Please quote for the following wholesale product requirement -
Product Name: Herbicides
1. Weds Control
Ametryn250mg And Atraizine 250mg/litre Of A product
Formulation FW/SC & packege size 5 litters
ISO 9000 quality management and assurance
Quantity 20,100 Liters
2-Herbicide for broad leaved weeds control
Active ingredient content...Demathalamin salt 720gm/Lit of product
Formulation...EC/SL & package size =10Lit
Shelf life >2 years
The container should be labeled with proper specifications
ISO 9000 quality management and assurance
Quantity 10050 Liter
3-Herbicide for non-crop weed management
(Non-selective Herbicide)
Active ingredient...Isopropula alt 350gm/Lit of products
Formulation...EC/SL & package size =1 Lit or 5 Lit
Shelf life >2 years
Quantity 1000 Liter
4-Insecticide or pesticide (ethiozinon or basudin or Diazinon)
Active ingredient :Diazinon 600mg/lit of the product
Formulation :EC/EW
Packaging size :1 lit
ISO 9000 Quality mgmt. and assurance
Quantity-887 Lit
5-Fungicide (Redomil/ manacolaxyl)
Active ingredients : mancolaxyl 80g/manocozeb 640g
Formulation :72 %wp
Packege size: 1 kg
ISO quality mgmt and assurance
Qquantity 206 kg
6-Insecticide or Pesticide for treps or leaf minor (Ethiodemetrin)
Active ingredient...Deltametrin 25gr
Package size...1Lit
Storage...Store in the container
Standard-Relevant international standards
ISO 9000 quality management and assurance
Quantity 60 Lit
7-Adjuvant for enhancement of Herbicide efficacy
Quantity 262 Liter