Good Quality Bitter Gourd green long variety available with good germination in bulk quantity
Unpolished Native Variety Delicious More Nutritious Soaks Quickly Cooks Quickly Chemical Free Packing Unpolished dals are more nutritious than polished dals Native varieties of dal are more flavorful and nutritious than hybrid varieties because they are naturally resistant to pests and require fewer or no pesticides or fertilisers to grow There is no preservativechemical coating on Ecobuddy Dals which makes it handy to soak and cook And so please use it within 60 days from the date of packing or refrigerate Furthermore Bengal gramme seeds are small and stupid and have a harsh coat Chickpeas as a rich source of nutrients minerals and fiber may also provide a variety of scientific advantages for example enhancing processing assisting the weight gain board and decreasing the risk of a few ailments Furthermore chickpeas are high in protein and make an excellent meat substitute for veggie lovers and vegetarians who watch their calories
RAntolia F1 Carrot Seeds Nantes x Kuroda Hybrid KSP1026 Key Details : A superb Nantes X Kuroda hybrid with unparalleled tolerance to Alternaria Unparalleled Alternaria resistance Very strong seedling vigour and good cold emergence Highly adaptable with excellent stand ability and bolting tolerance For fresh and bunching market Highly adaptable with excellent stand ability and bolting tolerance For fresh and bunching market Maturity: Early maturity, with excellent hold ability, high splitting tolerance Summer 90 100 days Winter 110 130 days Market segment: Fresh Bunching Processing Bolting: Excellent bolting tolerance, with extended planting window Storability: Average to good Target varieties: Bolero Diease Resistance : Intermediate resistance: Alternaria Oidium and Cavity spot resistance still in test Xanthamonas highly tolerant Top yields with preventative spray program Plant population : 1.0 - 1.1 million seeds per hectare Flliage Characteristics : Dark green Length Medium to long Strong attachment, suitable for mechanical harvest Root Characteristics : Dimension: Length 16 - 20 cm Shape and color: Long, cylindrical, slightly tapered, dark, attractive orange Uniformity and skin smoothness: Excellent, smooth skins
Karmona F1 F1 Nantes Hybrid KSP1202 Key Details : An outstanding hybrid Nantes variety Good internal and external quality Stable variety, highly adaptable to different planting seasons Intermediate resistance to Alternaria Smooth skin Suited to Pre pack market Maturity: Early to medium maturity Summer 100 110 days Winter 120 150 days Market segment: Pre-pack Fresh market Bolting: Excellent bolting tolerance Storability: Average to good Target varieties: Soprano, Bolero, Bengala Diease Resistance : Intermediate resistance: Alternaria Oidium and Cavity spot still in test, variety too new to claim resistance Top yields with preventative spray program Tested under severe disease pressure, with advantage over competitors Plant population : 1.0 -1.1 million seeds per hectare Flliage Characteristics : Color medium green Length Medium to long Strong attachment Root Characteristics : Dimension: Length: 16 -20 cm Shape and color: Long, cylindrical, slightly tapered Uniformity and skin smoothness: Excellent, Smooth skins
High Virus Tolerance Plant : Indeterminate Fruit shape : Oval Fruit size (g) : 110-130g Fruit Firmness : Very good Fruit colour : Red Maturity : 75-85 days Tolerance : High Yield : 80 tons/hectare Self-life: Good Recommended for : Medium land, highland
virus tolerance Triploid watermelon Sugar baby type Vigorous, High productive Oval with deep red & sweet crisp-textured flesh Weight about 5-7 kg with 12% sugar content Maturity 55-60 days Good for storage and shipping
Variety: Super Varad Segment Charecters: Days Of First Picking: 55 Days Fruit Color: Green Fruit Shape : Cylendrical Fruit Length: 30-35 CM Fruit Weight: 750-800 Grams Remark: Attractive Shiny Green Color Fruit Seed Rate: 2Kg/Ha Spacing: 60*180CM Yield: 75-85Tones/Ha
Variety: Anmol Seg. Charecters : Days Of First Picking: 55 Days Fruit Color: Green Fruit Shape : Cylendrical with thin neck Fruit Length: 30-35 CM Fruit Weight: 750-800 Grams Remark: Attractive Shiny Green Color Fruit Seed Rate: 2Kg/Ha Spacing: 60*180CM Yield: 75-80Tones/Ha
Variety: Akash f1 Charecters: Days Of First Picking: 50-55Days Fruit Color: Glossy Green Fruit Shape: Flatish Round (Chakri Type) Fruit Weight: 500-600 Grams Remark: Vigourous Plant With High Fruit Setting. Seed Rate: 2Kg/Ha Spacing: 60*180CM
Hot pepper seeds for sowing. Technical specifications will be provided to the enquirer 10 grams and above packing
Available colour :orange Seeds count :260 seeds/grams Flower diameter :12-15 cm Germination :above 85% Plant height :100cm Plant width :90cm Seeds per acre :maximum 26000 seeds(100grams) Days of nursery :17 days Crop time :60 days Days of flower :120 days Yield per acre :above 15ton/acre Session unsessionable As you wish
Mari produces better yielding, pest resistant varieties in all vegetable crops. The seeds produced by maharudra are of good quality and 100% germination with high vigor, 100% genetically pure, uniform crop in field, disease resistance, pest resistance & insect resistance and capable of adjusting to any adverse climatic conditions.We have such segments in vegetable seeds which have the tolerance for high temperature, low temperature and diseases. We have varieties and different segments in okra, pumpkin, bottle guard, bitter guard, ridge guard, sponge guard, carrot, beet, brinjal, hot pepper, sweet pepper, (capsicum) cabbage, cauliflower, tomato & onion of course is our key product in vegetable.Apart from this we also have specialised varieties in soya bean, research wheat, bajra, hybrid maize, research and hybrid paddy, tuar, udad, moong red gram, groundnut and so on. From 5 kgs to 20 kgs.
Squash Leckor F1 Cucurbita maxima Approx 5 10 seeds per gram Squash has become such a popular vegetable to grow over the last decade or so and for good reason Butternut is one of the best known but there are so many varieties to choose from There are summer and winter types Summer squash are thinskinned with a lighter moist flesh They are best eaten fresh Winter squash have a harder skin and dense flesh with a more intense flavour They can be stored for a few months after harvest Leckor F1 is a recently developed silvergrey squash with orange flesh of an excellent texture and flavour It grows to 115kg and can store for up to four months
Squash: Amoro F1 Cucurbita maxima Approx. 4-5 seeds per gram Squash has become such a popular vegetable to grow over the last decade or so and for good reason. Butternut is one of the best known but there are so many varieties to choose from. There are summer and winter types. Summer squash are thin-skinned with a lighter, moist flesh. They are best eaten fresh. Winter squash have a harder skin and dense flesh with a more intense flavour. They can be stored for a few months after harvest. Amoro F1 is an early and high-yielding, heart-shaped, Uchiki Kuri type with thick flesh and a very bright orange skin. It has a bush habit so high density planting is possible and the 0.8-1.3kg fruits store well for 3-4 months.
Squash: Orangetti F1 Cucurbita pepo Approx. 7-8 seeds per gram Squash has become such a popular vegetable to grow over the last decade or so and for good reason. Butternut is one of the best known but there are so many varieties to choose from. There are summer and winter types. Summer squash are thin-skinned with a lighter, moist flesh. They are best eaten fresh. Winter squash have a harder skin and dense flesh with a more intense flavour. They can be stored for a few months after harvest.
Squash Winter Sweet F1 Cucurbita maxima Approx 5 10 seeds per gram Squash has become such a popular vegetable to grow over the last decade or so and for good reason Butternut is one of the best known but there are so many varieties to choose from There are summer and winter types Summer squash are thinskinned with a lighter moist flesh They are best eaten fresh Winter squash have a harder skin and dense flesh with a more intense flavour They can be stored for a few months after harvest
Organic Squash Cinnamon Girl F1 Squash (pumpkin type): Cinnamon Girl Cucurbita pepo Approx. 3-4 seeds per gram Always popular at Halloween, pumpkins are fun to grow in the garden if you have enough room. They are vigorous trailing plants and take up quite a bit of space. The larger varieties need a long growing season and are great for competitions and carving. Smaller types are more practical in the kitchen.
Squash: Orange Summer F1 Cucurbita maxima Approx. 10-11 seeds per gram Squash has become such a popular vegetable to grow over the last decade or so and for good reason. Butternut is one of the best known but there are so many varieties to choose from. There are summer and winter types. Summer squash are thin-skinned with a lighter, moist flesh. They are best eaten fresh. Winter squash have a harder skin and dense flesh with a more intense flavour. They can be stored for a few months after harvest. PLEASE SEND YOUR INQUIRY FOR OUR BEST PRICES
Squash Tibello F1 Cucurbita moschata Approx1820 seeds per gram Squash has become such a popular vegetable to grow over the last decade or so and for good reason Butternut is one of the best known but there are so many varieties to choose from There are summer and winter types Summer squash are thinskinned with a lighter moist flesh They are best eaten fresh Winter squash have a harder skin and dense flesh with a more intense flavour They can be stored for a few months after harvest PLEASE SEND YOUR INQUIRY FOR OUR BEST PRICES WHOLESALES PRICES
Bitter Gourd