Buyer is interested to receive quotations for the following RFQ -
Product Name: Animal Feed
Specifications :
Type: Yellow Corn
Non-gmo Grade #2 For
Protein/ Proteina
Moisture/ Humicade
Foreign Matter/materias Estranhas: TVN:
Broken Kernels / Pedacos Quebrados: Kernels Damaged/pedacos Estragados: E. Coli:
Fat:/ Gordura
Fiber / Fibras
Test Weight:/teste De Peso
E. Coli, Salmonella
Radiation:/ Radiacao
Absence Of Covid
Supplier China - Approved AQSIQ #
Quantity And Contract Period:
7% Min
13/14.0% Max 3.0% Max
50 Mg/100 G Max 4% Max
3% Max
3.5% Min
2.7% Min Negative
63hi/kg Min
Max 20ppm None
Monthly Shipments Every 30 Days Of 50,000 Metric Tons On A Trial Shipment Basis, Followed By Monthly Shipments Of 100,000 Metric Tons For 12 Months. Total Contract Volume Is 1,250,000 Metric Tons On A Trial To Contract Basis And With Rolls And Extensions For Up To A Five-year Contract With Pricing Mechanisms
Specifications :
Commodities: Corns Kernel (Duck/Cow Feed)
Product Requirements:
1- Test weight: 69.00 KG/HL minimum
2- Moisture: 14.50 % maximum
3- Broken kernels: 5.00 % maximum
4- Admixture/Foreign material: 1.5 % maximum
5- Total damaged kernels: 5.00 % maximum (including heat damaged kernels 0.2% maximum)
6- Malathion: 2 ppm maximum
7- Pirimiphos-methyl: 1 ppm maximum
8- Aflatoxin: 20 ppb maximum
9- Vomitoxin (Don): 1 ppm maximum
10- Zearalenone: 100 ppb maximum
11- Glufosinate: 0.5 ppm maximum
12- Metolachlor: 200 ppb maximum All analyses as per USDA method.
13- Quantity: 50,000 MT Per Month, vessel load, 14
NOTE: - Inspection: Quality, Quantity, Weight by SGS at seller’s 20- Visit: Buyer is allowed to visit factory before payments / loading port / location before loading to observe cargo inspection and loading operation during shipment (at Buyer’s option and cost). NOTE: Please kindly provide us the photos of products and factory for reference
Please provide a quotation to the following requirement from importer -
Product Name: Maize
Specifications :
Maize for animal feed: 35,000 Tons
1. Maize for animal feed: 35,000 Tons
i. Moisture: Maximum 14.5%;
ii. Foreign matter: Maximum 1.5%;
iii. Damaged kernels: Maximum 5.0%;
iv. Broken kernels: Maximum 3.0%;
v. Aflatoxin: Maximum 20 ppb.
Qty: 35,000 Tons
NOTE: Quotations Via Only Email Preferred
Please provide a quotation to the following requirement from importer -
Product: Grade 2 Yellow Maize For Chicken Feed
Yellow Corn ( Maize) :US Grade 2 or better with moisture basis 14% max, 14.5% foreign material max 3% of which dust contents max 0.3% (guaranteed max 0.3% & allowance if in excess at the rate of 0.1% for each 0.1% of fraction prorate ), Damage kernel max 5% heat damage kernels max 0.2%, negative aflatoxin and per USDA standard.