Covid Antigen Ag swab rapid test card, Sensitivity: 96.17%; Specificity: >99.9%; Accuracy: 98.79% Big quantity, low price is available.
Covid Antigen Ag saliva rapid test card, Sensitivity: 97.1% Specificity: 99% Agreement: 99.57% 10 miuntes to get the result. MOQ for each: 500 tests, 20 tests/box,
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Covid antigen rapid test kit made in Turkey seller : manufactory company minimum order : 10,000 pcs Licensed in Europe and UK 1 box 25 pcs T/T
Diagnostic Kit for IgM/IgG 2 in 1 Antibody to 2019-nCoV (Colloidal Gold) Test principle This diagnostic kit adopts the principle of colloidal gold immunochromatographic test strip to make qualitative test for 2019-nCoV IgM/IgG antibody in human serum, human plasma and whole blood samples. Purpose This diagnostic kit is used for making qualitative test for 2019-nCoV IgM/IgG antibody in human serum, human plasma and whole blood samples. It acts as an early-stage aided diagnostic kit for clinical patients infecting 2019-nCoV, yet it is not the only standard for clinical diagnose. Sample requirements This kit is suitable for human serum (EDTA anticoagulant, heparin anticoagulant, trisodium citrate dihydrate anticoagulant 1:9), human plasma and whole blood samples.
Cat No: RK056-20. STANDARD Q COVID-19 IgM/IgG Combois a rapid Immunochromatographic assay for the qualitative dtection of specific antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 present in human Serum,Plasma or Whole Blood specimen. Rapid testing for detection of IgM & IgG antibodies against SARS CoV-2 10 µl of specimen: Serum, Plasma & Whole Blood Long term storage of 24 months at 2 - 30 C Complementary to RT-PCR Test Can be performed without extra equipment
Cat No : RK081-25. Ulta Covid-19 Ag test is a rapid Immunochromatographic assey for the qualitative detection of specific antigens to SAR-COV-2 present in human nasopharynx.
Genbody Influenza/ Covid - 19 Ag Triple, Rapid immuno-diagnosis of influenza A, B & SARS-CoV Single test for 3 parameters: antigen test of influenza A,B & SARS-CoV-2 Easy to use, Simple Procedure, Quick resulting and high Accuracy. Production information: 1.Specimen: nasopharyngeal swab or Viral transport medium (VTM) 2.No Cross-reaction with 27 kinds of other respiratory viruses. 3.No interference with 23 kinds of interfering substances. 4.Limit of detection (LoD):1.89x10 HA units/mL for influenza A, 4.1 x 10 HA units/ mL for influenza B, 1.78x10 TCID/mL for SARS-CoV-2. 5.Detection of SARS-CoV-2 Varients: alpha,beta,gamma, delta, omicron & stealth omicron.
- Nasal test - Single packed with all component - Quick result within 15-20 minutes - Specificity 99,54% - Sensitivity 92,71% - Accuracy 97,14% - CE Home Certificate (EC Certificate No. 1434-YVDD-446/2021) Directive 98/79/EC Concerning in vitro diagnostic medical devices
Dr. Guard is space sterilization and deodorant using pure chlorine dioxide. [Dr. Guard] * Sterilization test against COVID-19 showed a high result of 99.99% effectiveness * Registered as a disinfectant for general disinfection in the Central Defense Countermeasures Headquarters of Korean government * Corona 19 self-disinfecting environment approved product * Completed safety check test and the only product certified by the Ministry of Environment * Registered with the FDA. Safety verification completed in WHO. * With proven technical skills, Dr. Guard has been recognized for its effectiveness in removing germs and odors. * Obtained certifications from honorable global health institutions such as CE, FDA, PFDA and KEMENKES [ClO2 Chlorine Dioxide] * Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2) is a World Health Organization (WHO) recognized safety class A-1 safety material. As a sanitary disinfectant already in Korea under the Drinking Water Management Act of 1999. It is soluble in chlorine dioxide. This is because there is no problem even when used for drinking water. * The fatal drawback is that it is difficult to commercialize because it vaporizes quickly and is not easy to manufacture in gaseous form. However, since the sterilizing and deodorizing power is strong, manufacturers have added additional additives (sulfur, surfactant, etc.) for long-term storage. * So, to make pure chlorine dioxide, special and difficult differentiated technology is required. Dr. Guard is a pure chlorine dioxide product made by a purely Korean technology by an honest company. [Germs that can be sterilized by Dr. guard] COROPNA-19 virus, N1N1, Pneumococcus, Dermatophyte, Norovirus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Fungi, Salmonella typhi, Staphyococcus aureus, Legionella [Applications of Dr. Guard] Using pure silicon dioxide chlorine sterilizing and deodorizing agent, we use the best technology in producing Dr. Guard for variety of purposes. Bedroom, Bathroom, Refrigerator, Kitchen No alcohol, No cancerous agents, No preservatives Air purification, Antivirul action [How to use Dr. Guard] The stick contains main solution�?� and an ample (secondary solution) 1. Bend central part of the stick. 2. Once the ample inside the stick cracks, shake it enough to mix the power with the solution well. 3. As it turns yellow, the active ingredients are released to the surface of the stick. 4. After 3~4 weeks of usage, dispose stick into normal trash bag once solution inside turns transparent.
USD$18.00 AccuPowe COVID-19 Real-Time RT-PCR Kit is an in vitro diagnostic kit that helps diagnose COVID-19 infections, detects SARS-CoV-2 (E gene and RdRp gene) RNA from a suspected infection patient's sample (such as sputum, nasopharyngeal swab, oropharyngeal swab) through Real-Time Polymerase chain reaction(PCR) using ExiStation Universal MDx system. Validated to: Bio-Rad CFX96 ABI 7500 Fast Target Genes: Rdrp, E
SOFTEC COVID-19 IGG/IGM Antibody Test Kit (Single Pack) The COVID-19 IgG/IgM Rapid Test Cassette is a lateral flow chromatograpic immunoassay for the qualitative defection of antibodies (IgG and IgM) to Novel coronavirus in human Whole Blood/Serum/Plasma. It provides an aid in the diagnosis of intection with Novel coronavirus.
Description This kit utilizes fluorescence quantitative probe-based PCR and guarantees a high specificity to ensure accurate one-step identification of ORF1ab and N genes of 2019-nCoV. The kit offers a highly sensitive test with a limit of detection as low as 500 copies/ml. The results are available within 1.5 hour. Kit Contents (48 Tests /Kit) Dual Enzyme solution A 50 µl Dual Ncvo-O / N reaction solution A 1 ml Dual Ncvo-O / N positive control A 200 µl Dual Negative control A 200µl Applicable equipment ABI series, Bio-Rad, Roche series and other fluorescent real-time PCR instruments. Specimens requirements Specimen type: nasopharyngeal swab from suspected infection; virus cell culture fluid, etc. Basic Protocol 1. Sample preparation. Take the test sample and extract the RNA nucleic acid according to the instructions of the nucleic acid extraction kit. The nucleic acid extraction product should be stored at -20 C. 2. Reaction mixture preparation According to the total number of test samples, the number of PCR reaction tubes needed is. N = number of samples + 1 negative control + 1 positive control. The following protocol is recommended for a 20 µl reaction volume. If the volume of reaction changes, please adjust proportionally. Components Volume Dual Enzyme solution A 1 µl Dual Ncvo-O / N reaction solution A 19µl Final Volume: 20 µl 3. Sample adding. Add 5 µl each of the extracted RNA, positive and of negative control to corresponding reaction tubes. After assembling all the components, cover the tube caps and gently mix the contents of the tube, mix well, and centrifuge briefly. 4. Perform quantitative PCR Place the reaction tube inside a real-time PCR instrument. Set the channel and sample information, reaction system volume 25 µl. Select the following channels: FAM channel for nCOV-ORF1ab, VIC channel for nCOV-N. Perform quantitative PCR using recommended cycling parameters settings: Step Temperature Time Number of cycles Fluorescence Detector 1 50C 15 min 1 Off 2 95C 3 min 1 Off 3 95C 10sec 45 Off 60C 30 sec On Result analysis: 1) Set the baseline: Generally, it is set to 6-15cycle for ABI 7500, 7700 and other instruments, 3-15cycle for PE5700, and 6-12cycle for MJ Research Option2. Under special circumstances, the baseline can be adjusted accordantly. 2) Set the threshold: The threshold line just exceeds the highest point of the negative control amplification curve (random noise line).
Quantity: 250,000 (250K) Lyher - 1 tests per package - price ¬ 1.70 officially approved by the BfArM test suitable for lay use rapid sampling through the nose user-friendly step-by-step instructions Test result within 15 minutes LYHER Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Antigen Test Kit (Colloidal Gold) from the manufacturer Hangzhou Laihe Biotech Co., Ltd., China If interested, just let us know Quantity: 250.000 (250K) Lyher â?? 1 tests per package â?? Preis â?¬1,70 offiziell durch das BfArM zugelassener Test geeignet f�¼r Laienanwendungen schnelle Probenentnahme durch die Nase benutzerfreundliche Schritt-f�¼r-Schritt-Anleitung Testergebnis innerhalb von 15 Minuten LYHER Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Antigen Test Kit (Colloidal Gold) des Herstellers Hangzhou Laihe Biotech Co., Ltd., China
Our covid-19 antigen saliva test and covid 19 ag swab test already got Germany BFARM number and passed PEI test, and antigen nasal test has been registered on EU common list, hope to cooerate with your esteemed company, self testing is on progress. Hope to cooperate with your esteemed company, and we got very good feedback from many clients, promise you high quality.
Covid Test Kit -19 FDA approved
Hello My name is Joe President of Blinq Wholesale supplier of Rapid Antigen Covid 19 test. We have 8m IHEALTH test available at our Los Angeles warehouse for $1.90 per test a box and it comes with the 6 month extension on the exp date till Jan 2023 We also have 10m Flowflex At $2.00 Per Box. All Units Are Here In The United States And Ready For Delivery. Price IS Negotiable as your quantity goes up. If you have any questions please email us
Rapid antigen test kit for detection of COVID-19 . Easy,safe and accurate
European CE Certified 15 Minutes Detection Time Format 25T/Kit Colloidal Gold Method Detection Substance: Antibody Type of Sample : Serum/Plasma/Whole Blood No instruments needed