Looking for suppliers from:
Japan, United States, Europe
Product Description
Buyer is interested to receive quotations for the following RFQ -
Product Name: Methanol
Requirement: 80,000 kg of methanol (CH3OH)
Note: The closing date for applications is June 9th.
(Looking suppliers from): japan - usa - western Europe
Quantity Required : 80000 Kilogram/Kilograms
Shipping Terms : CIF
Destination Port : Um Qaser Port - Iraq, Iraq
Payment Terms : Bank Transfer
Looking for suppliers from : Japan, United States, Europe
Please quote for the following wholesale product requirement -
Product Name: Sulphuric Acid
Industry Use
Qty: 900 Mt Per Month
Note: Need Specification, Certificate Of Quality And Certificate Of Origin, Technical Data Sheet, Terms Of Delivery, Terms Of Payment
Please quote for the following wholesale product requirement -
Product Name: Caustic Soda
Specification :
Caustic Soda Lye Density At 30° C:1.500 G/ml Min, Purity As Naoh 48% Wt Min,chloride As Nacl : 0.010% Wt Max,cacbonate As Na2co3 : 0.12 % Wt Max, Iron As Fe : 5 Ppm Max, Silica As Sio2 20 Ppm Max, Sulphate As So4 0.01% Wt Max, Chlorate As Naclo3 : 50ppm Max, Appearance Clear And No Suspended Matter (nsm) Chemical Should Be In Compliance With Zdhc Mrsl Acceptance Rejection Criteria : Material Will Be Rejected If - Total Alkalinity (as Naoh) Is Less Than 46.75% - Iron As Fe Is More Than 15ppm Material Akan Ditolak Jika : - Total Alkalinitas (as Naoh) Kurang Dari 46,75% - Kandungan Besi (fe) Lebih Dari 15ppm Terms Of Payment : If The Total Alkalinity (as Naoh) Is Less Than 48%, We Reserve The Right To Either Deduct Poportionality Or Reject. If The Total Alkalinity (as Naoh) Is Less Than 46.75%, We Reserve The Right To Reject. Syarat Pembayaran Jika Total Alkalinitas (as Naoh) Kurang Dari 48%, Maka Kami Berhak Untuk Mengurangi Secara Proporsional Dari Jumlah Tagihan Atau Menolak. Jika Total Alkalinitas (as Naoh) Kurang Dari 46,75%, Kami Berhak Untuk Menolak. Transportation Conditions: In English: To Maintain Security And Comfort In Terms Of Unloading/loading Of Goods That Come To Pt. Indo Bharat Rayon, The Following Rules Shall Be Applicable: Pt. Indo-bharat Rayon Will Apply The Passport Vehicle System. To Ensure That Only Roadworthy Vehicles That Can Enter Pt. Ibr Factory Area. With The Policy, Then: 1. Our Security Will Check Every Vehicles That Will Enter The Factory Area. Vehicles Found Are In Accordance With The Vehicle Registration, Driver's License, Basic Condition Of The Vehicle, Etc. Will Only Be Allowed Into The Factory Area. 2. Our Security Will Attach A Green Sticker To Every Vehicles That Fulfill The Above Conditions. This Green Sticker Will Be A Vehicle Passport To Enter The Ibr Factory Location. 3. Our Security Section Will Review This Passport Annually, Periodically. In The Case Above For Each Shipment / Take Of Goods To / From Pt. Indo Bharat Rayon, Transporter / Supplier / Customer Must Pay Attention To The Following Matters : 1. All Drivers Must Have And Show A Valid Driver's License/sim 2. Trucks Must Have A Valid Stnk & Kir. 3. During Parking The Driver Must Provide A Wheel Choke / Wheel Alignment 4. It Is Forbidden To Bring Smoking, Liquor And Other Prohibited Items Into The Factory 5. Must Use A Minimum Ppe (personal Protective Equipment), Including Safety Helmets, Safety Shoes, Safety Goggles, Masks, Safety Harness / Safety Straps When Removing Tarps. 6. The Tarpaulin Will Be Removed By Ibr Team Only At The Designated Place With The Whole Body, Driver Should Not Do This Activity (the Lifeline Has Been Provided At The Designated Place By Pt Ibr). 7. For Each Vehicle Arrival At Pt. Ibr, Must Have Been Reported / Recorded In The Security Section / Maximum Security At 15:00 Wib (monday To Friday) And At 11:00 Wib For Saturday. Penalty: Any Violation Of The Foregoing Will Be Subject A Penalty To The Driver In The Amount Of Rp. 200,000 / Violation In Bahasa: "untuk Menjaga Keamanan Dan Kenyamanan Dalam Hal Pembongkaran Barang-barang Yang Datang Ke Pt. Indo Bharat Rayon Maka Kami Akan Menerapkan Peraturan Baru Sbb : Kami Akan Menerapkan Sistem Passpor Kendaraan. Untuk Memastikan Bahwa Hanya Kendaraan Yang Layak Jalan Boleh Masuk Ke Dalam Area Pabrik Pt.ibr. Dengan Kebijakan Ini, Maka : 1. Bagian Keamanan/security Akan Memeriksa Setiap Kendaraan Yang Akan Masuk Ke Area Pabrik. Kendaraan Yang Ditemukan Sesuai Dengan Pendaftaran Kendaraan, Sim, Kondisi Dasar Kendaraan, Dll. Hanya Akan Diizinkan Masuk Ke Area Pabrik. 2. Bagian Keamanan/security Akan Menempelkan Stiker Hijau Pada Setiap Kendaraan Yang Sesuai. Stiker Hijau Ini Akan Menjadi Paspor Kendaraan Untuk Masuk Di Lokasi Ibr. 3. Bagian Keamanan/security Akan Meninjau Paspor Ini Setiap Tahun, Secara Berkala. Dalam Hal Tersebut Diatas, Maka Untuk Setiap