Specifications :
Type: Boer, Kalahari, Barbari And Saanen Goats, Chicks
Australorp Black And Blue, Sussex Chick: Day Old Chicks And Adults
Specifications Required
Fallow Goats, The Blood Is 100 % 100 As Follows:-
(600) male (goats ) 4 to 5 months male
(300) females ( goats ) 7 to 9 months
(100) male ( goats ) 12 to 16 months
The price includes delivery to Saudi Arabia
All goats must be on the terms and conditions agreed upon in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and approved, including vaccinations, health certificates And all sheep documents, as well as providing me with the official subscription of your company to present it to the competent parties in my country, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, to permit the import of the required goats that have been approved.
- My plan is to import 25 heads of Boer Goat Full Blood (5 bucks and 20 Does) and 25 heads black head Dorper Sheep - pure breed (5 rams and 20 Ewes).