Satali BOPSM (1st Flush)
Shikarpur OF Gold (1st Flush)
Giddapahar SFTGFOP1 Tippy (2nd Flush)
Giddapahar Silver Tips (2nd Flush)
Giddapahar Clonal Delight (2nd Flush)
Giddapahar Clonal Wonder (2nd Flush)
Kalabari Royal Dust (1st Flush)
Kalabari Royal PD (1st Flush)
Ghatia BOPSM Royal (1st Flush)
Huldibari Royal BOPSM (1st Flush)
Huldibari Royal Dust (1st Flush)
Jayantika BOPSM Gold (1st Flush)
Ranicherra BOPSM Royal (1st Flush)
Ranicherra BP1 Royal (1st Flush)
Giddapahar SFTGFOP1 CL Tippy (2nd Flush)
Giddapahar SFTGFOP1 Tippy Wiry (2nd Flush)
Anandapur Ace BOPSM Gold (1st Flush)
GBCDG31FF021SBCH IDMT 2 O/C & 1 E/F RELAYS SPL 150 HZ. Technical specification Relay model No CDG31FF021SBCH Relay type CDG 31 Special Case size 3D V 20T Application 2 O/C & 1 E/F Current setting - O/C 2.5 to 10 amps Current setting - E/F 0.5 to 2 amps Contacts 3 N/O S/R Output contacts 2 N/O S/R Taps Std BURDE / D.M.T 3 VA / 3 Secs C.T.Secondary 5 amps Frequency 150 Hz Flag Yes Mounting Flush Note to test:Relay to test 150 Hz. refer test inst. Name Plate RFG9126 903 Outline drawing MFJ 013 Wiring diagram MFDZ 801.101-1
1st flush Organic tea from Darjeeling India
M/s bhim mandal P.O.Chalsa, dist. Jalpaiguri, pin-7602847009, west bangal, mob: +91 7602847009, email:bhimm@rediffmail.Com, web: www.M/sbhimmandal.Com (exporter ice no.0210001798) I am bhim mandal an indian citizen having valid export license. I am running my business as proprietor from the year of 2010 and the farm name is “m/s bhim mandal”, since then i am doing business with bangladesh. Now i want to export darjeeling tea of different verities like:- Leaf (darjeeling tea) 1.-1(speacia Leaf (green tea) 6.-1(speacial) 7.-1(china) 8.-1(clonal) Small pack 100gm to 5kg, big pact 20kg