The buyer is interested to receive quotations for the following RFQ -
Product Name: Feed Barley For Animal NON-GMO
Nature- min:620g/I;
Protein: min 11%
MOISTURE max 14%
Weed admixture - max 2%
Grain admixture - max 5%
Origin: USA, Canada Or Argentina
Inspection: SGS Inspection At Seller Cost
Certificate: Origin, Veterinary certificate that the goods are free from Covid-19 and SIF code
Packaging Terms : Bulk
Specifications :
Option A
Yellow Corn Non GMO # Grade 2 (Animal Feed)
Protein 9.4% Average
Moisture 14.5% Average
Admixture 2.5% Basis
Starch Content 60-68% Average
Heat Damaged Kernel 0.2% Average
Total Damaged Kernels 3% Average
Broken Kernels and Foreign Material 3% Max
Weight/Bushel Bulk Average
Hectoliter 68K Average Protein
Average Radiations None
Alfatoxin 20 PPB Average
Free of all kinds of molds and free of sprouted grains.
Option B
Yellow Corn Feed Non-GMO (Animal Feed)
Protein 8% Min
Moisture 14% Max
Fiber 2.7% Average
Total Ash 1.5% Max
Total Aflatoxin 20 PBB
Heat Damaged Kernel 0.5 Max
Broken Kernels and Foreign Material 3% Max
Total Damaged Kernels 5% Max
Arsenic (AS) 2 MG/KG Max
Cadmium (CD) 1 MG/KG Max
Lead (PB) 10 MG/KG Max
TVN 50 MG/100 H Max
Other Cereal Grains 1.2% Max
Bulk Density 60 KG/HL Max
Packaging Terms : Bulk