Natural Pharm Muscle Joint Pain Relief Vitamin Tea 100% Natural Ingredients: 1. Green tea 2. Ginger 3. Mint 4. Cinnamon 5. Chrysanthemum 6. Nettle leaf 7. Willow bark NATURAL PHARM COMMITTED No Artificial Flavors Vegan Preservative Free No Artificial Colors Gluten-free Sugar-free Natural Pharm teas use PLA mesh filters. This type of filter is made from Cereal (the main ingredient is cornstarch), non-toxic to users. The filter is biodegradable and eco-friendly.
SENNA PODS Senna has been used as a traditional medicine by ancient cultures all over the world for millennia. Senna is an Arabian name and 9th century writings describe how it was used extensively by Arabian physicians. According to a rare Egyptian medical papyrus, dating to the 16th century BCE, Senna was prescribed by the physicians for their distinguished patients. In North America, native tribes used the seeds (pods) as a mucilaginous medicine for sore throat. The Cherokees used the bruised root, moistened with water, for dressing sores. They also used it in a tea to cure fevers with black spots and paralysis as symptoms. Senna Pods Uses: Taking senna by mouth is effective for short-term treatment of constipation. Senna is an FDA-approved nonprescription drug for adults and children ages 2 years and older. However, in children ages 3-15 years, mineral oil and a medication called lactulose might be more effective than taking senna. Senna also appears to be effective for treating constipation when used in combination with psyllium or docusate sodium. In elderly people, senna plus psyllium is more effective than lactulose for treating ongoing constipation. Senna plus docusate sodium is effective for treating constipation in the elderly and in people who have undergone anorectal surgery. Taking senna appears to be as effective as lactulose, psyllium, and docusate for relieving constipation in people taking opioids or loperamide. Senna Benefits Constipation The most famous use of this herb is as a laxative and a purgative. It is now known that the laxative effects of Senna are due to anthraquinone glycosides known as sennosides. These compounds stimulate intestinal contractions that lead to the rapid expulsion of waste matter. Senna may also be able to soften the stool by assisting the large intestine to absorb more water and adding bulk to faeces. This allows for bowel movements that are quick and smooth as waste passes through the large intestine. Colon Cleanse Senna is often used to clear the bowel before diagnostic tests such as colonoscopies. Cleansing the colon is believed to improve nutrient uptake and support overall colon health. Anti-Parasitic:Senna also works as an effective vermifuge to destroy parasites and expel worms from the intestinal tract. It works best when combined with other anthelmintic herbs (used in the treatment of roundworm), such as ginger or fennel. These herbs increase regularity and reduce the chance of bowel cramps due to Sennaâ??s strong action. Digestive Health In the case of indigestion, Senna contains natural enzymes that help to restore gastric juice secretions in the stomach. Senna, if used in the proper dosage for certain periods of time, has shown potential in reducing irritability in the intestines by improving overall digestion. Senna also contains the anti-inflammatory compound resveratrol which can help to soothe inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. Skin Health
Sensodyne Fresh Mint Toot Paste, Sensodyne Fresh Mint Toothpaste provides fast relief within two weeks. It contains fluoride for cavity protection and potassium nitrate to reduce painful sensitivity. This fresh mint formula delivers a great taste to keep your mouth feeling fresh and clean. Variants Flavour : - Fresh Mint - Cool Gel - Multi Action - Whitening - Original Flavour.
Lavender tea is known for its soothing aroma and calming effect on the central nervous system. Regular use of lavender tea can provide many benefits for people with neurological dysfunction, including those who are often depressed, or worried and stressed because the essences in lavender help relieve The stress, make the spirit more excited and bring a better overall feeling. + Lavender tea works very well with people with insomnia. + Lavender tea also works well with the respiratory system such as preventing and relieving colds, coughs and even asthma. When you have a fever, you can apply lavender tea grounds to your forehead to reduce the fever.
Rose petals are edible and a traditional ingredient in the foods in the middle east, especially in desserts. In addition to sprinkling rose water on desserts, it is sprinkled on guests as a sign of welcome before the meal. Rose petal jam and cordial are still popular in Europe. Rose hips are a rich source of vitamin c and can be made into a conserve or jam. The petals are then eaten as a candy or used to decorate desserts. Roses are used for excess menstrual bleeding, digestive problems, gonorrhoea, and for liver symptoms. Delicious medicinal preparations can be made from rose petals, including syrup of roses, honey of roses, sugar of roses, rose water, and vinegar of roses. Rose petals have been used for conditions such as fevers, headache, jaundice, joint pain, fainting, weakness, trembling of the heart, poor digestion, and infection.
Tiger Balm Red with a natural blend to help relieve headaches, stuffy nose, pain from insect bites, itching, muscle aches, sprains and bloating. Ingredients: Camphor: 25%, Dementholised Mint Oil: 16%, Cajuput Oil: 13%, Menthol: 8%, Clove Oil: 1,5%, Hard Paraffin: 21% v Yellow Soft Paraffin just enough 100%. Reduces headaches, stuffy nose, pain from insect bites, itching, muscle aches, sprains and flatulence.
Tiger Balm White with natural compounds to help treat headaches, stuffy nose, flu symptoms, quickly dissolve insect stings, help relieve muscle aches, sprains and itchiness caused by insect bites. Ingredients: Camphor, Dementholised Mint Oil, Cajuput Oil, Menthol, Clove Oil, Cassia Oil, Yellow Soft Paraffin just enough.
Capsicum Oleoresin is prepared by extracting the crushed capsicum (Capsicum Annum Linn) with volatile solvents by percolation method. It contains the pungent principles, capsicin not less that 8 percent. It also contains the red colouring matter called Capsanthin. This product is a powerful irritant and a carminative, which is also used as a counter irritant in lumbago and neuralgia. It can also be used to treat stomach ache that involves poorly functioning stomach muscles and as an antibacterial agents. Extraction of oleoresin capsicum from peppers involves finely ground capsicum, from which capsaicin is extracted in an organic solvent such as ethanol. The solvent is then evaporated, and the remaining wax like resin is the oleoresin capsicum. An emulsifier such as propylene glycol is used to suspend the OC in water, and pressurized to make it aerosol in pepper spray. The high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method is used to measure the amount of capsaicin within pepper sprays. Scoville Heat Units (SHU) are used to measure the concentration or "heat" of pepper spray. A synthetic analogue of capsaicin, pelargonic acid vanillylamide (desmethyldihydrocapsaicin), is used in another version of pepper spray known as PAVA spray which is used in the United Kingdom. Another synthetic counterpart of pepper spray, pelargonic acid morpholide, was developed and is widely used in Russia. Its effectiveness compared to natural pepper spray is unclear. Pepper spray typically comes in canisters, which are often small enough to be carried or concealed in a pocket or purse. Pepper spray can also be bought concealed in items such as rings. There are also pepper spray projectiles available, which can be fired from a paintball gun. It has been used for years against demonstrators. Derived from chilli peppers, oleoresin capsicum is the active ingredient in pepper spray and in some topical pain relievers.
PARSLEY (Petroselinum sativum/crispum - Umbelliferae) Parsley is a hardy biennial herb which is native to the eastern Mediterranean. It is thought to have originated in Sardinia, but records show that seeds were imported to Britain from Sardinia in 1548; the plant had already been introduced to northern Europe by the Romans. There are several varieties of the herb. The curly leaved or moss-curled is the one most familiar in Britain as a garnish. The plain- or flat-leaved, continental parsley has heavily divided leaves, but they are not so curly; this is the plant which can be confused with another, Aethusa cynapium or fool's parsley, which is poisonous. Less familiar is the Neapolitan parsley from southern Italy which has thick stalks, eaten in Italy like celery (and, in fact, its French name is 'persil aux jeuilles de cileri'). All parsleys have carrot-shaped roots which can be eaten, but the Hamburg parsley (P. fusiformis) has been developed for its roots rather than its leaves. The common parsleys have dark green leaves, pale yellow-green flowers in umbels, followed by fruit seeds. The name petroselinum comes from the Greek for rock celery, referring to the natural habitat of the plant. Interestingly, selinum is thought to be the same as selinon, the Greek name for celery; the Romans called parsley 'apium', also the botanical name for celery; and French fool's parsley is called ache des chiens, ache also once a name for wild celery. Celery also belongs to the Umbelliferae family, and possibly there have been confusions over the years. The Ancient Egyptians used parsley, as did the Greeks, who crowned victorious soldiers with wreaths of it. Hercules did this after killing the Nemean lion, and thereafter victors in the Nemean and Isthmian games would do the same. They believed that parsley had grown from the blood of a hero, Archemorus, and Homer tells of a victory won by charioteers whose horses had renewed vigour after eating parsley. Parsley grew on Circe's lawn in the Odyssey. Pliny said that no sauce or salad should be without parsley, as did Galen, and both Pliny and Dioscorides thought of it as a diuretic and emmenagogue. Apicius sang its praises too. The Byzantines used it as a diuretic and made a strong infusion to help kidney stones. Charlemagne ordered that it be cultivated in the imperial gardens as a vegetable, and it was eaten at every meal. It also found a place in monastic gardens at this time. More recently, in the nineteenth century research was done on the emmenagogic properties of a constituent of the oil, apiol, by Professor Galligo, and doctors de Poggeschi and Marrotte. These were later confirmed by Dr Leclerc, proving to be truly efficaceous in treating cases of menstrual problems, particularly pain.
Salvia officinalis (Garden sage, Common sage) is a small perennial evergreen subshrub, with woody stems, grayish leaves, and blue to purplish flowers. It is a member of the family Lamiaceae and is native to the Mediterranean region, though it has naturalized in many places throughout the world. It has a long history of medicinal and culinary use, and in modern times as an ornamental garden plant. The common name "Sage" is also used for a number of related and unrelated species. Cultivars are quite variable in size, leaf and flower color, and foliage pattern, with many variegated leaf types. The Old World type grows to approximately 2 ft (0.61 m) tall and wide, with lavender flowers most common, though they can also be white, pink, or purple. The plant flowers in late spring or summer. The leaves are oblong, ranging in size up to 2.5 in (6.4 cm) long by 1 in (2.5 cm) wide. Leaves are grey-green, rugose on the upper side, and nearly white underneath due to the many short soft hairs. Modern cultivars include leaves with purple, rose, cream, and yellow in many variegated combinations. Sage is a silvery-green plant with leaves that offer a memorable fragrant. The most common variety of sage was first found growing in regions around the Mediterranean but now grows in regions of North America as well. The leaves of the sage herb serve both medicinal and culinary purposes. For thousands of years sage has been used for a variety of culinary and medicinal purposes. It has been used in connection with sprains, swelling, ulcers, and bleeding. As a tea, sage has been administered for sore throats and coughs. Herbalists have also used this herb for rheumatism, menstrual bleeding, strengthening the nervous system, improving memory, and sharpening the senses.
Lovage-, Levisticum officinale, is a perennial herb that looks like parsley and is in the parsley, or Apiaceae, family, like anise, dill, caraway, cumin, and fennel. Lovage is native to mountainous areas of southern Europe and Asia Minor. It is sometimes called sea parsley. Lovage (Levisticum officinale) is a plant, the leaves and seeds or fruit of which are used to flavor food, especially in South European cuisine. It is a tall (3 to 9 ft) perennial that vaguely resembles its cousin celery in appearance and in flavor. Lovage also sometimes gets referred to as smallage, but this is more properly used for celery. Herb (Levisticum officinale) of the parsley family, native to southern Europe. It is cultivated for its stalks and foliage, which are used for tea, as a vegetable, and to flavour foods. Its rhizomes are used as a carminative, and the seeds are used for flavouring desserts. Oil obtained from the flowers is used in perfumery. The French call lovage céleri bâtard, "false celery," because of its strong resemblance to that plant. Lovage has been used since Greek and Roman times for everything from a seasoning, to a curative for maladies ranging from indigestion to freckles, to a love potion. It grows up to 7 feet high and has large, dark green, celerylike leaves. The flavor of the pale stalks is that of very strong celery. The leaves, seeds and stalks can be used (in small amounts because of their potent flavor) in salads, stews and other dishes such as fowl and game. The stalks can be cooked as a vegetable. Dried lovage leaves and chopped or powdered stalks can be found in natural food stores and gourmet markets. The seeds are commonly called celery seed. Lovage is also called smallage and smellage. lovage, tall perennial herb (Levisticum officinale) of the family Umbelliferae (parsley family), native to the mountains of S Europe and cultivated elsewhere. Its aromatic fruits are used in soups and as a flavoring for confectionery and for some liqueurs. An aromatic oil extracted from the roots has been used medicinally and also for flavoring. The edible leaves are usually used like celery. Lovage is classified in the division Magnoliophyta, class Magnoliopsida, order Apiales, family Umbelliferae.
Joint-Pain-Relief Herbal Tea
Chemical formula C4H6O5 C.A.S number 004-525-33-1 Formula weight 134.09 Appearance Colourless liquid Assay Not less than 99.8% Density 1.25g/cm3(20C/68F) Application Using for the different beverages: flavored water energy drinks tea drinks juice till 100% Mechanism of efficiency of DMDC DMDC can permeate through the cell membrane, and block the metabolism through reacting with the enzymes of microorganism, then achieve the purpose of sterilization. Even in very low additive amount, DMDC can effectively kill typical spoilage bacteria in beverage, and not affect the taste, flavor and color of the beverage. Furthermore, it could be rapidly and completely hydrolyzed to carbon dioxide and methanol, which are the natural ingredients of juice. Package Gauga: 4KG/20KG Storage conditions In optimal storage conditions (storage temperature: 20C-30C), the storage period is one year
COCONUT TEAPOT AND CUPS Specification: Origin: Viet Nam Main material: 100% Coconut Size: Teapot: Mounth Diameter: 6cm Body Diameter: 12cm Heingth: 10cm Teacup: D4xH4cm Color: Natural Color, Brown MOQ: 100 sets (1 set: 1 Teapot and 6 Cups) Feature: Eco-friendly, high quality, luxurious, modern. Function: Decoration, Tableware, Coffee Tea store Payment: L/C, T/T, Western union, Xoom or Wise
COCONUT TEAPOT AND CUPS Specification: Origin: Viet Nam Main material: 100% Coconut Size: Teapot: Mounth Diameter: 6cm Body Diameter: 12cm Heingth: 10cm Teacup: D4xH4cm Color: Natural Color, Brown MOQ: 100 sets (1 set: 1 Teapot and 6 Cups) Feature: Eco-friendly, high quality, luxurious, modern. Function: Decoration, Tableware, Coffee Tea store Payment: L/C, T/T, Western union, Xoom or Wise
Dried leaves for industrial use Free from big stalks and branches, the stevia leaves are used for producing the stevioside and liquid extracts of stevia. Specification: Moisture under 10 Ñ - 7, 01% Stevioside - 10, 78% Rebaudioside À - 3, 66% Purity: - dried green leaves - 90-95%; - seeds, flowers and yellow leaves – 5-10%; Harvest period: september - april Packing: Polypropylene bags per 25 or 50 kg 20"st contains 7500 – 8000 kg 40"st contains 15000 – 16000 kg 40"hq contains 18000 kg Ground leaves Dried ground stevia leaves are used in teas as natural sweeteners. Specifications: Purity: - dried green leaves – 90-95%; - seeds, flowers and yellow leaves - 5%-10%; Size: 5 – 10 mm; Color: green, light green. Packing type: double polypropylene and polyethylene bags, per 7 kg. Fine ground leaves Fine ground leaves are used in tea bags, as well as in tea mixtures as natural sweetener and dietary supplement. Specifications: Purity: - dried green leaves - 90%-95%; - seeds, flowers and yellow leaves - 5%-10%; Size: 1 – 2 mm; Color: green, light green. Packing type: double polypropylene and polyethylene bags, per 7 kg.
Product of Unilever Indonesia. Lifebuoy Products & Variants: 1. Body Wash: Cool Fresh, Lemon Fresh, Matcha Green Tea, Mild Care, Nature Pure, Total 10, Vita Protect. 2. Shampoo: Anti Hair Fall, Anti Dandruff, Hairfall Treatment, Strong & Shiny 3. Soap : Cool Fresh, Kasturi Musk, Lemon Fresh, Matcha Green Tea, Mild Care, Total 10.