Please quote for the following wholesale product requirement -
Product Name: Aluminum AlSi10Mg Ingots
- The mixture shall 100% after customer data sheet as under written;
ISO Standard Casting Process (International)
- AlSi10Mg Sand Casting
- Alloyed Ingots Chemical Analysis Limits (% WEIGHT)
- Fe Si Cu Mn Mg Zn Ni Ti Pb Sn
- 0,50 9,00-10,0 0,10 0.40-0,60 0,30-0,45 0,10 0,10 0,15 0,05 0,05
The Aluminum rate is between 89-90%.!
- But on the aluminum ingot goods shall nothing written .!!!
- Whole ingots surface goods shall be blank, no any logo no any name ,just blank/empty surface!!
Then first need 500-700kg(1 Pallet) AlSi10Mg ingot goods after data sheet as above written for testing.!
Please written also to me the cost for the 1 Pallet ingot goods samples for testing. !
And if testing reult really ok, then starting the whole order.!