Unique Business Opportunity - Global Commercialisation Of Newly Developed Microwave Timber Processing Technology (MTPT) Invitation For Equity Participation In The World First Mtpt Global Marketing MTPT SUMMARY An opportunity is presented to participate in a global commercialization of a unique developed technology involving microwave processing of green timber. The new state of the art processing technology has the capacity to change the current timber industry processes and produce new timber products with properties superior to the current market products. The new MW processing technology will also have the capacity for outweighing current products processes and the creation of a new category of super timber. Microwave modification of wood is a revolutionary method for processing wood. Under the influence of intensive microwave radiation it is possible to modify the structure of wood to provide improved physical properties and technological attributes. These include Improved permeability Reduced density Reduced heat conductivity (better heat insulation) Altered shrinkage and swelling Improved acoustic properties (better sound insulation) The microwave technology also allows new composite timber products to be manufactured from impregnating the timber with Preservatives and Resins. Microwave treatment increases the void space within the timber to ensure that Preservatives and Reins will penetrate throughout the whole cross section and volume of the wood. MTPT INDICATIVE COMMERCIALISATION OUTLINE Phase 1 â?? January 2024 ï?§ Construction of own commercial, fully operational, automated Microwave Timber Processing Plant (MTPP) with a designed production capacity of 2,500m3/p.a. â?? Objectives: Continuation of R&D activities for developing of new timber products Undertake at the same time a global marketing and sale of the MTPT Plants, offering both Preservative and Resin Processing Plants Phase 2 January 2025 Phase 2 MTPP upgrade to a production capacity of 10,000m3/p.a. MTPT FUNDING REQUIREMENTS, INVESTORâ??s EQUITY POSITION AND ROI Equity positions up to 40% is being offered to Investors for providing funding of USD 25m, preferable subscribed to by a single Investor. Alternatively, a number of lesser equity subscriptions will be considered, on terms and details to be further negotiated. Estimated ROI range ï?§ MTPT turnkey Plants Supplier: 30%-45% pending on the type of supplied MTPT Plants. MTPT Sawmiller: 25% - 55% pending on the manufactured Product More details available on request after signing a Confidentiality Non-Disclosure Agreement. MTPT full details available on request. Interested parties are invited to contact in the first instance our below listed Company. The Managing Director Misal Technologies Pty. Ltd.
Timber We will packed in 20 foot container of 18 cubic of 4x 4, 6 x 6, 8 x 8 inches by 2.4 metre and above in lenght up to 4meters. Fumigated certified by sog. Same as above
Sawn timber Vitex, kwila and taun
Australian hard firewood and milling logs Per 40 ft shipping container approx. 29 tonne
Flitches sewn in 5x5, 6x6, 7x7, 8x8 at the length of 2.5 meters. Packed in 20 foot containers for exports. Quantity as per the buyers requirement.
Sawn timber 20 CL CONTAINERS
Kwila timber
Vitex is a tropical hardwood used for Flooring, Walling, Railing and used extensively as exterior in the Pacific for many years.
Quality Rubber Timber / Wood, Kwila, Rosewood from Papua New Guinea. Will cut to your requirements. Pressure treatment, Kiln Dried, Fumigated for Export. FOB Port Moresby.
Suppliers of rough sawn Australian hardwood
1. Kwila (Intsia bijuga) - Highly sought after for furniture, flooring, and decking due to its strength and resistance to decay. 2. Taun (Pometia pinnata) - Commonly used for construction, furniture, and joinery; known for its attractive grain. 3. Rosewood (Pterocarpus indicus) - Prized for its vibrant color and used in high-end furniture and decorative woodwork. 4. Blackbean (Castanospermum australe) - A dense timber used in cabinet-making and specialty woodworking. 5. Ebony (Diospyros spp.) - Known for its dark, dense wood, often used in carving and fine furniture. 6. Red Cedar (Toona sureni) - Lightweight yet durable, used for joinery, furniture, and paneling. 7. Mersawa (Anisoptera spp.) - A durable hardwood used in construction, plywood, and boat building. 8. Ironwood (Erythrophleum spp.) - Extremely dense and durable, suitable for heavy construction and tool handles. 9. Calophyllum (Calophyllum spp.) - Used for construction, flooring, and boat building due to its strength and workability. 10. Hopea (Hopea spp.) - Valued for its durability and used in construction and flooring. 11. Papua Walnut (Dracontomelon spp.) - Used for furniture and decorative purposes. 12. Terminalia (Terminalia spp.) - Commonly used in construction and furniture-making.
Timber suitable for remanufacture in handicrafts , building material , door and windows and furniture 40' container lots (approx 40 m3)
Timber suitable for remanufacture in handicrafts , building material , door and windows and furniture 40' container lots (approx 40 m3)
Pine species kiln dry sawn. pack size approx 2.5M3.
If you require a large qty of suitable logs for pallets, plywood or other construction uses please make contact, we can offer 30000mt of Mahogany Hardwood logs grown in Australia and ready for supply. Inspections welcome.
Sawn minus radiata timber, various and lengths
Kwila rough sawn timbers in Solomon island available.