Textile, outdoor gear and equipment, diy and tools
It and telecom hardware like routers, ip phones, cloud systems, switches
Electrical switchgear, electric motors, electric motor scrap, electrical motor starters, electrical magnetic contactors
Circuit Breakers, Relay And Other Electronics And Electrical Component
PCs, notebooks, workstations, printers, servers, monitors, network and mobile devices, routers, switches and spare parts (ssd, graphics card, cpu) and accessories (docking station).
Metal And Engineered Products
The buyer would like to receive quotations for -
Product Name: Electronic Products
Like : Lights , Switches, Plugs Etc
Type: Down Lights And Panel Lights
As Per Moq
Only From Europe
Quantity Required : MOQ
Shipping Terms : CIf
Destination Port : Norway, Norway
Payment Terms : TT
Looking for suppliers from : Europe
Contact : -Baldev Singh Pandher
Electrical contactors, relays, switches, fuses, junction boxes, industrial power cables
Light fittings, lamps, lighting sensors, switch gear components, electrical enclosure & panels and accessories, IT passive networking components
Gears scrap, motor scrap, gear box scrap
Dc brushless motor (13w~2000w), dc permanent motor, dc motor controller
Electricity Poles, Cables, Transformers And Meter, Electricity Cables, Electricity Poles, Electricity Transformers, Eletricity Meter
Aluminium extrusion product,
Machinery, electrical , metal and all type of e waste scrap
Electric Scooter, Electric Motocycle, Mobility Scooter.
Electric skateboard, mobility scooters. wheel chairs
Switch gear ,automobile, plastic, machine manufactures., electrical , defence, industries, printing machine mfd. ,etc
Steel, rubber belt, motor, gear motor
The buyer would like to receive quotations for -
Product Name: Electric Equipment
Specifications :
Type: Lights, PCBS, Switch Gears, Switches, Terminals, Etc.
Standard Size
Material: Copper, Brass, Rubber, Steel
Use: Electric
Packaging Terms : Standard
Quantity Required : MOQ
Shipping Terms : CIF
Destination Port : Klang, Malaysia
Payment Terms : L/C
Looking for suppliers from : Worldwide
Contact : Low
Electrical items circuit breaker, switch gear, equipment), factory part items motor, controller), energy and enironment(elctricity saver, water treatment), security system(cctv, access control), audiovisual equipment sound system)