Please provide a quotation to the following requirement from importer -
Product Name: Copper Ore
content Cu 25% (min).
We are very far away, so there is no point in carrying low copper ore, content Cu less than 25%, i.e. actually empty rock.
1 Name of Commodity Copper Ore
Chemical composition:
Cu 25% (min);
F 0,1% (max);
As 0,5% (max);
Cd 0,05% (max);
Hg 0,01% (max);
Pb 6,00% (max);
Quantity 200-5000t
A trial order must be one container 20 ft
Specifications :
Loss on ignition LOSS (1025 °C) 0.34
Alimimum Al O 15.62
Silicon dioxide SiO2 78.29
Ferric Pxide FeO 0.28
Calcium Oxide CaO 0.17
Iron oxide MgO 0.05
Potassium oxide KO 0.27
Sodium Oxide NaO 0.50
Titanium dioxide TiO2 0.004
Dioxode B2O3 Less than 0.05
Copper oxide CuO Less than 0.01
Cobalt monoxide CoO Less than 0.01
Lithium oxide LiO 4,26
Lead monoxide PbO Less than 0.01
Zinc OxideZnO Less than 0.01
Manganese monoxide MnO 0.02
Oxidation Rb2O 0.02
Oxidation of Cs2O Less than 0.01
Cadmium Oxide CdO Less than 0.01
Phosphorus pentoxide P2O5 0.02
Sulfur trioxide SO3 0.02
Chromium trioxide Cr2O3 Less than 0.01
Nickel monoxide NiO Less than 0.01