Textile machinery--lab eqiupment, loom spares, dyeing & finishing m/c
Spare parts for textile industry, all kinds of used textile machinery
Textile machinery, textile machinery spare parts and accessories
Textile machinery, textile machines spare parts
Textile machinery & parts
Used textile weaving machines and its spare parts
Sulzer parts new / used original & used textile machinery both spinning & weaving
Textile machinery spare parts & used textile machinery
STB type looms used and old spare parts
Schlafhorst autoconer 138, 238, 338 spares
Tajima embroidery machine spare parts
Power loom spare parts, airjet loom spare parts, rapier loom spare parts and machinery spare parts.
Machine parts
Pu tw11 models suzler machine parts.
Machine part
Rotary printing dyeing and finishing machine and their all kinds of spare parts
Texturing machinery parts
All kinds of machine parts
Circular weaving loom spare parts