Buyer is interested to receive quotations for the following RFQ -
Product Name: Wheat
Specifications :
For Human Consumption
Serious Suppliers Or Their Authorized Mandates Only Contact - Agents Who Have Direct Connection With End Seller Also Welcome - No Long Chain Brokers Please
Quantity: 50,000 Ton Trial And Then 100k X 11 Month
Specifications :
4-0-0 Granular (solid) fertilizer
Packaging Term: 50kg
For Urea (Free Flowing) 46, 4-0-0 Granular (solid) fertilizer, Granular (solid) fertilizer
Quantity:- 300 Tons, Moisture content by weight: maximum 1.0%, Total nitrogen (as N) content by weight: minimum 46.4%,
Biuret content by weight maximum 1.5%
Not less than 90% of the material shall pass through 2.8mm IS sieve and be retained on 1mm IS sieve: Minimum 90% between 1-2.8mm
Not more than 5% shall be below 1mm IS sieve: Maximum 5% below 1mm.
Packed in 50 kg (dry) capacity woven polypropylene bags with polyethylene inner lining
Each bag to guarantee minimum product weight (net) as specified on the bag (+/- 2%)
Please provide the quotation along with the details mentioned below:-
Address of the warehouse
Name of the contact person in the warehouse
Phone number of the contact person in the warehouse
E-mail address of the contact person in the warehouse.