Frozen pelagic and white fish, frozen atlantic mackerel (scomber scombrus), frozen atlantic herring (clupea harengus), frozen saithe (pollachius virens), frozen capelin (mallotus villosus), frozen cod (gadus morhua), frozen haddock (melanogrammus aeglefinus), frozen greenland halibut (reinhardtius hippoglossoides), frozen redfish (sebastes mentella, sebastes marinus, sebastes norvegicus), frozen northern prawn (pandalus borealis), frozen spotted wolffish (anarhichas minor), frozen atlantic wolffish (anarhichas lupus), frozen northern wolffish (anarhichas denticulatus), frozen european hake (merluccius merluccius), frozen european plaice (pleuronectes platessa)
Seafood like shrimps all type shrimps & prawns including head on, headless, pud & pd(raw/blanch) of vannamei flower white and black tiger., squid whole, whole clean, squid cut, rings & tentacles., cuttlefish whole, whole clean., octopus whole, whole clean.( 20 gms to 1000 gms), lobster rock lobster, fishes pomfret, ribbon fish, croaker, kingfish tilapia (whole & moon cut)