All instrument multifunction meters shall Measure the
The current, the voltage, active power, reactive power, apparent
power, active energy, reactive energy, power factor and
Accurate measured values with error limits:
Less than 0.5% for the Voltage (V) and the Current (I).
Good legibility with high-contrast:
At least 14 mm SCREEN or LED displays.
5 Electrically isolated current inputs.
6 Four quadrant operations.
Connection options:
- Single-phase.
- Or three-phase 3 and 4-wires.
- Suitable for balanced or unbalanced load.
Input voltage:
- Phase-to-phase Vp: up to 240 V.
- Programmable (primary and secondary).
Nominal input current:
1 A (primary should be programmable)
10 Dimensions:
At least (96 X 96 X ---) mm.
11 Auxiliary supply:
110 ± 10% V DC.
12 Multiple displays:
At least three lines.
- Four (4) Analog outputs for (MW, MVAR, V, A) shall be
choosable and programmable using the software tool .
- Each output can be programmed for any quantity.
Contact me/send me your offer via ramzi.v.saba@gmail.com
Schedule A - Continued
Programmable inputs primary and secondary for C.T, V.T and
the Four required Analogue outputs programmable to any value
inside the required full range:
(-20 mA DC to +20 mA DC).
15 Response time: = 300 ms.
The continuous overload rating of the device shall:
1- Shall not be less than 1.3 times rated voltage.
2- Shall not be less than 2 times the rated current.
- Programming kit (configuration software + communication
cables) Via Rs 485 port or usb port.
- An additional USB programming port shall be applied.
The connection between the device and the RTU in the
substation is done through Modbus/TCP on Ethernet and
Modbus ASCII and Modbus RTU modes with the following
frame structure on RS-485 interface:
- ASCII framing (7-bit ASCII characters).
- RTU framing (8-bit characters)
The RS-485 serial communication must have a configurable
range of communication speeds:
- 4800 Bits/seconds .
- 9600 Bits/seconds .
- 19200 Bits/seconds.
With any of the following transmission settings for the RS-485
- even parity, 1 stop bit
- odd parity, 1 stop bit
- none parity, 1 stop bit
An additional USB programming port shall be applied.
Please quote for the following wholesale product requirement -
Product Name: Single Phase And Three Phase Meter
Specifications :
A- STS Electronic Counters
1.1 Description of the Counters
The Electric Energy Measurement Meters Will Be Static, Robust And Standardized Electronic Meters
STS (Standard Transfer Specification) Edition 2. They Are Single-phase And Three-phase Prepaid, Must
Comply With The STS Protocol, Must Be TID Rollover And Comply With STS Edition 2, Must Obtain The
STS2.0 Certificate, And Meet The Requirements Relating To IEC 1036 and SABS 1524-1 Standards Or
Equivalent Recognized Internationally. The Origin Of The Main Chipset Of The Measurement Unit Must
Be Indicated And Of A Globally Recognized Brand. They Will Be Of The Split Type And Must Comprise
Two Modules, One Of Which Is Relative To The Measurement Of The Parameters And The Other Intended
To Interface With The Customer :
A) Measurement Module: It Is Responsible For Measuring Electrical Parameters (active Energy, Power,
Current, Voltage, Etc.). It Will Not Be Of The Plug-in Type. The Measurement Module Is Housed In A
Casing That Can Be Sealed At Two Points. The Meter Housing Must Have Security Against Any Attempt At
Fraud. It Must Perfectly Protect The Internal Circuits And Be Stable At Room Temperature, Impervious
To Moisture And Dust. It Must Satisfy The Following Conditions :
The Measurement Module Will Be Installed In A Safety Box By A BS Type Fixing Method (By Screws)
And Not DIN Type (by Hanging On Rail). Its Replacement By A Measuring Module From Another
Manufacturer Will Not Require Other Fixing Points.
The Terminal Cover Of The Measurement Module Will Be Made Of Unbreakable, Transparent Molded
Plastic And Must Completely Cover The Connection Cables. There Will Be At Least One Seal On The
Terminal Cover
The Measurement Module Will Be Equipped With At Least Four LEDs And Whose Functionalities Are
Described Above :
* Charging Rate Indicator
* Voltage Presence Indicator
* Alarm Or Abnormal Status Indicator
* Communication Status Indicator Between The Measurement Module And The Client Interface
B) Customer Interface Module: It Is Installed Inside The Homes Of Subscribers To Allow Them To Credit
Their Meter And Consult The Saved Parameters And The Operating Status Of Their Meter. It Must Be
Flexible, Reliable, Strong And Interchangeable. The Communication Between The Measurement
NB: The Voltage Drop Up To (150 V) One Hundred And Fifty Volts Must Not Influence The
Metrology (Accuracy) Of The Meter.
Digital Display Of The Index With At Least Seven Digits (6+1) With The Kwh As The Unit.
A Twelve-key Keyboard With An Audible Reaction.
The counter, responding to the STS Protocol, Must Memorize All The Transactions Carried Out Within
It And Display Via The Liquid Crystal Display :
• The Credit Level In The Form Of Trapezoidal Bars
* The Remaining Credit (in Kwh)
* The Energy Consumed (in Kwh)
* Instant Power
* The Low Credit Warning On At Least Two Alert Levels Which Are Programmable: The Alarm And The Pre-
Alarm (5 Kwh For Single-phase And 10 Kwh For Three-phase). When The Meter Credit Is Below The Pre-
Alarm Or Alarm Thresholds, This Will Be Indicated By An Audible Alarm, An LED And Signs Displayed On
The LCD.
* The Indication Of Fraud Status
* Maintenance And Diagnostic Information
Use- For electrical measurement
New condition
Further specifications can be discussed
Suppliers can introduce their company profile with best prices
Specifications :
Meter Type Smart Electronic Meters
Output Voltage: Can Be Discussed
Automation Grade
Residential And Energy Meter
Type: Analog
Please quote for the following wholesale product requirement -
Product Name: Meters
Type: Flat-rate, Interval, Solar And Smart Meters
Material: Copper, Brass, Steel, Etc
Size: As Per The Request
Condition: New
Packaging Terms : Standard