Vermicompost is an organic fertilizer, created by feeding worms (a type of earthworm) with cow dung. These waste products that pass through their digestive system, then metabolized and released are called vermicompost.
Vermocompost Pb01 is a line of high-grade vermicompost that has been reduced in moisture through the greenhouse system in the most natural way, then screened and finely milled by a professional processing system.
Product Name: Vermicompost Organic Fertilizer-Pb01 pH: Neutral
Color: Dark Brown Axit humic (C): 1.9%
Raw Material: 100% from Vermicompost C/N: 9
Organic Matter: 60-70% %NPK: 322
PACKING: 2kg, 5kg, 10kg, 25kg, 40kg or according to customer's request.
1. Diversity of nutrients
2. Add to the soil an abundant microbiological system: bring effective soil improvement
3. There are worm eggs.
4. 100% organic: Provide a huge organic to the soil, safe, and odorless.
5. Provide humic acid, fulvic acid, IAA, etc
6. Easily absorbed nutrients.
We were established in 2013. So far, it has more than 9 years of experience in producing vermicompost and organic substrates.
With the advantage of being a pioneer in the worm industry and at the same time the factory is located in the largest and best quality worm farming area, Dang Gia Trang is currently the most prestigious and largest vermicompost production company in Vietnam. In addition to the main product of vermicompost, Dang Gia Trang also develops other lines of organic fertilizers and substrates.
Zinc solubilizing bacteria produce organic acids and convert the insoluble zinc sulfide, Zinc oxide and Zinc carbonate into available Zn+ by lowering the soil Ph and breaking down the complexity and increasing the crop yield and soil health. Dosage: 1Lit/Acre.
Anneo Zn (Zinc Solubilizing Bacteria) Powder
Same as above, Dosage: 5Kgs/ ACRE,
Soil Application: By Broadcasting method
ANNEO-N (Azotobactersp) is a bio-fertilizer based on bacteria and used for Nitrogen fixation
ANNEO-N helps plant in getting nutrient 'N' (Nitrogen) from the atmosphere & Soil.
ANNEO-N enhances root proliferation through the release of growth-promoting hormones
ANNEO-N increases the grain and fruit size & ensures complete maturity.
ANNEO-N increases the yield both by quality and quantity.
ANNEO-N improves flowering & prevents the shedding of flowers and fruits.
Dosage: 1.0 Litrs / Acre
Anneo - N (Azoto) Powder
Same as above. DOSAGE: 5KGS/ACRE,
Soil Application: 5kgs of Material per acre as a Broadcasting method
PSB converts insoluble phosphatic compounds such as rock phosphate, bone meal and basic slag particularly the chemically fixed soil phosphorus into available form. Such organism not only assimilates phosphorus but also cause a large amount of soluble phosphate to be released in excess of their own requirements and saves P2O5 up to 30 -50 Kg/ ha. Phosphorus solubilizing activity is determined by the ability of microbes to release metabolites such as organic acid (lactic acid, malic acid, gluconic acid, fumaric acid, succinic and acetic acid). Increase resistance towards diseases and drought tolerance due to rapid cell development in the plants.
Anneo-N (Azosh) is a biofertilizer that contains Azospirillum sp bacteria which has the ability to colonize the plant roots and fix atmospheric Nitrogen. It fixes atmospheric nitrogen to the level of 30-40 kgs per hectare and thereby helps to reduce the amount of synthetic fertilizer usage. It synthesizes phytohormones, in particular, indole-3-acetic acid, and is supposed to increase abiotic and biotic stress tolerance capacity thereby assisting in plant growth.
ANNEO -N (Azospirillum) Powder
Same as above, Dosage: 5Kgs/ ACRE,
Soil Application: By Broadcasting method.
NEO-VAM is a Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhiza preparation contains spores (asexual resting Clamydospores), fragments of mycorrhiza fungal filaments and infected roots bits. NEO-VAM preparation is made on exfoliated vermiculite carrier contains mainly Glomus fasciculatum and other endo-mychorhizal species @ 100 infective propagules per gram of the product.
Want your plants to grow more fertile but worried about the bad effects of chemical fertilizers?
It's time to turn to Vermicompost Fertilizer. Produced naturally by earthworms with all its benefits, vermicompost fertilizer is effective for fertilizing your plants and maintaining soil health. Vermicompost has a dense but soft texture so it can be applied to both dry and wet land and its slow release and soluble nutritional properties make it easily absorbed by the soil. You can use it for vegetables, fruit, flowers, rice, secondary crops, and grass on golf courses
So, what are the advantages of VERMICOMPOST:
Plants and fruit are 1.5 times more fertile Based on research, plants given vermicompost
experienced an increase in root, stem and fruit weight 1.5 times more than plants that only received NPK fertilizer.
Meet plant needs
The presence of natural microbes such as good fungi, good bacteria and actinomycetes that multiply in the soil helps bind the chemical elements that plants need.
Suitable for a variety of plants
Vermicompost is a type of organic fertilizer that is suitable for various types of plants. Vermicompost can improve fruit quality. And makes the color of the flowers even more beautiful
Increases water and oxygen retention Vermicompost can increase the porosity, aeration and drainage of the soil so that plants get more water and oxygen needed to grow.
Rich in nutrients
When compared to traditional compost, the nutrients and minerals of this soft-textured fertilizer are much higher. Nutrients such as nitrate, phosphate, potassium, calcium and magnesium are completely containedin vermicompost fertilizer.
How to use:
Vermicompost fertilizer is mixed with soil media with a 1:1 composition, then it can be directly used as a planting medium or as plant nutrition. Composition: 100% Vermicompost/ Worm Dung
Plastic Bulk Vermicompost (5 kg)
Bulk Vermicompost (25 kg)
Plastic Sifter Vermicompost (5 kg)
Vermicompost Sifter Sak (25 kg
Fertilizers play a key role in improving the productivity of various crops. Fertilizers contain three primary elements. They are nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P) and potassium(K). They are usually represented on the package as a percentage of their weight i.e. 10-8-6 meaning 10% of N, 8% of P and 6% of K. Formulation percentages vary depending on intended use and desired effects.
We are the manufaturer of vermicompost organic fertilizers in india our productionper month is 200 tonnes we looking for buyer from forieng countrys
We Are The Manufacturers Of 100% Organic Fertilizer And Products.
Vermicompost Fertilizer And Vermiwash Liquid Fertilizer Which Is The Best Organic Fertilizer For All Types Of Plants, Fruits, Vegetables, Flowers And Agriculture Crops.
Organic Chicken Manure Pellets - 4-3-3 NPK
72% organic Matter
Made from a blend of quality manures including composted chicken litter, Soilworx is naturally high in organic carbon, and has the full range of trace elements.
We are producing high quality vermicompost organic fertilizer with all nutrition available for soil, we can supply any quantity required by buyer.. Please contact us..