Una de gato (Uncaria tomentosa and Uncaria guianensis) Una de gato translates to Cat's Claw and is an herb that grows in the Amazon of Peru. Its common name refers to the curved thorns of this woody vine that look like claws. The inner bark and root have been used for centuries in Peru because they contain high levels of alkaloids that activate the immune system, reduce inflammation, protect against tumor growth and carcinogens and prevent gene mutations. It is also used for many gastrointestinal problems and has antiviral properties that can stop the spread of viruses.de gato can be brewed as a drink or is often taken in the form of capsules or an extract in daily doses. The cat's claw meets the following properties. Adaptogenic Antimicrobial Antioxidant Antiviral Anti-inflammatory Antitumor
Sangre de Grado (Croton lechleri) Sangre de Grado, known as Dragon?s Blood for its dark red sap, is a plant that grows between 1200 and 3000 meters in the Amazon of Peru. The sap contains a chemical called SP-303, which has anti-inflammatory, antiviral and digestive properties and also aids the body?s natural healing and scarring process. Sangre de Grado is frequently used as an antidiarrheal for cholera, traveler?s diarrhea and AIDS. It has also been used to treat insect bites, open wounds, broken bones, infections, fever and ulcers, though its medicinal properties are still being studied. The sap can be applied directly to the skin or the extract of SP-303 can be ingested as a pill. Sangre is used for douching for general purposes, and before and after childbirth. It makes the vaginal lining impervious to bacteria and yeast. Sangre is effective for dealing with inflamed or infected gums, and for removing tartar Sangre de drago is used for intestinal and stomach ulcers and as an antidiarrheal It is also being studied for action against HIV. It is reported to be helpful for upper respiratory infections as well. It helps heal wounds by forming a protective barrier, and it also reduces stinging, itching and pain.
Sacha Inchi (Plukenetia volubilis Linneo) Sacha Inchi, which in Quechua means mountain peanut, is a tree that grows in the Amazon of Peru. The seed of the plant is eaten raw like a nut or in the form of extra virgin oil. It is known for its incredibly high levels of Omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids even more than fish oil. It also contains vitamins A and E and amino acids. The health benefits of Sachi Inchi are numerous, including blood pressure regulation, prevention of certain types of cancer, hormonal balance, alleviation of cardiovascular problems and the reduction of bad cholesterol. Lowers LDL and raises HDL cholesterol, helps us deal with stress and feel calm and happy due to presence of tryptophan., thanks to the tryptophan, also regulate appetite so we don’t get cravings, overeat, presence of high amount of Omega 3 helps control glucose levels., anti-inflammatory nature of sacha inchi may make it a good supplement to ease joint pain and rheumatoid arthritis.
Muna is a plant that grows in the regions of Ayacucho, Puno and Cusco and has a pleasant flavor often compared to mint. You can easily find Muna growing in the Andes, where it is popularly served as an herbal tea alongside mate de coca. It has high levels of calcium and phosphorous, which makes it good for teeth and bones, preventing osteoporosis. Muna also aids digestion and stomach pains and can treat intestinal infections and inflammation. Appropriate to fight altitude sickness. It has carminative and digestive properties. Relieves flatulence and diarrhea conditions. Benefits hardening of bones due to its high amount of calcium and phosphorus. Prevents osteoporosis . The Muna based cream is used to cure rheumatic pain, fractures, luxations and wounds.
Maca(Lepidium meyenii) Maca is a root that is sometimes referred to as Peruvian Ginseng because of its similar medicinal properties and benefits, though it is not of the gingseng family. It grows in high altitudes of the Andes and has been cultivated by the Andean people for thousands of years. Maca has energizing and invigorating qualities and can be used to treat symptoms associated with anemia, depression and chronic fatigue syndrome, though it is most commonly touted for its aphrodisiac qualities as it boosts fertility and libido in both men and women. Like ginseng, it is also known to improve memory and cognitive function. You can use the maca root to brew drinks or it can be ground into a powder that you can mix into smoothies or food. The root can also be baked or roasted and eaten with other food.
Andean Pink Salt(Sal De Maras) Pink Salt comes from an ancient ocean, trapped underground, which feeds a spring located 10,000 feet high in the Andes Mountains in Maras, Peru. The warm spring water seeps into terraced ponds located in the Sacred Valley of the Incas. The ponds, which have been hand-harvested for over 2,000 years, are now owned by individual families, who, after harvesting, load the salt on the backs of burros for the long descent into town. Peruvian Pink Sea Salt is very pale pink and has a rich, complex, minerally flavor. It contains magnesium, iron, calcium and zinc, which can help conditions such as stress, anemia and osteoporosis. The sal de Maras is known as the healthiest and most nutritious salt on the planet, and can only be found in the Andes and the Himalayas. Health benefits of this mineral powerhouse include: It can help stabilize and regulate the heartbeat, thanks to its magnesium and sodium content. Its sodium is essential for proper muscular function. Good quality salt helps minimize the effects of stress by maintaining proper melatonin, serotonin, and tryptamine levels in the brain. It helps remove cellular acidity, especially in the brain and kidneys and it helps prevent osteoporosis. It provides a buffer for blood sugar levels to help prevent diabetes or to help those who are diabetic use less insulin. It provides iodine in a natural setting, making it easier for your thyroid to absorb it and to regulate the endocrine system.
Achiote(Bixa Orellana) Aciote is a small tree that grows in the Amazon and the coast below 1400 meters elevation and has been cultivated since pre-Columbian times in Peru. The seeds and powder from the plant are good for digestion and have also been used to treat asthma and as antimalarial medicine. The fruits and seeds can be consumed in a tea infusion that is often taken to control headaches. The leaves have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties which can prevent prostatitis that could later lead to prostate cancer. The crushed leaves can be used for the alleviation of respiratory problems, throat infections, fever, dermatitis, skin infections , diarrhea and vomiting, and conjunctivitis. Prevent Cataracts. Treats Gonorrhea. Antioxidant Nature. Control Congenital Disabilities. Dermal Healing. Prevent Cancer Development. Strengthen Kidney. Reduce Stomach Issues.
For the Chilean Walnut Commission quality is a priority. That is why since 2012 the technical committee has worked in a quality standard that sought to update the industry standards in line with international requirements and the processes to produce in Chile. In 2013 we launched the quality standard for walnuts in shell, shelled manually and shelled mechanically.The temperate climate of Chile’s central region, with its moderate temperatures and warm dry summers, is one of the best in the world for high quality fruit production: fresh fruit, dried fruit and especially walnuts. Chile’s geographic position in the South Hemisphere, gives an enormous advantage to the country. Chile is able to supply the foreign market with walnuts of recognized quality and freshness, during the months of the highest demand (April to December). Chilean Walnuts are considered to be the world's best. Product Attributes : Product Specification Product number : WL-7123 Place of Origin : Chile Crop Year : 2018 Broken ratio : 0.02% Cultivation Type : Natural Variety : Chandler Packing method : 25 Minimum Order Quantity : 5 Tons Delivery : 2 weeks Samples : Yes
The most common color of quinoa (pronounced KEEN-WAH) is white. White quinoa is actually a bit more tan than white, so sometimes it?s called tan quinoa, ivory quinoa, golden quinoa, yellow quinoa, blond quinoa, or just quinoa. Of all the quinoa colors, white quinoa has the most delicate taste and the lightest texture and it cooks up a bit fluffier than other types of quinoa A complete protein and fantastic wheat-free alternative, the demand for quinoa has risen sharply in recent years. Grown in South America (Peru, Chile and Bolivia) for thousands of years, quinoa formed the staple diet of the Incas and their descendants. In recent years, foodies in the UK and the US have heralded it as a superior alternative to bulgur wheat, couscous and rice. Though it often occupies a similar role to these grains in dishes, quinoa is actually a seed from the same family as beets, chard and spinach. Product Attributes : Product Specification Product number : WQ-7243 Place of Origin : Peru Crop Year : 2018 Broken ratio : 0.01% Cultivation Type : Natural Variety : Dry Packing method : 25 Minimum Order Quantity : 5 Tons Delivery : 2 weeks Samples : Yes
Red quinoa (which takes on a brownish hue when cooked) has a richer taste, slightly chewier texture, and somewhat nuttier flavor compared to white quinoa. It’s often the quinoa of choice for cold salads as it holds its shape better during cooking. A complete protein and fantastic wheat-free alternative, the demand for quinoa has risen sharply in recent years. Grown in South America (Peru, Chile and Bolivia) for thousands of years, quinoa formed the staple diet of the Incas and their descendants. In recent years, foodies in the UK and the US have heralded it as a superior alternative to bulgur wheat, couscous and rice. Though it often occupies a similar role to these grains in dishes, quinoa is actually a seed from the same family as beets, chard and spinach. Product Attributes : Product Specification Product number : RQ-2943 Place of Origin : Peru Crop Year : 2018 Broken ratio : 0.01% Cultivation Type : Natural Variety : Dry Packing method : 25 Minimum Order Quantity : 5 Tons Delivery : 2 weeks Samples : Yes
Black quinoa is one of the three most widely cultivated and available varieties of quinoa, the others being white and red. Black quinoa is earthier and sweeter-tasting than white quinoa and maintains its black color when cooked. As with all quinoa varieties, it's also gluten-free. Black quinoa is typically harder to find than white or red. A complete protein and fantastic wheat-free alternative, the demand for quinoa has risen sharply in recent years. Grown in South America (Peru, Chile and Bolivia) for thousands of years, quinoa formed the staple diet of the Incas and their descendants. In recent years, foodies in the UK and the US have heralded it as a superior alternative to bulgur wheat, couscous and rice. Though it often occupies a similar role to these grains in dishes, quinoa is actually a seed from the same family as beets, chard and spinach. Product Attributes : Product Specification Product number : BQ-7943 Place of Origin : Peru Crop Year : 2018 Broken ratio : 0.01% Cultivation Type : Natural Variety : Dry Packing method : 25 Minimum Order Quantity : 25 Tons Delivery : 2 weeks Samples : Yes
A single-serving box of raisins is a practical, satisfying, nutritious snack. The dehydration process depletes grapes of some nutrients, leaving them low in vitamin content, but they contain antioxidant flavonoids, pigments that give plants their color, that offer health benefits. Although colorful fruits are often richer in antioxidants because they contain more flavonoids, golden raisins have more of some flavonoids than regular raisins, so choose your raisin type based on your health goals A 1.5-ounce, single-serving box of either provides about 130 calories, 1.7 grams of fiber, 1.5 grams of protein and 25.5 grams of natural sugar. Each gives you less than 5 percent of your recommended daily intake for calcium, iron, magnesium and most B vitamins. Each provides 5 to 10 percent of the potassium and phosphorus you need each day. Product Attributes : Product Specification Product number : GR-7543 Place of Origin : Chile Crop Year : 2018 Broken ratio : 0.01% Cultivation Type : Natural Variety : Dry Packing method : 25 Minimum Order Quantity : 5 Tons Delivery : 2 weeks Samples : Yes
Colchagua Valley, just south of Santiago to source the finest Chilean Prunes. When the plums are perfectly ripe they are gently shaken from the trees, they are then left to dry with a perfect backdrop in the Chilean sun, until they reach the perfect levels of moisture and sweetness. Prunes are a great source of vitamin A, a vitamin that is essential for healthy vision. One prune delivers 3 percent of the recommended daily intake of vitamin A. People who are deficient in vitamin A are prone to night blindness, dry eyes, macular degeneration and cataracts. Tufts University in Boston ranked prunes, or dried plums, as #1 food in terms of antioxidant capacity. Prunes contain manganese, iron and plant phenolics that function as antioxidants and help protect the cell membranes from free radical damage. Prunes help the body in digesting food properly, to relieve constipation and have regular bowel movement. This is because prunes are high in fiber and sorbitol. According to Florida State University, prunes may be able to reverse osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. Product Attributes : Product Specification Product number : CP-9123 Place of Origin : Chile Crop Year : 2018 Broken ratio : 0.04% Cultivation Type : Natural Variety : Fresh Packing method : 25 Minimum Order Quantity : 5 Tons Delivery : 2 weeks Samples : Yes
Chilean Almonds are considered to be the best almonds. The almond is an edible seed that grows on the tree ‘Prunus dulcis ’, more commonly called the almond tree. There are at least twenty-five varieties of almonds and they can be divided into ten main types. There have been several studies about their benefits on heart health, diabetes and weight management which make them a very healthy snack. Non Pareil and Carmel are the most popular varieties Health benefits: This very healthy product is one of the most important products in any assortment with nuts. A top source of antioxidant vitamin E. Rich in magnesium. Good source of protein and fibre. Product Attributes : Product Specification Product number : AL-1101 Place of Origin : Chile Crop Year : 2018 Broken ratio : 0.02% Cultivation Type : Natural Variety : Non Parel Packing method : 25 Minimum Order Quantity : 5 Tons Delivery : 2 weeks Samples : Yes
They are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, rich in antioxidants, and they provide fiber, iron, and calcium.Omega-3 fatty acids help raise HDL cholesterol, the "good" cholesterol that protects against heart attack and stroke. A 28-gram, or 1-ounce, serving of chia seeds also contains 5.6 grams of protein. Mixed with water, they can replace egg in vegan cooking. Chia seeds can be eaten cooked or raw, but they should be added to another food or soaked before eating. Chia seeds have long been associated with a reduced risk of many adverse health conditions, including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and overall mortality.They have been shown to support a healthy complexion, increased energy, and overall lower weight. Product Attributes : Product Specification Product number : CS-2403 Place of Origin : Peru Crop Year : 2017-18 Broken ratio : 0.01% Cultivation Type : Natural Variety : Chia Negra Packing method : 25 Minimum Order Quantity : 5 Tons Delivery : 2 weeks Samples : Yes
The lucuma (or pouteria lucuma) grows best at altitudes above 1,000 up to 2400 meters in the coastal Andean valleys of Peru, Chile and Ecuador. Due to its high nutritional value, it was once referred as the Gold of the Incas and it has been an important crop since ancestral times. This is proven by the many ceramic remains from the Moche and later Inca cultures. This starchy fruit is high in iron, niacin or vitamin B3, carotenoids, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. Lucuma powder can be easily added to smoothies or used in desserts such as puddings, creams, cakes, cookie, etc. Dried Organic Lucuma Powder The bulk of the Lucuma production is found in dehydrated form with only a small percentage reaching the local markets to be consumed fresh. Once dehydrated, the lucuma powder (or flour) is mainly sold as flavoring for ice creams and nutritional supplement. Product Attributes : Product Specification Product number : LC-2119 Place of Origin : Peru Crop Year : 2018 Broken ratio : 0.001% Cultivation Type : Natural Variety : Nut Packing method : 5Kg, 25 Minimum Order Quantity : 5 Tons Delivery : 2 weeks Samples : Yes
The Brazil nut is used for food, especially in the making of delicious desserts such as cakes, candies, and pastries. The nuts are known for their high nutritional value, amount of calories, and natural vitamins. From this fruit is extracted Brazil nut oil, aceite de cast as it is called in Peru. Because of the great properties and benefits of the Brazil nut tree it will continue to grow in the Peruvian jungle and be harvested for many generations into the future. Peruvian exports of Brazil nuts amounted to USD23.49 mln in the first half of this year, an increase of 58% from the same period last year, announced the Peruvian Association of Exporters (ADEX). Product Attributes : Product Specification Product number : BN-4404 Place of Origin : Peru Crop Year : 2017-18 Broken ratio : 0.05% Cultivation Type : Natural Variety : Nut Packing method : 25 Minimum Order Quantity : 5 Tons Delivery : 2 weeks Samples : Yes
Fresh Peruvian bluberries are avalible for export from September to March. Dried Blueberries are available all year. Dark in colour and rich in flavour, Blueberries are an antioxidant rich 'superfood.' These healthy berries are ready to eat, versatile and great for cooking Blueberries now are Peru’s third most valuable fresh fruit export, an impressive leap from virtually nothing less than five years ago. Demand from markets in the United States, Europe and China are helping drive this increase in production, along with fast returns on investment, high profitability, friendly trade agreements and a reputation as a consistent and quality supplier. The boom in sales of Peruvian blueberries was due to the country's increase in production and the subscription of a phytosanitary protocol for the access of the fresh fruit. In 2016, Peru became the world 's third largest exporter of blueberries. Product Attributes : Product Specification Product number : BB-2242 Place of Origin : Peru Crop Year : 2018 Broken ratio : 0.04% Cultivation Type : Natural Variety : Fresh Packing method : 25 Minimum Order Quantity : 5 Tons Delivery : 2 weeks Samples : Yes
This naturally nutrient dense fruit provides nearly 20 vitamins, minerals and other nutrients with relatively few calories. They are sodium and cholesterol free and they contain the same good fats as nuts and olive oil. In fact, Avocados from Peru are even a great first food for babies! And since creamy, delicious avocados are so satisfying to eat, they?ll fill you up but they won?t slow you down. Avocados are listed as the #1 cleanest fruit on the Environmental Working Group?(EWG) 2018 Clean 15 list. The list is a consumer-friendly guide to fruits and vegetables that contain the least amount of pesticides. Of the avocados tested by the EWG, less than 1% tested positive for pesticides and only one type of pesticide was found, earning avocados the first place ranking!. Product Details : Product Attributes Product Specification Product number : AV-2167 Place of Origin : Peru Crop Year 2018 Broken ratio : 0.03% Cultivation Type : Organic Variety : Natural Packing method : 25 Minimum Order Quantity : 10 Tons Delivery : 2 weeks Samples : Yes