We’ve all heard of scam emails from Nigerian princes and data leaks on social media. But when it comes to your import/export business, you’re relatively safe… right? Thanks to that type of attitude, cyber criminals are literally making billions. Now, clever cyber-cons have graduated from consumer scams to those targeting small and mid-sized companies – which are more vulnerable to viruses, malware and ransomware. And, due to the nature of international business, importers and exporters are particularly at-risk.
In order to protect your business, the best thing you can do is stay alert. Phishers count on blending in, and use common requests in order to steal your financial information. Watch out for any language in a correspondence that feels “phishy.” Although you are dealing with cultural differences, some types of requests should never be granted. Read on to discover the 10 Ways to Spot a Phish.

You receive a request for goods or payment originally from a go4WorldBusiness user via an inquiry message, but later they email you outside of the site from an entirely different email address (all go4WorldBusiness connects are required to contact you via our platform for security reasons).

The sender’s email address is from a free email host (e.g., Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo) instead of the name of the company that (s)he claims to be from. Most of the times, a fraudulent scammer will not have the capability to setup business domains and business emails. Although, this is something they have increasingly started doing as well.

The sender claims to be from one location, but their IP address indicates another. Our platform makes this easy to spot – connects made through go4WorldBusiness will always list the country of origin.

If a message contains a link that takes you to a website whose URL doesn’t match the address specified in the link, do not click. Here’s how you can tell: hover (don’t click!) over it with your mouse to reveal the real url – if it looks suspicious, it probably is.
Phishing is a way for a scammer to steal your account credentials, such as your email address, your login ID and your account password. It involves taking a user to a genuine looking, but fake form on a web page and asking you to login into your account. A scammer may take you to a page that looks like the login form of your email provider such as gmail, hotmail, yahoo etc. or to a page that looks like the login form of go4WorldBusiness, paypal or your bank account.
They may even lure you into websites where they ask you to login to see an invoice or catalogue or order details.
Never expose your login credentials at websites unless you verify the identity of the business by looking at the url and confirming that you see “https” at the start of the url.

A common scam is that a cyber criminal will pose as a contact you know and trust. After you’ve made a deal with your legitimate contact, the Phisher will send you an email (posing as your contact) informing you of a change in payment terms. If you receive a suspicious request, even if it appears to be from someone you know, pick up the phone and confirm with your contact before proceeding.

If the message contains a generic salutation (e.g., “Dear Sir” or “Hello Friend”) or features a lot of language copied directly from your own online listing, it’s probably a phish. If a connect is truly interested in starting a business relationship with you, they will take the time to greet you by name and write the message in a way that makes sense.

If the sender requests information such as a credit card number or login information, it is, without a doubt, a scam. Legitimate business contacts will request that payments go through an Escrow Service or International Bank. They will never ask for your login info or credit card information.

Cyber-cons try to create a sense of urgency as a psychological tactic to persuade you into acting before you realize it is a scam. Don’t fall for it.

If you receive an unsolicited message that contains an attachment, do not download it. Ransomware, a malicious software that holds your data hostage, is becoming a common practice in the business world. Cyber criminals will unleash it on business computers and then threaten to either expose or destroy precious digital assets unless a large payment is made. Even after you pay their ransom, there’s no guarantee they’ll ever return your data. If however, you receive an attachment from a contact you already know and trust, proceed with caution (it’s a good idea to scan it for viruses first).

Sometimes a clever phisher will resemble a legitimate connection, at first. After a few seemingly normal exchanges, their behavior will gradually get more and more suspicious.
Be on the lookout for these telltale signs, and you can protect yourself against some of the most common phishing scams. If you encounter even one of these warnings, beware. Most of the time, if it sounds like a phish and looks like a phish, it probably is a phish.
At go4WorldBusiness, we take security seriously. Our rigorous vetting process prevents most ill-intentioned users from interacting on our site, and we’ve implemented built-in security features such as IP location IDs and Community Reporting for added protection. If you receive any suspicious emails through our platform, please click on the “File a complaint” link at the bottom of the email, and we will investigate it right away. Additionally, every business listed on go4WorldBusiness has the link – “File a complaint” that you can use to report a suspicious user to us. While it is ultimately your own responsibility to protect yourself against phishing, we are constantly working to prevent phishers from using our site.

[…] Dear User, It has come to our notice that some of our users have received email communication purportedly from the go4WorldBusiness Support Team asking them to share their account login and passwords. This email was sent from Support-team@go4worldbusiness.cc. Please do not respond to this email or click on any links it may contain as that will compromise the security of your go4WorldBusiness.com account. Please be aware that all official go4WorldBusiness email communication is sent from the domain go4WorldBusiness.com and not from go4WorldBusiness.cc. All official emails are sent to you from an email address that ends with go4WorldBusiness.com NOTE: go4WorldBusiness.com never asks for your password or other sensitive information by email or on the phone. Do not click links or respond to suspicious emails asking you for personal login information! Following is a copy of the fraudulent email that was sent out. Please delete it if you have received it and do not respond to it. ******************************************* From: go4worldbusiness <support-team@go4worldbusiness.cc> Sent: Friday, March 2, 2018 3:53:56 AM To: Sunay Subject: Urgent verification required at go4worldbusiness.com… Hi Dear go4worldbusiness user.we the go4worldbusiness support team wish to infrom you that we have noticed some fraudulent activities associated with your account and we would like you to verify your account with us falilure to do so will lead to a permanent closure of your account.verify your account with us by sending us this info via email us at Support-team@go4worldbusiness.cc Your username: Email address: pawsword: last login : Warm Regards, Rupalee Singh ——————————————————— Wyzen Systems Private Limited 32, Third Floor, Okhla Phase-3, New Delhi-110020, INDIA. Mobile: +91-98186-03311 Mobile: +91-98735-55895 Phone: +91 (11) 41507600 Ext. – 111 E-mail: Support-team@go4worldbusiness.cc ******************************************* Please read more about how to identify fraudulent emails and messages. […]
very good advance alert of phishing. Thank U so much.
Thanks, for the information
Thanks for the information.Now I have know about this matter
Thank you for your alerts
Can you help confirm the information of each company (phone , address , legal registration number)?
Thanks for the alert phishing, am really impress.
Thanks for the warning
Thanks lot for informing in detail such a preventive action from fraudulents. Kindly share much more and create awareness.
Hi Pavan,
Thanks for your kind words. We have created many blog posts since you were here last. Please visit our blog page to check out some fresh content related to the B2B world.
-Team go4WorldBusiness
Thanks for the heads up on the likely hood of phishers being on the prowl
thanks )
They help me so much. Thanks.
Thanks for the information, very helpful. I am starting my own business and this helps me to understand better the situation in the trading market. Love this platform so far.
You made my Day, Thanks !
Thanks for the information
Rất bổ ích
Terimakasih atas semua informasi yang sangat berguna ini. Saya pengguna baru dengan junior member. Saya masih butuh waktu banyak untu belajarmenjadi eksportir di situs ini. Saya masih kesuitan karena tidak ada orang yang memandu saya. Saya akan berusaha dari nol hingga berhasil.saya yakin saya bisa. Setelah saya memahami tentang bisnis ini, saya akan beralih menjadi member gold. Mohon dukungan dan bantuannya. Terimakasih
Hi Indah,
Thanks for choosing go4WorldBusiness. We really appreciate your interest in the website and your spirit to succeed. Feel free to write to us at help@go4WorldBusiness.com if you ever face any difficulty in using the website. We would recommend our paid memberships to you in order to increase your chances to find success through our platform.
-Team go4WorldBusiness
Thank you for your information.
Thank you for your information.
Ad a your junior member, Thanks for your precious advice.
Thanks for Information.
If I had read everything you posted, I would have come across such offers from phantom companies fraudulently.
So once in Accra Ghana I would have been kidnapped by Nigerian fraudsters.
Thanks to a friend of mine from Accra Ghana, I was saved. In fact, after seeing a photocopy of the passport of the fraudster who sent it to me by e-mail, my friend showed me his passport and the fraud was immediately apparent.
(I accidentally met my friend in Turkey at a tourist office).
The passport was the first secret of the fraudster.
The second was when we met in Ghana at the airport in Accra, the fraudster came with a large jeep and a personal driver.
But my friend who was with me immediately noticed the drunk man is a cheater.
1- The jeep noticed the dex is a car rental vehicle according to the license plates.
2- The cheating man was not from Ghana but a Nigerian, (I do not distinguish people from Africa, for me they are all the same but my friend knows them very well by face.
And so it was not difficult for me to unhook it.
Here and now I notice how they want to deceive me.
1-Is there a possibility to bring 1 ton of palm oil from Malaysia, Thailand or Indonesia for 350 dollars from those countries to Macedonia.?
2-And immediately request L / C refund 100% or 50% in advance.
Do they think that I will give money to people I do not know or do not know?
At my request to visit them on the spot to see the goods, they immediately find an excuse dex can not because of coyote or I can visit them but first to release money and then to meet similar excuses.
A company from my region was so deceived with 50,000 thousand dollars.
However, you should also take measures to expose such fraudsters ahead of time.
Very good step of awareness.