Specifications :
Variety: Vanilla Planifolia, Vanilla Tahitiensis And Vanilla Pompona
Origin: Any
With Phytosanitary Papers
FDA Approved
Qty: 10kg As Sample First, 10 - 20kg/ Order
Specifications :
Type: Chicken Eggs
Brown Eggs Average 58 - 65 Grams Each
Eggs With An Expiration Date No Longer Than 5 Months From The Date Of Departure
Please quote for the following wholesale product requirement -
Product Name: Canned Fruit
Specifications :
Type: Mandarin Oranges And Pineapple Chunks
Mandarin Oranges: 15 Oz Cans
Pineapple Chunks: 20 Oz Cans
Qty: 5 Trailers Each
Contact Via Email Only