Smf batteries
Battery management system
Lead acid automobile batteries
Engineering and garage tools, leadacid batteries
Car, truck, two-wheeler, smf ups batteries
Valr smf batteries.
Components for lighting, light fixtures, dg sets
Components related the above.. And hydro-turbines
Lamp components like molybdenum wire, tungstenwire fillament
6v 4/4.5 ah sealed lead acid dry battery
Inverters, inverter cards, transformers and batteries
Cloth washing plant
Plastic granules and automotive batteries
Lights & lighting
Old battery pvc scrap buyer
Turbine-suitable for canal based project, design head-2.4m, design discharge-70cumecs, installed capacity-2 x 700kw for two projects in haryana state & pelton turbines for 248m head, design discharge-1.08cumecs, installed capacity-2 x 1.00mw at chakshi in distt.
Manual soap dispenser
Energy savers
Electrical lights