This flavoured tea, which is a mix of aromatic Indian spices is the favourite of millions of Indians. How about enjoying this special chai instantly? Now you can. In just under a minute
More and more Indians are looking to get into healthier grooves in their lives. Lemongrass tea is not just a refreshing but also delightfully healthy. The best part? Can be made under a minute.
Truly, tea as it should be. Strong, robust and packed with flavor beyond all reckoning, Society Tea delivers with this blend yet again. Taken either with milk or with lemon, this brew is sure to get you feeling energized and revitalized, ready to take on new challenges, through the course of the day.
Fortified with spices that are proven to have excellent antioxidant properties and great, robust flavour, Society Masala Tea is meant to be. Brew yourself a cup or two of this elixir, and feel your troubles, stresses and qualms, just melt away. Piquant and beautifully balanced, this tea is a 10 on the Richter scale in terms of taste.
Crushed, twisted and curled each tea leaf is carefully picked to create and amalgamation of exquisite aroma and taste. The CTC process ensures that the Society tea offers the perfect infusion of rich color and strong flavor providing each customer a cuppa to cherish.
Here's simplicity at its best. Among flavored teas, It's the most popular. Lemon tea has several proven health benefits and is easy-to-prepare. How easy? Can be made under a minute.
Society Tea One Minute Coffee (14.5 g x 10 Sachets)
Price : 140.00
Wake up and smell this premium instant coffee. You will fall in love with it instantly. First the strong aroma and then the refreshing sip..ahhh! And come to think of it all you have to do is just add hot water, stir and you're ready to indulge yourself.