Coriander seeds have a health-supporting reputation that is high on the list of the healing spices. In parts of Europe, coriander has traditionally been referred to as an "anti-diabetic" plant. In parts of India, it has traditionally been used for its anti-inflammatory properties. In the United States, coriander has recently been studied for its cholesterol-lowering effects. Coriander is known all over the world for its medicinal properties. It is a great source of potassium, iron, vitamins A, K, and C, folic acid, magnesium, and calcium that can heal many health issues.
Ginger (Zingiber Officinale) is a commodity that is highly valued in international markets for its aroma, pungency and high oil and Aleo resin content. Nigeria is the third largest exporter of ginger in the world after China and India. Most of the dried ginger that are available for international trade are simply sun dried over a few days, but artificial drying is also used in areas lacking a defined dry season to coincide with the harvest. The rhizome is dried to 10-12 percent moisture content. Dried ginger is usually presented in a split or sliced form. Splitting is said to be preferred to slicing, as slicing loses more flavor, but the sliced are easier to grind and this is the predominant form of dried ginger currently in the market
The Cashew tree (Anacardium Occidentale) is a tropical evergreen native to the Americas but is now widely cultivated in Asia and Africa. Cashew in its natural form is a soft, white, meaty kernel contained within the hard shells of kidney shaped, raw cashew nuts. Cashew is consumed all over the world as a snack or used as a food ingredient. Every year, the world eats more than 600,000 metric tons of cashew. And fortunately, it’s a very healthy food. Cashew nuts are among the most nutritious nuts in the world. Cashew Nuts are low in fat, have zero cholesterol, are high in protein, and include a large amount of important vitamins and minerals. Every single cashew nut comes from its own cashew apple, which are grown on cashew trees and thrive in tropical climates. The nuts are then collected, dried, shelled, peeled, graded, and roasted.
Marigolds were first discovered by the Portuguese in Central America in the 16th century. Marigolds are hardy, annual plants and are great plants for cheering up any garden. Broadly, there are two genuses which are referred to by the common name, Marigolds viz., Tagetes and Celandula. Tagetes includes African Marigolds and French Marigolds. Celandula includes Pot Marigolds. Kingdom : Plantae Division : Magnoliophyta Class : Magnoliopsida Order : Asterales Family : Asteraceae Genus : Tagetes, Calendula Marigolds come in different colors, yellow and orange being the most common. Most of the marigolds have strong, pungent odor and have has great value in cosmetic treatment. There are many varieties of Marigolds available today. Some of the major Marigold varieties are listed below: African or American Marigolds (Tagetes erecta): These marigolds are tall, erect-growing plants up to three feet in height. The flowers are globe-shaped and large. Flowers may measure up to 5 inches across. African Marigolds are very good bedding plants. These flowers are yellow to orange and do not include red colored Marigolds. The Africans take longer to reach flowering stage than the French type. French Marigolds (Tagetes patula): Marigold cultivars in this group grow 5 inches to 18 inches high. Flower colors are red, orange and yellow. Red and orange bicolor patterns are also found. Flowers are smaller, (2 inches across). French Marigolds are ideal for edging flowerbeds and in mass plantings. They also do well in containers and window boxes. Signet Marigolds (T. signata 'pumila'): The signet Marigolds produce compact plants with finely divided, lacy foliage and clusters of small, single flowers. They have yellow to orange colored, edible flowers.The flowers of signet marigolds have a spicy tarragon flavor. The foliage has a pleasant lemon fragrance. Signet Marigolds are excellent plants for edging beds and in window boxes. Mule Marigolds: These marigolds are the sterile hybrids of tall African and dwarf French marigolds, hence known as mule Marigolds. Most triploid cultivars grow from 12 to 18 inches high. Though they have the combined qualities of their parents, their rate of germination is low. Marigold (Calendula) is an extremely effective herb for the treatment of skin problems and can be used wherever there is inflammation of the skin, whether due to infection or physical damage; for example, crural ulceration, varicose veins, haemorrhoids, anal fissures, mastitis, sebaceous cysts, impetigo or other inflamed cutaneous lesions. As an ointment, Marigold (Calendula) is an excellent cosmetic remedy for repairing minor damage to the skin such as subdermal broken capillaries or sunburn. The sap from the stem is reputed to remove warts, corns and calluses.
Castor meal is also variously called castor meal, castor residue, castor extract & de-oiled castor cake Castor meal - the residue obtained from castor cake by the solvent extraction process - is one of the most versatile natural manures. It is truly organic manure which enhances the fertility of the soil without causing any damage or decay. It is enriched with the three big elements vital and conducive to the proper growth of crops - Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium. It also has traces of nutrients like Manganese, Zinc and Copper, thus making it a balanced fertilizer. Moreover, it helps to neutralize the detrimental effects of chemical fertilizers. Apart from their contribution to Nutrients, they have a number of benefits in agriculture, which none of the synthetic fertilizers or pesticides can offer. They bring in the wonderful molecules that nature has designed to help the plants flourish naturally. They provide slow and steady nourishment, stimulation, protection from soil nematodes and insects; improve yields, and quality of product like taste, flavour, amino acid composition etc. The pressed cake obtained after the expression of castor bean. The solvent extracted cake, although rich in protein cannot be used as cattle fodder because of its toxicity. However, it can be used as a fertilizer. The protein content of castor seed meal varies from 21-48% depending upon the extent of decortications. It has an ideal amino acid profile with moderately high Cystine, mithionine, and isoleucine. But its ant nutritional substances, ricin, ricine and an allergen restrict its use in poultry feed, even at a very low level of inclusion. Castor Cake is an excellent fertilizer because of high content of N (6.4%), Phosphoric Acid (2.55%) and Potash (1%) and moisture retention. There is negative correlation between the contents of ricinine in castor seeds and oil content (r = -0.76). This content of ricinine in castor seed is determined by Agro climatic conditions. Nutrient content of Castor Cake: Organic matter - 75 - 80 %, Nitrogen - 4.0 - 4.5 %, Phosphorous - 1.5 %, Potassium - 1.25 - 1.5 %. It also contains some micro nutrients viz., Calcium, Magnesium, Sulphur, Iron, Zinc, Manganese, Copper etc. A typical composition of castor residue/meal is as follows: Nitrogen - 4% min. approx. Phosphorous - 1% min. approx. Potassium - 1% min. approx. Moisture - 10 - 12 % max. approx. Oil Content - 0.7% max. approx. Advantages: 1. It provides all the major & minor nutrients necessary for better plant growth. 2. It also helps in increasing the nutrient uptake by plants. 3. It improves the soil fertility and productivity. 4. It is known to protect the plants from nematodes and termites. 5. It improves the yield & quality of the farm produce. 6. It improves the physical, chemical and biological properties of soil
Capsicum Oleoresin is prepared by extracting the crushed capsicum (Capsicum Annum Linn) with volatile solvents by percolation method. It contains the pungent principles, capsicin not less that 8 percent. It also contains the red colouring matter called Capsanthin. This product is a powerful irritant and a carminative, which is also used as a counter irritant in lumbago and neuralgia. It can also be used to treat stomach ache that involves poorly functioning stomach muscles and as an antibacterial agents. Extraction of oleoresin capsicum from peppers involves finely ground capsicum, from which capsaicin is extracted in an organic solvent such as ethanol. The solvent is then evaporated, and the remaining wax like resin is the oleoresin capsicum. An emulsifier such as propylene glycol is used to suspend the OC in water, and pressurized to make it aerosol in pepper spray. The high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method is used to measure the amount of capsaicin within pepper sprays. Scoville Heat Units (SHU) are used to measure the concentration or "heat" of pepper spray. A synthetic analogue of capsaicin, pelargonic acid vanillylamide (desmethyldihydrocapsaicin), is used in another version of pepper spray known as PAVA spray which is used in the United Kingdom. Another synthetic counterpart of pepper spray, pelargonic acid morpholide, was developed and is widely used in Russia. Its effectiveness compared to natural pepper spray is unclear. Pepper spray typically comes in canisters, which are often small enough to be carried or concealed in a pocket or purse. Pepper spray can also be bought concealed in items such as rings. There are also pepper spray projectiles available, which can be fired from a paintball gun. It has been used for years against demonstrators. Derived from chilli peppers, oleoresin capsicum is the active ingredient in pepper spray and in some topical pain relievers.
Lovage-, Levisticum officinale, is a perennial herb that looks like parsley and is in the parsley, or Apiaceae, family, like anise, dill, caraway, cumin, and fennel. Lovage is native to mountainous areas of southern Europe and Asia Minor. It is sometimes called sea parsley. Lovage (Levisticum officinale) is a plant, the leaves and seeds or fruit of which are used to flavor food, especially in South European cuisine. It is a tall (3 to 9 ft) perennial that vaguely resembles its cousin celery in appearance and in flavor. Lovage also sometimes gets referred to as smallage, but this is more properly used for celery. Herb (Levisticum officinale) of the parsley family, native to southern Europe. It is cultivated for its stalks and foliage, which are used for tea, as a vegetable, and to flavour foods. Its rhizomes are used as a carminative, and the seeds are used for flavouring desserts. Oil obtained from the flowers is used in perfumery. The French call lovage céleri bâtard, "false celery," because of its strong resemblance to that plant. Lovage has been used since Greek and Roman times for everything from a seasoning, to a curative for maladies ranging from indigestion to freckles, to a love potion. It grows up to 7 feet high and has large, dark green, celerylike leaves. The flavor of the pale stalks is that of very strong celery. The leaves, seeds and stalks can be used (in small amounts because of their potent flavor) in salads, stews and other dishes such as fowl and game. The stalks can be cooked as a vegetable. Dried lovage leaves and chopped or powdered stalks can be found in natural food stores and gourmet markets. The seeds are commonly called celery seed. Lovage is also called smallage and smellage. lovage, tall perennial herb (Levisticum officinale) of the family Umbelliferae (parsley family), native to the mountains of S Europe and cultivated elsewhere. Its aromatic fruits are used in soups and as a flavoring for confectionery and for some liqueurs. An aromatic oil extracted from the roots has been used medicinally and also for flavoring. The edible leaves are usually used like celery. Lovage is classified in the division Magnoliophyta, class Magnoliopsida, order Apiales, family Umbelliferae.
Herbal/folk tradition - Onion has an ancient reputation as a curative agent, highly extolled by the schools of Galen and Hippocrates. It is high in vitamins A, B and C and shares many of the properties of garlic, to which it is closely related. Raw onion helps keep colds and infections at bay, promotes strong bones and a good blood supply to all tissues. It acts as an effective blood cleanser that, along with the sulfur it contains, helps to keep the skin clear and in good condition. It has a sound reputation for correcting glandular imbalance and weight problems; it also improves lymphatic drainage, which is often responsible for edema and puffiness. It has long been used as a home simple for a wide range of conditions. Aromatherapy/home use-- Non, due to its offensive smell. Other uses -- used in some pharmaceutical preparations for colds, coughs. The oil is used extensively in most major food categories, especially meats, savories, salad dressings, as well as alcoholic and soft drinks. It is not used in perfumery work. Distribution -- native of Western Asia and the Middle East; it has a long history of cultivation all over the world, mainly for culinary use. The essential oil is produced mainly in France, Germany and Egypt from the red onion. Extraction -- essential oil by steam distillation from the bulb. Characteristics -- a pale yellow or brownish-yellow mobile liquid with strong, unpleasant, sulfur odor with a tear producing effect. Actions -- anthelmintic, anti-microbial, antirheumatic, antiseptic, antisclerotic, antispasmodic, antiviral, antibacterial, carminative, depurative, digestive, diuretic, expectorant, fungicidal, hypocholesterolemic, hypoglycemic, hypotensive, stomachic, tonic, vermifuge.
Paprika is a spice made from the grinding of dried fruits of Capsicum annuum (e.g., bell peppers or chili peppers). In many European languages, the word paprika refers to bell peppers themselves. The seasoning is used in many cuisines to add color and flavor to dishes. Paprika can range from sweet (mild, not hot) to spicy (hot). Flavors also vary from country to country. Usage Paprika is used as an ingredient in a broad variety of dishes throughout the world. Paprika is principally used to season and color rices, stews, and soups, such as goulash, and in the preparation of sausages as an ingredient that is mixed with meats and other spices. Paprika can also be used with henna to bring a reddish tint to hair when coloring it. Paprika powder can be added to henna powder when prepared at home. Paprika is also high in other antioxidants, containing about 10% of the level found in berries. Prevalence of nutrients, however, must be balanced against quantities ingested, which are generally negligible for spices. Paprika oleoresin (also known as paprika extract) is an oil soluble extract from the fruits of Capsicum Annum Linn or Capsicum Frutescens(Indian red chillies), and is primarily used as a colouring and/or flavouring in food products. ... Oleoresin Paprika is produced by the extraction of lipids and pigments from the pods of sweet red pepper, Capsicum Annuum L. Grown in temperate climates. An oil soluble extract with it is widely used in processed foods such as sausage, dressings, dry soluble seasonings, food coatings, and snack food seasonings. Paprika Oleoresin, obtained from Capsicum, is a natural dye used as a colorant and a flavor enhancer in foods, meats and pharmaceuticals. It is obtained by percolation with a volatile solvent which should be removed subsequently, such as acetone, trichloroethylene, 2-propanol, methanol, ethanol and hexane. Capsaicin is the major flavouring compound, whereas capsanthin and capsorubin are major colouring compounds among variety of coloured compounds present in Paprika Oleoresin. Uses Foods coloured with paprika oleoresin include cheese, orange juice, spice mixtures, sauces, sweets and emulsified processed meats. In poultry feed it is used to deepen the colour of egg yolks.
Peanuts are popularly used as seed oil in India. They are easily available round the year and almost everywhere in India. They are easily available round the year and almost everywhere in India. Peanuts are also taken as snacks in many households especially in India. In reality, peanuts are actually legumes. But since they have all the properties of nuts like almonds, cashew nuts, etc., these are also included in the family of nuts. Groundnut/Peanuts are known as Moongphali in India. India is one of the largest producers of groundnuts in the world. The special variety peanut of this area (Saurastra, Gujarat) is world famous in its flavor, taste and aroma. Raw Groundnut valued for its protein contents, which is of high biological value. Groundnut contains more protein then meat, two and half more than eggs and more than any other vegetable food. It also contains phosphorous, thiamin and niacin that help in building resistance against all infections, such as Hepatitis and tuberculosis. We can offer Groundnut/Peanuts Peanuts Long Type (Bold Type): Long/Bold Type 38-42, 40-50, 50-60, 60-70, 70-80, and Crushing Grade Quality Counts/Ounce Peanut Round Type (Java Type): Round Type(Java Type) 40-50, 50-60, 50-60, 60-70, 70-80, 80-90, 90-100, 140-160 Counts/Ounce Jute Bags Packing: - We shall be able to provide in 5Kg, 10 kg, 15 Kg, 25 kg and 50 Kg jute bags packing. Vacuum Packing: - For special requirements for our buyers, we can provide the cargoes in 10 kg, 12.5 kg and 25 kg vacuum packed PP bags
Mace Botanical: Myristica fragrans Family: N.O. Myristicaceae Hindi Name: Mace - Javitri General Description: Nutmeg, spice consisting of the seed of the Myristica fragrans, a tropical, dioecious evergreen tree native to the Moluccas or Spice Islands of Indonesia. Geographical Sources The nutmeg tree, Myristica fragrans, is indigenous to the Moluccas in Indonesia but has been successfully grown in other Asian countries and in the Caribbean, namely Grenada. Banda Islands, Malayan Archipelago, Molucca Islands, and cultivated in Sumatra, French Guiana Composition -> Nutmeg and mace contain 7 to 14 percent essential oil, the principal components of which are pinene, camphene, and dipentene. Nutmeg on expression yields about 24 to 30 percent fixed oil called nutmeg butter, or oil of mace. Dried kernel of the seed. Varieties -> Whole nutmegs are grouped under three broad quality classifications: 1. Sound: nutmegs which are mainly used for grinding and to a lesser extent for oleoresin extraction. High quality or sound whole nutmegs are traded in grades which refer to their size in numbers of nutmegs per pound: 80s, 110s and 130s (110 to 287 nuts per kg), or 'ABCD' which is an assortment of various sizes. 2. Substandard: nutmegs which are used for grinding, oleoresin extraction and essential oil distillation. Substandard nutmegs are traded as 'sound, shrivelled' which in general have a higher volatile oil content than mature sound nutmegs and are used for grinding, oleoresin extraction and oil distillation; and 'BWP' (broken, wormy and punky) which are mainly used for grinding as volatile oil content generally does not exceed 8%. 3. Distilling: poor quality nutmegs used for essential oil distillation.Distilling grades of nutmegs are of poorer quality: 'BIA' or 'ETEZ' with a volatile oil content of 8% to 10%; and 'BSL' or 'AZWI' which has less shell material and a volatile oil content of 12% to 13%. Method of Processing -> When fully mature it splits in two, exposing a crimson-coloured aril, the mace, surrounding a single shiny, brown seed, the nutmeg. The pulp of the fruit may be eaten locally. After collection, the aril-enveloped nutmegs are conveyed to curing areas where the mace is removed, flattened out, and dried. The nutmegs are dried gradually in the sun and turned twice daily over a period of six to eight weeks. During this time the nutmeg shrinks away from its hard seed coat until the kernels rattle in their shells when shaken. The shell is then broken with a wooden truncheon and the nutmegs are picked out. Dried nutmegs are grayish-brown ovals with furrowed surfaces. Large ones may be about 1.2 inches long and 0.8 inch in diameter. Taste and Aroma: Nutmeg has a characteristic, pleasant fragrance and slightly warm taste
Frozen chicken, pork, frozen beef, chicken feet, chicken paws, chicken, wheat, barley, pea protein, rapeseed, malt, wheat flour, cocoa beans, sorghum, barley malt, wheat starch, corn gluten meal, whole wheat flour, dried distillersâ?? grains, ethanol, turkey, bacon, corn oil, wheat bran, corn syrup, peanut oil, sunflower meal, soy lecithin, high fructose corn syrup, cottonseed, refined soybean oil, sausages, breaded chicken nuggets, chicken burger patties, turkey bacon, turkey breast, pork ribs, soda ash, caustic soda, milk powder, uht milk, lcpe, hdpe, bitumen, used oil, animal feed, chickpeas, lentils, green peas, mung beans, urad dal, pulses..
Neodymium magnets (also known as NdFeB, Neo or NIB magnets), are strong permanent magnets made from an alloy of neodymium, iron & boron. Part of the Rare-Earth magnet family, they have the highest magnetic properties of all permanent magnets. Due to their high magnetic strength and relatively low-cost, they are the preferred choice for many consumers, commercial, industrial and technical applications.NdFeB is divided into sintered NdFeB and bonded NdFeB. Bonded NdFeB is magnetic in all directions and corrosion resistance and is divided into Bonded Compression NdFeB Magnet and Bonded Injection NdFeB Magnet; while sintered NdFeB is easy to corrosion, the surface requires coating, generally divided into axial and radial magnetic charging. Advantages of Sintered NdFeB Magnet : 1. Very hard and brittle, high diamagnetic resistance, high cost / performance ratio, not suitable for high working temper ature; 2. Magnetic performance is higher than that of the rare earth cobalt permanent magnet, the residual magnetic induction strength, magnetic induction coercivity, the maximum magnetic energy product is very high, is the current magnetic performance of the best permanent magnet; 3. High cost performance.
Samarium Cobalt (SmCo) magnets are made by a sintering process and exist in two forms. The first is Sm1Co5(SmCo 1:5),which has a maximum energy product of between 14 and 24MGOe. The second and more common form is Sm2Co17(SmCo 2:17) which has a maximum energy product of between 22 and 32 MGOe. The main Sm2Co17 alloy is around 35% Samarium (Sm)and 60% Cobalt (Co)with the balance being from varying amounts of lron (Fe) Copper (Cu). Hafnium (Hf) and Zirconium (Zr). Praseodymium (Pr) may also be used. Sm1Co5 is made of only Sm and Co and has excellent corrosion resistance. â?¢ Advantages of SmCo Magnet: 1.Superior resistance to high temperature. 2. Excellent resistance to corrosion, no coating is needed for surface protecting. 3.High working temperature. 4.SmCo is suitable for machines with high magnetic requirements and good for strict working environment requirement.
AINiCo is composed primarily of Aluminum Nickel Cobalt and also Copper and Titanium. They are manufactured through either casting or sintering process. Cast AINiCo may be manufactured in complex shapes such as horseshoes not possible with other magnet materials. Sintered AINiCo offer slightly lower magnetic properties but better mechanical characteristics. it can be efficiently magnetized in any direction, and for anisotropic AINiComagnet, it generally has greater magnetic capacitive in a preferred orientation than isotropic types. AINiCo is hard and brittle, Machining or drilling cannot therefore be accomplished by ordinary methods. Holes are usually cored in at the foundry, and magnets are cast close to final size and then finish machined to closer tolerances. â?¢ Advantages of AlNiCo Magnet: 1.Customized designs are available. 2.Max working temperature can be as high as 550�°C. 3.Disadvantage: Br and BH(max)are not as high as rare earth magnet. 4.High energies and relatively low coercivity. 5.High magnetic flux density; low mold charge stable temperature properties; easy to shap.
Ferrite Magnet is manufactured from oxide material by powder metallurgical process. Its advantages include: low-cost excellent corrosion resistance, resistance to be demagnetized etc. The normal working temperature of Ferrite Magnet is between-40C and +250C.It can be magnetized before or after assembling. Generally, Ferrite Magnet can be machined to regular shapes like segments, blocks, rings and discs etc. The normal grades for sintered Ferrite Magnets are Y10,TY25, Y30, Y30BH, Y35, etc. Advantages of Ferrite Magnet: Ferrites have isotropic characteristics, weak magnetic performance, has the same magnetic performance in any direction, multipolar magnetic charge. The main raw material of ferrite is oxides, so it is not corroded by high temperature, high humidity or chemicals (except strong acid and base); with excellent diamagnetic impedance, no flux loss before and after assembly and magnetic charging; working temperature is-40C to + 250C, poor temperature coefficient; Br temperature coefficient is-0.2% /C, 0.2% under Br, etc. per 1 Cincrease; high hardness, wire cutting and grinding; ferrite is brittle and fragile during production and transportation. magnetic requirements and good for strict working environment requirement.
Carbon Blocks used in furnace having a great alternative against Petcoke. As it has high melting power and cheap as compared to Petcoke. Here in India, we are a supplier and exporters of Carbon blocks. Parameters- Total moisture (Mt): 1.80% Ash(Aad): 13.07 Volatile matter (Vad): 13.94 Fixed Carbon (FCad): 77.88 Sulfur (S): 3.10
Fasteners are the general term of the class of mechanical parts used in fastening two or more parts (or components) into a whole. It is widely used in energy, electronics, electrical appliances, machinery, chemical, metallurgy, mold, hydraulic and other industries, at the same time, in various kinds of machinery, equipment, vehicles, ships, railway, bridge, construction, structure, tools, instruments, chemical, instruments and supplies, you can see all kinds of fasteners, is the most widely used mechanical foundation parts. It is characterized by a wide variety of variety specifications, different performance uses, and a very high degree of standardization, series, and generalization. Therefore, a class of fasteners that already have national standards is called standard fasteners, or simply standard ones.
We are engaged in wide range of Copper Ore Lumps. We are a renowned manufacturer and exporter of an impeccable Copper Ore Lumps, Known for their high efficiency and durability, these copper ore lumps are easily available in different dimensions, sizes and can be customized as per the demand of our esteemed clients. Copper Ore We are reckoned as one of the most outstanding Copper Ore Suppliers in the nation. We offer an inexplicable range of copper ore that are obtained from best Copper Ore Mines of the country. Additional Information: Item Code: KBT-MD-002 Minimum Order Quantity: 100 ton Port of Dispatch: Surat, Gujarat Production Capacity: 10000 Ton Delivery Time: 10 Day After confirmation Packaging Details: As per customer requirement. Specifications: Copper ore: 10 % to 62% Cu