Tube 35J41MX �¦40*1.5 09CuPCrNi-A Mass Flow Controller SMCB-01-16 Displacement transmitter LTM-6A-1 Zero speed sensor XD-TD-1 absolute expansion sensor TD-2Y-80 Feedwater Pump Speed Probe CS-3-M10-L70 magnetostrictive level measurement CREMER CEL-3581F/G proximity price CWY-DO-810506 Absolute displacement electronic ruler LKC-100+KM420 Signal converter system CON021/916-200 ZIRCONIA SENSOR + TRANSMITTER Z0-12B + Z0-12Q thermocouple SYWRNK2-231-S17 PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD IO PORT PCB JD10095 AC POWER SUPPLY MODULE 3500/15 - 126399-01G best electric heater DJ21 Timer JORC cam bien ap luc truoc luoi chan rac 460983-QFA015 Magnetic flowmeter DE43FT7HSC1CS2E3GD010C SPARK GAP TUBE XDH8-80 C Speed sensor CS-1G-G-075-03-01 Annunciator CJX-14 Sensor DF312580-50-06-02 Dry Transformer SC10-250/10 Sensor DF311180-50-10-02 Absolute displacement electronic ruler KLC-100+KM420 TSI Power Supply UES815R controller HIPC3A CT BDCTAD-01 Rectifier Module MDS-150A/1200V Sealing subssembly for double color gauge 0019 BMA.T.BBK.G Excitation Cable BXR-300/500V-240 Eddy Current Sensor PR6423/000-001 THERMAL RESISTANCE SENSOR WZPM2-08-107.5-M18-S ZYR-DFYL-2025-1-20